I Became The Academy Necromancer

Chapter 158: The Women

Chapter 158: The Women

That evening.

The conversation progressed quite smoothly.

Both households agreed to support Deus and assist him in locating the Dark Mages affiliated with Dante hiding within the kingdom.

If it had just been a matter of supporting Deus, both sides would have shown some discomfort. However, the moment he revealed his plans to eradicate the Dark Mages, all hesitation from their side vanished immediately.

Not only did they hold some hatred towards the Dark Mages, but by eliminating them, they would gain considerable support from the kingdom's subjects.

The Royal Family would also appoint the Zeronia and Bright Households to subdue the Dark Mages who committed evil deeds.

Zeronia for the sword, Bright for magic—it was a perfect division of labor.

Only Deia felt regretful that the weaknesses she had dug up hadn't been utilized and were instead left unused in a corner.

Well, of course, the situation where we don’t have to resort to drawing our swords is the best case scenario.

Deia knew it was for the best if they could be persuaded with just words, but it was still disappointing to have diligently gathered resources only to see them go to waste.

Deus Verdi, Ellan, the head of the Bright Household, and Gilthea, the head of the Zeronia Household were each holding a glass of wine and discussing the future in the banquet hall.

Deia quietly slipped out into the corridor. This mansion was very different from her household’s mansion back in Norseweden.

In Norseweden, the windows were thick to keep the cold out, every gap was sealed tightly to block the wind, and animal-skin carpets were used to trap the warmth.

Perhaps because the Southern Region was the hottest region in the Kingdom, everything seemed to be the opposite here.

The windows were thin, with gaps left intentionally for heat to escape, and carpets and other decorations were placed in a manner that allowed ventilation and prevented exposure to moisture and heat.

"Lady Deia."

Deia turned her head towards the voice calling her from behind.

It was Edwon Bright, whom she had met in the garden this morning.

She had been ignoring his advances on her on purpose, but it seemed like he sought her out the moment she left the banquet hall.

"What is it?"

Even though she responded curtly, Edwon seemed to find it adorable, as the corners of his mouth were raised.

In contrast, Deia's lips drooped, making no effort to hide her bad mood.

"If you're too drunk, I can escort you to your room."


It was quite ridiculous.

Since she was a child, Deia had always been sensitive to human desires, particularly the sexual desires of men, because her own brother, that crazy bastard, had sexually harassed her constantly and even attempted to establish a relationship.

During every meal, she always felt Edwon’s gaze greedily land not on the food, but on her body.

This bastard...

She barely managed to restrain the curses from spilling out of her mouth. Edwon's eyes were filled only with greed and desire.

In the first meeting, she bluntly spoke to assert dominance, but now, as they had become one of the households cooperating with her brother, there was no need to sow further discord.

However, Deia really felt like drawing out the magic gun she had hidden in her pocket and making a few holes in his head.

Just then.

"I am sorry, Brother."

Once again, a voice came from behind, causing both of them to turn simultaneously.

Standing there politely was Erica Bright, who was absent from today's banquet.

"I had already made plans with Sister-in-law first. There are a lot of things I need to know before getting into married life."

"You didn't even attend the banquet and yet you dare... Ahem."

Edwon was about to rebuke her harshly, but he glanced at Deia next to him. He had become more cautious after Deus warned him earlier in the morning to not treat Erica as he wished.

"Lady Deia, how about we go now,?"


Although they hadn't made any plans, Deia decided to go with the flow as she didn't want to spend any more time with that man.

After entering Erica's room, Deia shut the door and leaned against it. She didn't want to step any further inside.

"It seems like it’s still a bit early to talk about married life."

Despite Deia's sarcastic remark, Erica didn’t show any change in her emotions as she replied.

"Yes, I know."

She accepted it rather easily.

And that only made Deia feel worse.

"It does not seem like there's much affection between the two of you."

As Deia decided to throw another jab, Erica, who had been preparing something, stopped and stared at Deia.

Her gaze was quite intense, causing Deia to involuntarily shrink back.


"I don’t know what you think about me, Sister-in-law, but my love for Deus is genuine.”

