I Became the Fiancé of a Crazy Heroine

Chapter 9-2

Chapter 9-2

Second floor corridor, Duke Adelairas mansion.

Hanette strolled down the corridor with a sullen expression on her face.

She had only just returned from a meeting with her father, where she received semi-forced instructions from Robbins.

If she followed the conditions, she would benefit, but if she didnt, her pocket money would be reduced.

Ha Youre trying so hard to set me up with him.

It was quite unfair from her point of view, but she couldnt ignore it.

All of her money came from Robbins, and it wasnt a small amount.

She would have rebelled if hed just told her he was going to cut her allowance, but now that she was given a choice, she had to back down a little.

Why complicate things by asking me to accompany him?

Robbins terms were simple enough.

Whenever you go to the pub or the gambling establishment, take Sion Laird with you.

If she did, he would double her pocket money, but if she didnt, he would cut it in half.

In other words, half of her pocket money would fall and rise depending on whether Sion was with her or not.

Drinking, gambling, whats the fun in that

Hanette sighs and heads up the stairs.

Shed only ever used alcohol and gambling as a way to stockpile funds.

If Sion Laird were to follow her, it would only hinder her from siphoning off her pocket money.

At least hes giving me half the money.

For now, Hanette was focused on saving as much money as possible.

If she could get Sion Laird to cooperate, another half of her pocket money would follow.

She couldnt pass up this opportunity.

How do I convince him

Hanette came to a halt in front of Sions room, pondering.

She had already agreed to team up with Sion Laird.

If he was paid for his efforts, he would do as he was told.

I suppose we could split it equally.

Hanette cleared her throat and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and Sion was immediately visible, sitting at his desk.

Can I have a word with you? she asked.

My time is expensive. Did you bring payment?

Hah What do you want from me?

I dont want anything, Im just kidding.

Youre a real brat.

My sister is excellent at catching my words.

Hanette strode into the room with a scowl on her face.

Sion offered a faint smile and moved to the round table.

So, what do you have to say?

I want you to do me a favour. I just need you to stay with me while I go somewhere.

Where do you mean Do you mean the pub or the gambling establishment?

Exactly, and if you do, Ill get extra half of my pocket money.

Hmm What do I get if I do what my sister says?

Ill give you half of the extra money. Isnt that good?

Based on the conversation, Sion quickly understood Hanettes situation.

From her perspective, she wouldnt want to go to a bar or gambling house with someone else.

Sure, shed benefit from going with him, but shed be siphoning off money, so it wasnt a great option.

It would be a risky proposition, with both benefits and losses.

So if you dont go with me, youll lose your pocket money?

Youre a smart one. So will you or wont you?

Your reasoning is wrong. If I dont go with you, youll lose money, right? So how about you give me everything you gain by going with me?

What? You think Im doing this for your benefit?

I have nothing to lose, so why not give it all and keep what you have?


Hanette clenched her fists and glared at Zion.

He may be young, but what he was doing was cunning.

Regardless of the benefits, she didnt like his answer.

Forget it! Ill rather have a lesser allowance and not go with you, who do you think you are?

Hanette raised her voice and stood up.

She felt stupid for expecting anything from him.

It would have been better to give up half her allowance rather than lose her pride and receive his help.

Um did I offend you?

Forget it, Im not going with you anymore.

Dont be like that, at least listen to what I have to say.

Listen to what? Youre completely ignoring me, and I cant believe Im caught up with a guy like you

I cant even joke? Sit down, Ill only take half of it.

I dont know. I wont.

Despite her answer, Hanette did not leave the room.

Sion covered his mouth, barely holding back the laughter from escaping.

I was just kidding, what would I spend my sisters pocket money on?

I dont know, maybe you have plenty of places to spend it, or you wouldnt be asking for it.

Kuku Okay, fine, I wont do that again.

Add one more thing.

Add what?

Dont call me a crazy in the future. You think anyone listens to that because they want to hear it?

You dont want to hear that, noted. I wont, so take a seat.

Hanette still glared at Sion, but then carefully sat down.

The smile slowly fades from his face, and he resumes his conversation.

Ill do what you want. But on one condition.

What are they?

When you leave, you have to leave after sunrise, and when you return, you have to return before sunset. Can you do that?


Hanette replied bluntly, but she understood where Sion was coming from.

He probably had his own schedule and things to do, and she couldnt just ask him to show up.

Depending on the situation, she might have to adjust to his schedule.

I have things to do, too, so I cant always be there.

I wont force you, I just need you to stay with me for a while.

Oh. Just so you know, I cant drink, though I might gamble once in a while.

Im not asking you to drink. Whether you want to gamble or not is up to you.

Not for long.

I dont plan on staying long.

Sion didnt want to interrupt Harnetts plans.

He might be a minor character, but that didnt change his mind.

It was easier to see into the future when the flow of content remained constant.

Ill pretend to fit in.

It wasnt time to move on yet.

I didnt have the Sword I wanted, and the main character hadnt even shown up.

For now, he had to cooperate with Hanette and play nice.

I dont think shes very good at drinking

* * *

A luxury tavern in the capital of the Kingdom of Alaine.

Unlike the more common taverns, luxury taverns had a strictly targeted customer base.

Only nobles were welcome, and they were served and paid for accordingly.

Commoners could only enter if they had a lot of money or were accompanied by a noble.

Didnt you say you couldnt drink?

I did.

Ill order you something else, but you can have that.

Hanette sat down first, looking relaxed.

Sion sat down behind her, glancing around.

The only people he could see were richly dressed nobles, with the occasional sound of conversation or laughter.

Youre only a child, after all. Who cant drink?

Do you expect to be treated like an adult because you can drink?

What do you think I want from you? Just wait and see.

Hanette opened the bottle and poured the alcohol straight into the glass.

Sion watched with a faint unease.

He wondered if she was going to drink too much, just to show off.

Drink in moderation. Its not healthy to drink until youre drunk.

Are you worried about me? Looks like I got a good fianc.

Im worried about me, not you. I dont think I can handle a wasted person.

I dont drink that much.

Hanette smirked and raised her glass.

Sion, on the other hand, sipped his tea, trying to shake off his anxiety.

But the thing he feared would happen eventually did.

Hey You think youre better than me, and thats why youre making fun of me, huh? If youre going to call me sister, at least be polite, you b**tard.


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