I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 14: Drunken Mule (3)

Chapter 14: Drunken Mule (3)

Early the next morning, Kayla knocked on Dales door.

Dale who was polishing his weapons opened the door.

Kayla gracefully bowed her head.

This girl greets Sir Dale on this fine morning.

That way of speaking is strange. And arent you a bit old to be calling yourself a girl?

Im twenty years old, you know. Its not like you can say anything to a maiden in her prime.

Kayla pouted and grumbled under her breath.

Dale asked her,

Why have you come?

A tiny gnome child came looking for Sir Dale. He looked quite cute.

Hes probably at least ten years older than you.

Oh, really?

Gnomes looked younger than their actual age due to their racial characteristics. Kayla who didnt know that fact was surprised.

Dale promptly went downstairs.

Kayla must have cleaned all night as the first floor was relatively tidy.

However, the broken furniture, which she couldnt deal with, was piled up in one corner.

Leon was sitting in one of the few remaining chairs while looking around the interior of the inn. Dale called out to him.


Ah, Sir Dale.

Leons face lit up with a pleased expression.

Its good you managed to find an inn. But did anything happen yesterday? The tables and chairs are all broken.

It was nothing serious.

Is that so?

Leon tilted his head in confusion.

However, he soon remembered the purpose of his visit and pulled out a bundle of papers from his pocket.

They were cheap, yellowish papers.

First, Ill teach you the basics of reading. Learn how to pronounce the words, and then we can start with some simple books.


As Leon took out paper and an ink pen, Kayla also showed interest.

Are you learning to read?


Thats unexpected. Dont knights usually learn all that in their families?

Would I have become a dark knight if I were an ordinary knight?

Ah, I see.

Kayla was convinced. Then Leon turned to her with a question.

Miss Kayla

Just call me Kayla.

Do you know how to read?

I can write numbers. I use them for keeping the ledger.

Would you like to learn along with us?

Really? Can I?

Leon nodded enthusiastically.

Of course. Learning is more fun with more people around.

Leons dream was to open a school. Teaching a group like this was closer to his vision than one-on-one tutoring.

He began by explaining the basics.

First, the imperial script is divided into consonants and vowels

Dale listened intently and he tried to commit every word Leon explained to memory.

He found it somewhat fun as well.

How long has it been since I studied like this?

It was a pleasure he hadnt experienced since arriving in this world.

As Dale and Kayla concentrated on the lesson, Leons enthusiasm grew and he taught with even greater zeal.

Moreover, Dale proved to be an exceptional student.

Why is it pronounced e here? Shouldnt it be eu as you mentioned earlier?

Ah, its usually eu, but there are a few exceptions

Dale was quick to understand, remembered well, and never hesitated to ask questions until he understood.

He was the kind of student that teachers would love the most.

Leon himself found great joy in teaching Dale.

Really, if all students were like this, how happy and fulfilling would life as a teacher be?

During a brief break, Leon showered Dale with praise.

You learn incredibly fast, Sir Dale. Its incomparable to when I first started learning! At this rate, it wont take many days, will it?

Its because you teach well.

It wasnt an empty compliment. Leon turned out to be a better teacher than expected.

Leon scratched the back of his neck as if he was embarrassed.

Hehe, is that so?

Then, Leon noticed Kaylas gloomy face.

Compared to Dale, Kayla was learning at a slower pace. In truth, Kayla was normal; it was just that Dale was exceptionally fast in learning.

Its okay, Kayla. Its not that you are slow; its just that Sir Dale is very fast.

You dont need to comfort me.

Kayla sighed deeply and looked towards Dale.

Why are you learning so earnestly, Sir Dale? Wouldnt it be okay to just bring along a squire or servant who knows how to read?

In fact, many successful mercenaries did just that.

Why bother reading uninteresting texts in such times?

Dale thought for a moment and replied.

Not knowing how to read can lead to many disadvantages. Theres no need to live at a loss.

Leon and Kayla exchanged glances and nodded at the same time.

Thats true.

Learning can never be a bad thing.

Afterward, the three of them continued to focus intensely on their studies of the letters.

Whether it was fortunate or not, not a single guest arrived at the inn so their concentration was never broken.

Before they knew it, it was late at night and Leon went back home. Still, Dale didnt stop reviewing what he learned even while he lay in bed.

The night was too long for the sleepless half-undead.

Having something to occupy his time like this was genuinely gratifying.

However, at some point, Dale stopped his revision.

He dreamed, or rather, vividly recalled an old memory.

His grandfather appeared in it.

His grandfather, gently stroking young Dales head, had said,

One must know how to read. Being close to words and books makes one a better person.

His grandfather wore a kind smile.

Dale wanted to speak to him and to seek his advice on one matter.

I killed people again recently. Six of them. But I felt nothing.

Dales action of killing Miles and his companions was justified. They deserved it.

But the lack of any emotional response to committing murder raised a question: wasnt this a problem for someone who was a human?

It was fear.

The fear of becoming something non-human.

Yet he couldnt share these feelings with anyone.

Strictly speaking, this wasnt a dream but a reminiscence of the past.

His grandfather simply wore his usual kind and gentle smile.


Dale headed to the mercenary guild.

To become stronger than he was now, he needed to hunt more enemies.

There was no time to rest.

The guild was bustling in the morning. The interior was filled with clients seeking to assign requests and mercenaries looking for work.