"Do not call me Sister-in-law."

Deia felt annoyed, knowing that Erica had intentionally changed the manner in which she addressed her. Regardless, Erica continued speaking.

"That's why I want him to be happy. Sister-in-law, do you not find Deus a bit odd at the moment?"

"He's always been a bit strange."

Deia shrugged, trying to change the subject, but Erica's gaze didn't let her off the hook.

Eventually, letting out a deep sigh, Deia gave her answer.

"It's probably because of Findenai."

It all started from when Findenai couldn’t be seen around and it wasn’t even necessary for Deus to say it out loud.

Findenai's disappearance was most likely the cause, and she had quite an impact on Deus' mood.

"Yes, he pretends like there’s nothing wrong, but I can no longer bear to watch his contorted expression."

"...But you're his fiancée, aren’t you?"

Deia felt misled by Erica's words. Just moments ago, she was openly displaying her affection for Deus, yet she was now speaking as if she supported his relationship with the other woman in his heart.

"Does it mean that you’re giving up?"

"I'm not giving up. Well, maybe I can't."

Erica smiled bitterly before replying calmly.

"But that’s okay. I guess there's this kind of love, too."

Others might not call it love and would suggest she give up.

Strangely, Deia found herself empathizing with Erica's emotions.

The phrase ‘giving up because you love someone’ oddly resonated with her deeply.

Because we are family…

Clenching her fist, Deia asked.

“Is there anything I can do to help?”


Erica seemed slightly taken aback by Deia's sudden offer of help, but after thinking for a moment, she asked just in case.

"I've been thinking of asking my family for some help without Deus knowing. I’ve tried to handle it by myself, but I think I might be lacking power."


As soon as she heard that, Deia nodded sarcastically.

"That's also one of my specialties."

Deia felt pleased that she finally found a reason to use the secrets of the Bright Household, which had been gathering dust.



A cold puff of breath flowed out, maintaining a subtle tension.

Without realizing it, Findenai had already placed a cigarette from her pocket into her mouth. While thinking it was a waste, she still ended up taking out her lighter.



Although Deus didn't like it, Findenai was rather fond of the flicking sound of the lighter.

Upon hearing that, Deus dismissed it by saying that she didn't actually like the flicking sound; rather, she was fond of it because when she heard it, it meant that she could smoke a cigarette.

What did he say after that again?

He said something like it was similar to using a bell to signal a dog before feeding it; the dog would then associate the sound of the bell with food1.

At that point of time, she felt annoyed on hearing it, so she immediately flipped him off. However, now that some time had passed, it had become a memory.


Blowing out a long puff of smoke, Findenai stuffed the lighter back into her coat pocket.

She was no longer dressed in her revealing maid uniform but rather , she was now wearing the same attire she wore back then, as the leader of the Scrapyard Nomads.

Despite having worn this attire for much longer, she felt strangely awkward.

Well, she'd get used to it soon.

"Five left."

While counting the number of cigarettes remaining out of habit, Findenai realized that there was a subtle hesitation at her fingertips.

Since crossing the mountain range, she had been smoking endlessly, and now, the number had decreased significantly.

"Should I quit smoking?"

Even though she said that, Findenai still took a long drag of the cigarette, feeling it not just in her nose and mouth but also on her skin.

She gently closed her eyes, recalling the time when he had given her these cigarettes— back when she had crossed over to the Clark Republic and returned just before dying.

The embrace she had received from him, though unnatural, felt surprisingly warm.


That’s enough, Findenai.

Just before she could throw the cigarette she had been biting on to the ground, she rebuked herself.

However, as there was still enough left to be considered a stub, she continued inhaling it, savoring it until the very end.

Watching the cigarette smolder away, she felt as though the memories she made with him were disappearing as well.

Her destination was right before her eyes..

A sign read ‘Water Jug Orphanage.’

She remembered her friend's sunny smile when she jokingly called herself ‘Water Jug’ in response to why this place was called Water Jug.

Since Findenai had a connection with the young matron of this place, she had entrusted the children of the Scrapyard Nomads to her care before leaving for Griffin.


