I Became the Academy’s Kibitz Villain

Chapter 75: Where There Is Nationalism, There Is Duoexini (2)

Chapter 75: Where There Is Nationalism, There Is Duoexini (2)

I was a person full of consideration. Thus, when dealing with foreigners, I tried to use English to the best of my ability instead of Korean, and it was the same when interacting with Japanese people.

That was why I used Japanese. The opponent was an oni, someone who came from Japan and called himself Duoexini.

“You, you brat…! This villain…! Damn…!”

What? He didn’t like it?

It didn’t matter.

“You son of a…!! Despicable jerk! A damn wretch to be torn apart!!”

Duoexini was furious.

“Treating me like an oni twice! And it’s not just any oni. You used Japanese on me?! You’re treating me like a foreigner, not a Korean?!”

He was angry at the denial of his self-proclaimed identity.

“You are unforgivable! It’s not enough to interfere with my plans, but to insult me too! Die, you brat!!”

Duoexini took a stance towards me.


From behind, Yumir was trying to shout something at me, but it was too late by then.


Duoexini unleashed his killing intent and charged at me.

His speed was almost that of light, an attack that could not simply be blocked.


I thrust my fist forward. Following the visible trajectory, I pushed my fist towards the front, adding power to my hand so it wouldn’t be damaged and protecting it even if something hit it.


Something hit my fist, and fell back.

Like a deflected shot, it rolled like a dung beetle to the side, tumbling greatly into the ground before disappearing.


“It seems we have our respective opponents to face.”

I approached Yumir and lightly patted her shoulder.

“Can you handle the devil? I’ll leave the method to you.”

“So, you’re leaving everything to me? How I deal with the devil, that’s up to me?”


It was something the normal Goblin wouldn’t have said. Whether a devil or a villain, any being that had gone on a rampage would be executed.


If Yumir really was the ‘protagonist’, then she was the only person in this world who could ‘purify a demon’.

‘This is the final verification.’

Although the protagonist was a maverick who composed a harem of foreigners, they were also one who pursued justice to lead the world on to the right path.

“Whether you kill the devil or choose another way, I leave it to you. Well…you can tie it up and let me kill it if you want.”


“We don’t have time for a long conversation. Solar Platina.”


Duoexini staggered to his feet. The man was soaked in seawater and smeared with sand. He writhed while clutching his shoulder, and I moved aside to stand back to back with Yumir.

“I’ll watch. My Lady.”


Before Yumir could reply, I quickly tightened my belt and invoked my magic.

“I don’t know how you figured me out, but next time will be different!!”

Duoexini spread his hands wide, emanating malice. Sharp, blade-like objects sprang from his hands, each as sharp as a scythe.

“You talk too much.”

He would likely use speed to attack again.

I spread my mana around me, held the end of my Goblin Bat downwards, and refined my power.

“Hey, Oni.”

There were two abilities that could be drawn from the Goblin Bat.

“Can you handle the ‘quickly quickly’ of a Korean?”

“I am Korean, you bastard!!”

Duoexini moved.

At the same time, the world seemed to halt abruptly, and in my eyes, Duoexini’s movement began to slow down.

Just like slowing down a video from 256x speed to 128, 64, and 32x, Duoexini’s speed gradually decelerated.


I was matching Duoexini’s speed.

The relatively fast-moving Duoexini’s speed was now accurately ‘perceived’ by me.

So, did I just need to perceive it?


After perception, I needed to respond to Duoexini’s movement.


The mana I had spread around me formed a gate in front.

The mana brushed past me and moved to the back, and I dashed forward toward Duoexini.



Surprised, he guarded his head with his nails.

I swung my Bat at his skull, intending to smash it, but he sadly reacted to my attack.

“H, how are you matching my speed…?!”

“You can’t just move fast. Hey, Oni. Is your sluggish movement simply strengthening your body?”

“W, what…?!”

“If you’re moving quickly by using body-strengthening, you can’t beat me.”

If his speed was just like a sound wave, and he only moved at high velocity, I could respond to Duoexini however I pleased.

“I said, I will show you the speed of a Korean.”

“I am also Korean!!”

“Show you the ‘real’ speed.”

