I Became the Genius of the Gigant Academy

Chapter 41:

Chapter 41:

As the cadets exited the vehicle, they looked at Karl with bewilderment, astonishment, disbelief, and doubt. Karl continued to speak casually even though he was under such gaze.

“Well, we’re just starting, but let’s all disembark and assemble at the front.”

After a moment of hesitation, the cadets got out of the vehicle and gathered in front, still maintaining their alertness. Abel scanned the area as he got out. There had definitely been a loud bang, but there was no sign of it on the vehicle or in the surrounding area. A few people questioned it, and glanced at the vehicle in front. It was Karl who explained how the sound came about.

“The sound is just made up. Don’t worry, everything is fine.”

Even after the explanation, everyone’s doubt still remained unresolved, as they hadn’t been told why they would do such a thing. Then, Karl spoke again.

“That was just a light test.”

“A test?”

“Yes. To see how you’d react in an emergency.”

However, the doubt in the cadets’ eyes refused to go away, Karl smirked as if he understood them all.

“You all seem to have a lot of questions, but I can’t answer them all right now,”

Karl continued with a smile.

“You’re already in the middle of the practice.”

Abel turned to Karl and asked a question.

“You said we passed, so what then happens to those who didn’t?”

“That’s an important question. It’s simple. Those who failed have nothing. On the other hand, those who passed have a major advantage.

As if waiting, Karl pulled two pieces of paper out of his pocket and handed them to Abel.

“And this is the advantage”

The papers Abel received turned out to be maps.

“This is the last time I’ll be so kind as to tell you whether you’ve passed or failed.”

Karl said, pointing to the map in Abel’s hand.

“It shows the destination you should arrive at. Of course, since there are two destinations, you will have to travel in groups.”

Abel didn’t bother to ask what was at the destination. If he did, Karl wouldn’t have told him anyway, but it didn’t matter. Abel already knew what was there.


Where the destination pointed, there were Gigants, so he had to get to where the map indicated at all costs. And it wasn’t just to get a good grade on the test. This practice was going to have some unwelcome guests. And he could never overcome that danger with his bare body. While Abel continued to think and calculate, Karl explained a few more things and then said,

“Well, then, do your best.”

With that, Karl walked away, leaving the ten cadets, including Abel, alone. By then, Abel had finished his thoughts and turned to the perplexed cadets.

“Everyone, we need to focus”

Everyone’s gaze turned to Abel in an instant. Abel waved the two maps in his hand. Though he was taking on the role of the leader, no one protested. Seeing his calm demeanor and judgment earlier, everyone was implicitly acknowledging him.

“Two maps. Ten people.”

There were more than one or two worries and a lot of things to pay attention to, but he knew what they had to do right now.

“Let’s divide into groups of five and get moving.”

To secure the gigants first.

»————- ★ ————-«

The grouping was quick. Firstly, they discussed and shared a map with different destinations, then split up accordingly. The maps pointed to different goals. One looked safer, but the destination was farther away, and the other was more dangerous, but the destination was close.

“We’ve all decided.”

Of course, Abel chose the closer location. Once Abel had made his choice, Daniel and May didn’t hesitate to join the group, followed by Darin, who had an acquaintance with May. So far, it was as expected, but the last person to join was a bit unexpected.

“I’ll join too.”

It was Kalian, a cadet with red hair, just like Hannah. It was a surprise because Kalian had often shown hostility toward Abel. They never openly quarreled, but you could tell by the look in his eyes. However, Abel nodded in approval, as there was no reason to dismiss the idea of being in the same group.

“Well, now that the group has been decided, let’s make a plan right away.

Abel put aside his thoughts about the group and spread out the map for everyone to see. The map was not as precise as the modern ones, but it was at least recognizable.

“This is where we are now.”

Abel first pointed to the left corner of the map, then tapped the top right corner.

“This is our destination.”

“There’s a forest in the middle.”

“Yeah. We could go around it straight to the right, but that would take a lot of time.”

“It would be much shorter to go straight through the forest, but it would slow us down as we would have to move cautiously, right?

Abel nodded at Kalian’s point.

“I suppose so, but we must also consider that it was Instructor Karl who handed us this map.”

Everyone immediately understood what he meant without adding a detailed explanation. Darin spoke in a timid tone.

“So, you’re saying there could be traps?”

Infamous Scans

“Yes. Taking a detour means prioritizing safety; right now, I’m not sure that detour is safe.”

Originally, they could choose between taking the risk and shortening the time or playing it safe, even if it takes a little longer. But now it was different. They had to consider the Academy’s intentions, not just the environment and the map. Kalian narrowed his eyes before speaking.

“But on the other hand, they could be hiding bigger traps in the forest, and even if we took a detour, we’d still be faster than the other group since we’re so much closer to our destination.”

“That’s true,”

Abel nodded obediently. Karl has been pessimistic about Abel’s opinion, but there is nothing wrong with his attitude. Sentimentality or not, one of us needed to approach this with caution.


Abel feigned to be troubled and recalled the information he already knew in his head.

‘If we go through the forest, we’ll definitely arrive very quickly. We’d be among the fastest of all the other classes combined.’

