I Became the Fiancé of a Crazy Heroine

Chapter 6-2

Chapter 6-2

Adelairas Dukes Mansion, First Floor Hall.

Sion entered the mansion with his servants.

The servants put down their heavy luggage and left the mansion.

The butlers and maids in the first-floor hall bowed at the same time to show their respect.

Welcome. Have you been well? Yenid greeted Sion warmly and approached him.

Sion politely nodded his head and replied, Yes, Thanks to your care.

My husband had to leave earlier due to some business. He asked me to apologize for him.

Its okay. As the head of the Adelaira family, he must be busy.

Sion looked around the mansion secretly with formality.

It looked more splendid than Marquis Lairds mansion, and even the garden and courtyard outside were bigger than theirs.

The knights and soldiers guarding the main gate seemed well-trained, and even the number of maids and servants seemed larger.

This could be comparable to a royal palace.

Everyone except for me and Hanette are out, so there was no one to receive you. Im sorry.

As a member of the Dukes household, you must have a lot of work to do.

Sion restrained his desire to be sarcastic and softened his tone.

Since Duke had to maintain influence while managing his connections, there were naturally many people he had to meet.

However, Dukes children had so much time and allowance to spend that they made a job out of simply goofing around.

Perhaps they even saw their engagement to Hanette as just another mundane part of their daily routine.

Where is Sister Hanette?

As soon as the word Sister was mentioned, the butler and maids quickly straightened their posture in surprise

It was quite an affectionate and gentle title, but it seemed a little excessive.

Hanette is sleeping. Um maybe because shes tired, she seems to be sleeping a little longer.

Yenid smiled warmly, glancing at Sion.

Normally, Hanette should have been woken up and brought to this place without fail.

But Hanette flatly refused and didnt come out of his room, even locking the door.

Of course, they could have forced her awake with a key, but they gave up because it would have made the mansion chaotic.

They say the more beautiful a woman is, the longer she sleeps, and I suppose thats true.


Yenid was surprised by the unexpected response, but didnt show it.

Her eyes were clear, and she seemed quite sincere, not just teasing.

Above all, he wouldnt say anything unnecessary with someone in front of her.

When a man leaves the house, a woman must protect the house. Im grateful to her simply for being there. Even Sister Hanette must get sometimes tired, right?

That thats right, thank you for your consideration.

The butlers and maids listened to the conversation, filled with doubts.

They never expected Sion to praise Hanettes rude behavior.

Perhaps Sion had to genuinely like Hanette to act that way.

Ill have to see Hanette later. Where is my room?

Oh, Ill show you.

As Yenid led the way up the stairs, Sion followed closely behind.

The servants silently followed them, and somewhere, maids appeared to carry Sions luggage.

Have you become close with Hanette? Even if there are some flaws, I hope you can understand. She may seem tough, but she has a gentle heart.

I know. Maybe shes hiding in her room because shes embarrassed to see me.

Sion spoke calmly, but he acknowledged the truth in those words.

Hanette may act like a rogue, but she never caused harm to anyone. She knew that lying to make money was wrong and that it damaged the familys reputation. But she had no other choice and could only hide her true self while enduring the guilt.

Oh my, was Hanette embarrassed at the engagement ceremony? She didnt seem like it.

I think shes exaggerating because shes shy. Or maybe theres another reason.

During the engagement period, Sion was going to stay at the Duke of Adelairas mansion.

Until Hanette ran away, they needed to show their affection for each other, to make the Laird family look good and to ensure the engagement would not be called off.

Is that so? I never knew Hanette had that side to her.

I will try to get closer to her. We cant be shy of each other, even at a wedding, can we?

Youre right. Youre thoughtful.

Yenid pondered while agreeing with Sions words, showing a more favorable attitude towards Hanette than expected.

Since their engagement, Hanette only frequented bars and gambling establishments, and never met Sion privately. It felt like one-sided pushing.

Could it be that Hanette

Yenid stopped in front of the door while walking down the hallway. Although she couldnt be sure yet, it was not impossible. From her perspective, it was something to be happy about, and maybe Robbins would feel relieved when he heard the news.

This is the room. My husband prepared you a nice room, and Hannet is right next door.

Oh, really? I should thank him.

Heheh Ill tell him for you. Heres the key.

Yenid handed the key to Sion, showing a satisfied smile. If things were left as they were, Sion could naturally enter Hannets room.

Of course, they had only held an engagement ceremony so far, but it couldnt be considered wrong for them to go back and forth between each others rooms as theyll be getting married eventually.

If anything, if they spent the night together, they could tie the knot more surely.

If you need anything, just tell me anytime. Even if you tell the servants, theyll take care of it.

Thank you for your consideration. May I ask you a few questions before you leave?

Of course. What do you want to know?

I know this has already been discussed, but Ill ask again. Before the wedding, I want to move around freely. I may come back late or leave early. Is that okay?

Oh, My husband also agreed to that point, but he said he doesnt want anything that might cause trouble.

There wont be any such thing. We cant have problems when were about to get married, can we?

Of course, Sion had already negotiated with Fred on this matter, and Robbins and Yenid already knew it. However, small details had to be clarified when there was a chance, as any issues that arose later could not only affect Sion but also the Laird.

I would also like to know about things I need to be careful about and the rules inside the mansion. Please If you can tell me about your family, Ill take that into consideration

Oh my. Youre so meticulous. You dont have to be that careful.

As someone whos imposing myself on you, Ill have to be careful in advance

Arghh Why is it so noisy?

A woman in the next room appeared to be wearing pajamas.

Her orange hair was disheveled, and her eyes were half-closed. Yenid was astonished and couldnt say anything.

Huh? Why are you

Hannet noticed Sion and tilted her head

And then, after a moment of thinking, it seems like she realizes something.

She must have heard that Sion Laird is coming in her sleep.

Youre awake. Those clothes arent bad either.


Hanette blushed and quickly ran back into her room.

Sion watched her quietly and then chuckled to himself.

Shes cute. What an interesting fiance.


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