I moved the device on my belt.


[Armor Purge!! READY!!]


The suit armor, akin to the external armor of the Dodjirider that was clinging to my body, slightly protruded out.

“Show me. The second form.”


With an explosion of magical power, I ‘shed’ the form of the Dodjirider.

No, I had transformed into a new shape.

“W, what…?!”

“From now on.”

I wore the form of a ‘tiger’ with a black, court-style suit.

“I will tear apart the villain.”




Behind her, an incredibly fast-paced battle was unfolding.

Yumir was slightly shocked that she could not fully grasp their speed, even though she could perceive it to some extent.

The ultra-high-speed battle was waged between the Goblin and Duoexini.

Although she could certainly feel the impact, it was too much to follow the speed with her eyes.

Just because the speed was fast?

She wasn’t sure.

If they were moving at the speed of light, she wouldn’t be able to perceive it at all, but she could sense that some sort of offense and defense were being exchanged.

‘I need to find out next time.’

Whether it was Duoexini or the Goblin, such abilities would certainly be of great help.

In situations where she had to run away from others.

Or in situations where someone needed to be rescued quickly.

Just like now.


Ermina, or rather the being now called Naberius, began to shed her human form and started transforming into a new form.

Although she maintained the shape of a human, both of her hands transformed into the heads of a dog and a crow, making a crunching sound as if they were trying to chew on something.


Above Naberius’s body, red chains appeared.

The chains that flowed along the trajectory of the binding gear left by Yumir became the binding gear covering Naberius’s body, and the pale skin was prominently visible beside the red chains.

“I will surely… kill you!”

“How unfortunate, really.”

Yumir quickly scanned her surroundings.

By extending her perception a few kilometers, she began to feel the reactions of people rushing over after hearing the call of the devil.

If there was even a slight delay, Naberius would certainly become a devil, and then it would be impossible to remedy.

“Realize your luck. That I am here.”

After dropping her red lifeline, Yumir dusted off her hands and ran forward.


Something sprang from the side, trying to stop Yumir, but soon, something like a black tiger brushed past and knocked off what was blocking Yumir’s way.

A golden trail was left as it brushed by for a moment.

Beyond that familiar and warm magic, Yumir ran straight towards Naberius.


Naberius began to emit a sonic boom from the human mouth, the dog’s mouth, and the crow’s mouth at the same time.

The ultrasonic wave, as sharp as a blade, hit Yumir head-on, but Yumir didn’t avoid the attack and collided with it as she ran forward.

“You, you…!”

“I’ll erase the demon within you.”

Yumir’s right hand was dyed a brilliant golden color.

And that right hand was like a golden dragon’s hand, it accurately pierced Naberius’s abdomen.


There was no blood splatter.

What flew out behind Naberius was her magical power, and the color of that power was a murky purple-black.

“The demon to hell, the human to this land.”

Like drawing a sacred sign, Yumir swung her left hand, pulled her right hand back, and withdrew.

“Hit, End!”


In Yumir’s golden right hand, something crimson was wriggling.

The squirming mass, like a tentacle, writhed as if resisting, but it was trapped inside a sphere of golden magic created by Yumir, unable to move anymore.

[……Thus, the demon will be purified.]


A deep purple mist flowed from Naberius’s body.

Her hands returned to their original form, and with her head turned completely white, she collapsed naked on the beach.


Not a demon, but a human, Ermina, fell naked on the shore. She didn’t make any movements, and Yumir tightly clenched the golden bead in her hand.

“The seed of the demon, in this land—”


Someone grabbed Yumir’s wrist from the side.

[From here on, it’s my job. Step back.]

“What do you mean? What about Duoexini…? No, that appearance?”

[I drove him away. This is another transformation.]

The Goblin appeared with a fierce, tiger-like appearance and held the golden bead that contained the trapped demon.

[I saw potential in you. So…]

After glancing at Yumir’s left wrist, the Goblin lightly tapped Yumir’s shoulder and received the bead from her.

[Leave the rest to the adults and live your life as a student.]


[Killing demons and villains; that’s not a hero’s job.]


Holding the bead, the Goblin turned his body toward the people approaching from afar.

[It’s the job of a villain exterminator.]


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