I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 5: Dark Knight Dale (5)

Chapter 5: Dark Knight Dale (5)

Dale bowed his head. He did not make this gesture out of his own will but because his head involuntarily drooped down.

The smoke filling the room soon took shape.

Pale, almost ghostly white feet and long black hair cascaded down to the floor.

Even though Dale could only see her feet because his head was lowered, he felt that the being standing before him was extremely beautiful.

Dale spoke calmly.

As I told you last time, I am not your son.

[Children who follow the night are all my offspring. Since your gender is male, isnt it appropriate to call you my son? Or perhaps, would you prefer if I addressed you more affectionately as my prince?]


Dale inwardly groaned, swallowing a sigh, as the Goddess of Night spoke to him.

[Moreover, it took you a year to visit me again. Do you know how saddened this goddess was? Let me see your face.]

Dale removed his helmet and tucked it under his arm.

His white hair spilled over his shoulders.

The goddess exclaimed in admiration.

[Truly, you are so handsome. Who do you take after? I worry those wicked ones might snatch you away.]

Dale ignored her reaction and said.

I got lost on my way from Russell to here. As I was wandering the mountains, time just flew by.

[My son is terrible at directions. Make sure to always have a guide with you in the future.]Rรชaฤ‘ lat๐’†st ch๐’‚/p/ters on n๐’/v/๐’†/l(b)i๐’(.)c/๐’/m

Although he hated to admit it, Dale nodded his head.

Still, he hadnt come here to engage in idle chatter.

I shall offer you the souls I have collected so far.

Dale extended his right hand forward. A soft yet cold hand grasped his, drawing something from within Dale.

[A considerable amount. With this, an upgrade in rank is well within reach. I shall bestow a blessing corresponding to the offering. Make your choice.]

Three options appeared before Dales eyes.

Increase Strength

Enhance Armor

Strengthen Soul

This part is the same as the game.

The choice here would determine the direction of Dales future growth.

Firstly, Increase Strength.

It literally means gaining more strength. This aspect most directly affects the persons combat capabilities.

Next is Enhance Armor.

The armor was no different from the dark knights own body, and it grew along with the dark knight himself.

Enhancing the armor meant more than just making it harder.

It could be made heavier, enlarged, or even activate hidden features within it, like transforming parts of it into sharp blades.

Lastly, strengthening the soul increased the total amount of magical power.

The dark knight was a rather versatile class. Having lost much as a human, he was bestowed by the Goddess of Night with not only superior physical abilities but also magical talents.

Depending on the direction of growth, high-level dark magic could also be wielded.

And magic can be used in various ways. It becomes much more important in the second half.

Having raised several max-level characters before, Dale knew how crucial magic was in the later stages.

Dale found himself deep in thought. It was difficult to decide which of the three to choose.

This was his first time nurturing a dark knight.

The Goddess of Night quietly waited for Dales decision.

Actually, she seemed rather pleased, as if enjoying every extra moment spent with Dale.

Finally, Dale made his decision.

I will increase strength.

[Are you certain?]


In the early stages, it indeed seemed right to increase strength.

Even if he enhanced his armor, without sufficient strength, he would only end up getting battered. And it was too early to increase magical power.

There is also the role of being a tank by investing everything in defense, but

For that, Dale would need to find exceptional allies he could trust and rely on.

However, Dale was a dark knight.

Let alone exceptional allies, it was not easy even to gather ordinary ones.

In the end, he needed the capacity to handle everything on his own.

Dale made his choice and the goddess listened. A hazy smoke enveloped him.


Every muscle in his body twisted and roared. Still, there was no pain. Dale just calmly waited.

And after a short while, Dale felt a change in his body.

Ive become stronger.

The density of his muscles had increased. He gave all the souls he had saved up for a year, so the difference was quite significant.

The goddess spoke with a happy tone.

[It seems you are pleased.]


[I shall also raise your grade.]

Thank you.

The Goddess gently caressed Dales helmet.

That was all it took.

A swirl of smoke gathered and dispersed before Dales eyes, revealing his transformed stats.


Grade: 2

Class: dark knight

Strength: 40

Defense: 20

Magical Power: 10


Spiritual Power: 10

[List of Acquired Skills]

Life Force Absorption: Absorbs the remaining life force and residual souls from corpses.


Half-human, Half-undead: Your sense of touch, taste, and touch becomes dull, but in exchange, you do not get tired. All physiological needs such as sleep and food become unnecessary.

Unholy Senses: All senses except pain, taste, and touch become heightened. You have an increased sensitivity to hostility, killing intent, and the scent of blood.

Blessing of the Goddess of Night: Allows for the restoration of the body by absorbing life force. This power is greatly amplified at night when the goddesss strength is at its peak.


Dale slowly read through the information.

A strength of 40 and a defense of 20. For a grade 2, these were exceptionally high numbers.

The stats of a dark knight are certainly impressive.

According to the setting, dark knights were once honorable knights who became corrupted and transformed.

It was an unholy being who was baptized directly by the Goddess of Night and whose soul and body were fixed in armor imbued with the power of darkness.

The important point was that they were originally knights.

Knights in this world were essentially human weapons.

Therefore, dark knights, originally being knights, naturally possessed high stats.

As Dale meticulously scrutinized the information, the voice of the goddess reached his ears.

[With your grade now at 2 and strength surpassing 35, you meet the conditions to advance to a death knight. What are your thoughts on this, Dale?]

As soon as the goddess finished speaking, a message appeared before his eyes.

Would you like to advance to a death knight?