The guild served as an intermediary between the two.

When Dale entered, all eyes momentarily focused on him.

People whispered among themselves upon seeing him.

Thats the guy who went against the church

Why isnt he on the front lines but doing mercenary work instead?

Heard he single-handedly killed Miles team. Must have made a tidy sum selling their gear.

As long as he makes good money, who cares? Maybe we should offer him to join our party?

No matter what, dealing with a heretic is a bit much.

Fear, caution, and curiosity.

The gazes he received were a mix of various emotions.

Dale didnt pay them any mind.

At least the mercenaries didnt openly show hostility.

After all, in a field where all sorts of people come and go, as long as one has proven skills, issues like personality or social status are often overlooked.

On the other hand, the mercenaries despised those who lacked skill and failed to fulfill their roles.

As people cleared a path, Dale was able to easily get to the reception desk.

The receptionist he had met previously greeted him.

The signs of tension were still evident on her face.

We-welcome, Sir Dale.

Do you have any suitable tasks for me?

To Dales inquiry, the receptionist responded in a business-like manner.

Do you have a specific field you prefer? Mercenaries usually specialize in different areas.

Guarding, hunting, gathering, escorting, warfare. There were various fields, and most mercenaries focused on one or two to build their careers.

It was a better way to gain trust and earn money.

But that didnt apply to Dale. He wasnt in a position to be picky.

Anything I can do is fine.

Then, Ill take a look.

The receptionist busily rummaged through a pile of documents, but suddenly, her hands stopped.

Dale looked at the receptionist silently.

The receptionist also pursed her lips and looked down.

Dale opened his mouth.

It seems theres nothing.

Theres yet to be anyone who has entrusted a request for you, Sir Dale.

There were still no clients willing to entrust their requests to a heretic.

Dale asked again for confirmation.

I dont mind if its dangerous or dirty work. The pay isnt much of a concern either.

I-Im sorry.


Dale scratched his head in frustration. This was the penalty of being a dark knight.

I avoided playing as a dark knight in games for this very reason.

Maybe he should leave like the other dark knights and start roaming the frontlines?

Then he wouldnt have been in this predicament of having no work. The front lines were teeming with enemies.

But the front lines were also very dangerous.

Even in places deemed safe, one could never predict when a capricious demon might appear.

Dale couldnt face a demon with his current strength. In fact, it would be difficult even to flee.

He couldnt live with such constant risks.


While Dale was lost in thought, the receptionist misunderstood his silence for anger and she broke into a cold sweat.

Tears even started to well up in her eyes.

She looked ready to scream and flee at any moment.

Right then, a voice from above came for the rescue.Ne/w novel chaptš¯’†rs are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

Sir Dale! Youve come at just the right time!

Branch guild master Garland was waving his hand from the staircase.

The attention of the people shifted to Garland. The mercenaries, almost tripping over each other, hurried to greet him.

Ah, its Mr. Garland.

Good morning, Mr. Garland!

Garland responded with a smile and then climbed the stairs as if running away. He then gestured for Dale to follow him with his eyes.

Come upstairs.

Dale nodded and trailed behind Garland.

The receptionist let out a sigh of relief and slumped to the floor.


Garland offered Dale a steaming cup of tea. It was black tea, brewed by Garland himself.

Do you like tea?

I can drink it.

Dale took the cup and downed the hot tea in one gulp.

Garland, momentarily taken aback by Dales action of swallowing the hot tea in one gulp, composed himself and started the conversation.

May I get straight to the point of why I called for you, Sir Dale?

Id appreciate that.

Garland pulled out several documents from a desk drawer and started explaining.

Recently, there have been some unusual signs in the vicinity.

Unusual signs?

Yes. After the request you completed, we sent a team to investigate the village harmed by Miles. As expected, they found the bodies of the villagers.

Dale nodded his head.

And Garland continued his story.

However, we also found the carcass of an owlbear in the vicinity. Surprisingly, it was 1.5 times larger than a normal owlbear. It was big enough to be considered a variant owlbear.

Perhaps Miless words werent entirely false.

Dale looked at Garland, signaling him to continue.

The problem starts here. Owlbears are territorial creatures. They dont leave their territory unless they are defeated by another creature. But isnt it strange? A creature 1.5 times larger than a regular owlbear being defeated and moving on?

That is indeed strange.

Thats not all. There have been sightings of a pack of one-eyes near the road to Irene. You know about that, right?

Of course, he knew.

It was Dale who had encountered and obliterated that pack.

The one-eyes, like the owlbear, are also territorial creatures.

But they left their territory.

Yes. Furthermore, our investigations suggest that the owlbear and the one-eye pack were living relatively close to each other.

Basically, Garlands words implied that these two monsters had fled their territories.

There was only one reason for such a situation.

Doesnt this mean a stronger creature appeared nearby? Forcing them to flee for their lives?

Yes. Thats our conjecture.

And the investigation team?

We sent one. It was a party that included two mercenaries with bronze badges.

From Garlands choice of words, Dale guessed the fate of that party.

Garland spoke calmly.

Its been quite some time since the party left. But none have returned. We are currently unaware of their situation. We dont know if theyre dead, captured, or even what kind of monster they encountered.

Garland lifted his head and met Dales gaze.

Garland then asked Dale, who seemed to have already anticipated his next words.

Would Sir Dale be willing to help us with this task?


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