Conversely, if they took the detour, they’d likely arrive at a similar time to the other groups, even if they did well. Of course, both assumptions are based on whether they pass well.

‘The problem is, there are traps on both sides.’

There was no safe path.

The Academy has set up traps along every path, meaning there’s no way to get to their destination comfortably in the first place. However, not all traps were of the same level.

Abel turned his attention back to the map. The detour would take longer, so the traps would be less dangerous. The forest, on the other hand, would be more difficult. It was practically halfway to the point of being a no-go area, and with that in mind, the answer was obvious.

“Let’s hear everyone’s opinion. Let’s have a majority vote .”

Abel made his decision and then spoke.

“I think we should go through the forest.”

Although it’s perilous, it also means that if they can get past the danger, they can get through it very quickly. That’s what was necessary. The faster they go, the higher the score. This was important because the initial score would count towards their grades no matter what happened later in the practice.

“What does everyone else think?”

Abel asked, already knowing the outcome. Going with the majority meant that Abel would get his way.

“Yeah. I’ll go through the forest too.”

“Me too.”

Daniel and May generally deferred to Abel’s judgment.

“I’ll go too…”

Darin also decided to follow the trend. Kalian gave in to the general direction with a dissatisfied expression. As soon as the decision was made, Abel drew attention by clapping his hand.

“Okay. Then let’s move right away.”

A smile tugged at the corners of Abel’s mouth.

“I’ve got a plan, and I want everyone to listen carefully.”

»————- ★ ————-«

Five Cadets were crossing a dark forest. It had been over half an hour since they’d entered the forest, but it was oddly quiet. According to the map, they should be able to reach their destination in about an hour if they travel in a straight line. In other words, this meant they were already halfway there. But they couldn’t be too happy.

‘It’s almost time,’

They were about to encounter the danger they’d been prepared for. There was no one who didn’t know that, so everyone picked up their pace with a lot of tension. After another ten minutes of traveling.


Abel heard the rustling of the grass not far away. As soon as he recognized the sound, he raised his sword. The others also noticed the anomaly and raised the weapons they received as supplies. At the same time, everyone exchanged glances.


Abel listened for the approaching sound, waiting for the right moment as soon as something unidentifiable was within earshot.


Abel shouted in a loud voice, and at the same time, Daniel, who was in the middle of the line, sprinted forward.


Just then, the man hiding in the bushes and approaching revealed himself. Abel saw that the man was headed toward Daniel and immediately crashed in front of him.


Swords collided with swords, and sparks flew. The one who emerged from the grass was a man in dark clothes. The man swung his sword at Abel; fortunately, Abel blocked it.

Kang, Kang, Kang-!

Abel struggled to block the blows and looked at his opponent.

“There are two more next to you!”

Darin shouted in a loud voice. While the first one to come out from the grass drew attention, two other people secretly approached and swung their swords. These were the traps set in the forest. And Abel already knew that their identities were the academy’s assistants.

“Everyone gather at the center!”

Abel shouted, gathering the four of them in the center. Sure enough, the raiders unleashed a barrage of vicious attacks that prevented them from sticking together quickly. It wasn’t as if their lives were at stake as they had been against the fragment of the gigant, but that didn’t mean they were easy opponents.

Abel smiled, though. Their purpose is simple. To keep the cadets tied down for as long as possible, so there was no reason for them to be impatient.

‘But now I have no choice but to be impatient.’

The reason is simple: he missed one.


Swords clashed once more. The raiders swung their swords at the cadets to take them down. But Abel and the cadets were not easily threatened. There was a huge disparity in skill between the assistants and the cadets, but they couldn’t hurt the cadets much. Knowing that, the cadets were using that very point to preserve better than the raiders could have expected.

Of course, the average performance of those in Abel’s group also played a part. There was May, not to mention Kalian, who they could count on with their physical strength. So, the fight lasted longer than expected.


But eventually, the end came. Darin, who seemed to be in danger, lost his grip on his sword and fell. With one man down, the raiders immediately picked up momentum and pressed the remaining three.



Next, Kalian was punched in the stomach, sending him to his knees. Abel felt his hand gradually twisting, and for a moment he thought,

‘At this rate, it won’t be long before everyone is subdued.’


Kalian groaned and bounced backward. He was kicked on his back while swinging his weapon, even on his knees.


Following that, Darin fell to the ground while screaming. A sharp knife was pointed to his throat. In the blink of an eye, two men had been subdued.

Only May and Abel were the only ones left. On the other hand, the masked men were all unharmed, so at this rate, the rest of them would be subdued in no time.


Just then, a shadow fell across Abel’s face.


A loud sound echoed in the distance.

Thump! Thump!

The sound came at regular intervals, gradually getting closer.


Disappointed raiders who saw it clicked their tongues and instantly ran somewhere. Everyone blankly turned their heads toward the sound, unaware of what was happening.

Abel breathed a sigh of relief and looked toward the source. In the distance, something was sticking out of a tall tree, one arm raised high and swaying from side to side. Daniel had brought the Gigant just in time.

“We did it.”

In other words, Abel’s group was the first to secure a gigant.

[To be continued.]


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