Death knight. One of the branches of the dark knight class.

The character was known for significant enhancements in physical abilities.

Even if its not the strongest its strength would still be about 1.5 times greater than the me now.

However, Dale decisively shook his head without any hesitation.

I wont change my class. Isnt a death knight essentially an undead?

Even though Dale ended up like this, he wanted to remain human.

Becoming entirely undead for a bit of extra strength was out of the question.

Besides, death knights may be strong early on, but they have limited growth potential.

The Goddess of Night was pleased with Dales decision.

[Thats right. I, too, did not wish for you to become an unsightly undead.]

Then, I shall take my leave.

With no further business there, Dale rose from his kneeling position. As he did, the smoke that had formed the shape of the woman dispersed in all directions around her.

Dales current level did not allow him to see the true face of his goddess.

As he was about to leave the prayer room, the voice of the goddess reached him from behind.

[Youre doing well, Dale. Continue to persevere as you are now. In doing so, you will eventually obtain what you desire at the end of your journey.]

Dale, who was reaching for the doorknob, paused momentarily.

What Dale desired.

To return to Earth. And to become human again.

If those two things could be achieved, Dale was ready to do anything.

Dale left the room without a word.

The goddesss voice echoed faintly behind him.

[Come back soon, Dale! Its not acceptable to wait a year like this time! If you do, this goddess will be in tears!]


Dale walked out into the center of the temple. The scene was the same as before.

The deep darkness. A skeleton swinging a sword in one corner. And the head priestess, with a peculiar smile on her face.

The head priestess addressed Dale.

It seems you have found what you were looking for.

Dale nodded his head silently.

Dale, who was about to leave the temple, suddenly became curious and turned his head.

May I ask a question?

If its within my capacity to answer, ask away.

The Goddess Is she always like that?

For some reason, since their first meeting, the Goddess of Night has taken an uncomfortably keen liking to Dale.

What was it she said?

I am special, right?

Well, it was nice to be seen in a positive light.

However, her friendliness seemed a bit too excessive.

Dale wondered if she behaved the same way with her other followers.

In response to Dales question, Priestess Erielle smiled as if to say, I understand what youre trying to say.

Dont worry. The goddess shows the same attitude towards everyone else too.

Oh, I see.

The goddess governs death, right? Death is cold and silent. So dont take it too personally If the goddess seems as cold as ice.


It seemed that there was a difference between how the goddess treated Dale and how she treated others.

With a nod of agreement, Dale left the temple.

He furrowed his brow.

The high sun scattered light in all directions.

Quickly, Dale put on his helmet and lowered his visor before feeling slightly better.

Dale picked up his pace. Now that he has finally reached Irene, the stage for the game, he had plenty to do.

He needed to buy a new longsword, for starters.

To avoid getting lost, Dale followed the same path he had used on his way there.

Irene at midday was bustling. Passersby of various races moved about briskly, but their faces reflected a sense of ease.

Such a sight had been rare over the past year.

Those living near areas overrun by demons always wore somber expressions.

It was a peace that had been long absent.

However, the good times wouldnt last.

As Dale passed by, the people all suddenly stiffened as if on cue.

And they began to whisper among themselves as they looked his way.

. A dark knight.

In the middle of the city, and not even on the front lines.

We might get hurt. Better to avoid him.

Though an alliance had been forged between light and darkness, the deep-seated emotions accumulated over a long time had not fully dissipated.

Those who followed the Goddess of Night were still viewed with suspicion and hostility.

Dale found his hand searching through his garb.

As a dark knight sensitive to hostility, it was instinctual for him to seek his weapon.

He recalled hearing something about dark knights suddenly turning and killing people.

Was it Harkin who had mentioned that?

In any case, given the current atmosphere, it seemed like a plausible scenario.

Especially since other dark knights might not have the same level of self-control as Dale.

He quickened his pace.

With people fearfully stepping aside, Dale could move swiftly through the crowded streets.

Finally, he stopped in front of a tavern.

Through the wide-open door, he spotted the familiar back of a head.


Now that he thought about it, Harkin had mentioned going out for a drink.

Dale decided to acknowledge him and entered the tavern.

Harkin happened to be sitting at the table closest to the door.

Or rather, he was slumped over it.

Looks like hes had too much to drink.

Dale reached out to wake Harkin but stopped.

Harkins shoulders were shaking.

Sob. Sob, Im sorry. So sorry.

Harkin was crying.

Im sorry. Sorry, Quell. Im sorry.

Haken was usually cheerful and carefree, and sometimes even crude, yet that didnt mean that he was a stranger to grief.

It must have been difficult for him to bear the loss of a close friend.

Yet, throughout his journey to the city, Harkin hadnt shown any sign of such emotions.

It was probably his professionalism as a mercenary.

Or maybe it was a mans stubbornness, refusing to show weakness in front of his companions.

Dale respected Harkins attitude.

Dale left the tavern without striking up a conversation. He pretended not to notice him and simply walked out.

That day, Dale hadnt seen anything of significance in the tavern.

Realizing once again the kind of world he had found himself in, Dale started walking again.


The most urgent issue Dale needed to address was his identity.

Although Esther had vouched for him, he couldnt rely on her indefinitely.

If by some bad luck Esther were to die, Dale would be forced to leave the city.

To secure an identity, I need to belong to an organization

But who would willingly accept a dark knight into their ranks?

There was only one such place in this huge city.

A place always overflowing with work, sometimes even needing to hire extra hands.

Dale knocked on the door of the Mercenaries Guild.


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