She clearly remembered that it was decorated quite nicely during her previous visit. However, it now felt as if, perhaps because the clouds had cleared, the orphanage itself was tinged with gray.

The scent of blood stung the tip of her sensitive nose.

Realizing it wasn't an old scent but was fresh, Findenai gripped the axe in her hand tighter and rushed inside with vigor.


With her tattered coat fluttering behind, Findenai kicked the door open. The pictures of children decorating the entrance and corridor of the orphanage were now stained with blood.

And at the end of the corridor, lay the body of a little child she recognized.


A man poked his head out into the corridor. Though he was not a member of the extermination unit, his uniform indicated that he was a soldier of the Republic.


Perhaps he had never thought that that would be his last word.

The axe thrown by Findenai cleaved the man's forehead precisely, splitting his brain in half.

And amidst the commotion from inside, Findenai retrieved another axe hidden behind her back.


Upon seeing the state of the orphanage run by her friend, she felt angry.

As she stared at the body of the little kid who had once complimented her beauty, her body trembled with rage.

Only now did Findenai remember.

"This is my real life."

A fucking shitty life.

A life that was a struggle.

And a struggle that was a tragedy.

Then the woman who was once again fighting for freedom, wielded her axe and charged forward.


Squelch squelch.

The sticky sound of footsteps echoed with every step, as she trampled upon the puddles of blood Findenai passed by the scattered bodies in military uniforms and entered the room where they had all gathered.

"...You came?"

A woman greeted her from one corner of the room.

It appeared that she had been tortured in various ways. Despite not having a single strand of clothing on her, her skin was almost completely covered by blood and wounds.


She was Findenai's friend and the young matron of this orphanage. Findenai thought that Muse had hidden herself well, while secretly aiding the Scrapyard Nomads. So, how did she end up getting caught?

Although many questions arose in her mind, Findenai didn’t have enough time to ask all of them.

"Damn, those motherfuckers. Well, they deserved death. These guys were worse than animals."


"I, still, didn't… didn't say anything. W-where else can you find such an amazing girl like me?"

"I know."

With each word, Muse's breath got rougher, and it felt like she was on the brink of crumbling.

Yet, Muse didn't stop speaking, and Findenai didn't stop her either.

"Sorry… I wanted to protect the kids, but I failed."

"It doesn’t matter, I'll save them all."

Muse coughed a few times and vomited blood, yet she still managed to raise the corner of her lips.

"I heard everything. First Detention Center. They took all the kids to that hell. "


"They… tell you this? And yet… you still managed to stay alive until now?"

Chuckling, Muse let out a deep breath. It seemed it would be difficult for her to inhale again.

Findenai slowly placed her hand on Muse's shoulder. She expressed gratitude for the latter’s determination, but Muse just stared back and asked.

"Was Griffin... good?"

"Uh, the sun, the wind, the clouds, and even the grass. Everything felt so nice."

"Hehe, hehehe! I envy you. So… What did you do there?"


For a moment, she couldn’t help but hesitate at that question. However, then, with a wry smile, for the sake of her friend on her final journey, she confessed her secret.

"I fell in love with someone."

At the unexpected answer, Muse's eyes widened in surprise.

"Cough! Cough! Ah…! Damn it…!"

After scolding herself for her shitty condition, Muse took a deep breath.

"You idiot! Why are you only bringing up such an interesting topic now?"

"I don't know either. What can I do about the timing?"

"Ah, damn... I was about to die, but now I have to live because of you."

Findenai's story about her love life made Muse's determination to stay alive flare up again. That was how curious she was about it.

However, the sound of her breathing gradually decreased.

Like gentle whispers, the rough breaths slowly grew softer.

"That guy, let me meet him too... let me… check if he's really a decent person..."

"No. He's too damn cool, you’ll fall for him too."

"Damn, I tried to steal him... but you… caught me."

The two of them chuckled uncontrollably in disbelief. Muse slowly raised her hand and placed it on top of Findenai's hand resting on her shoulder.

"I... will... rest... for a bit. Please… take care... of... the rest..."

"Got it."


With a hint of her first and final sign of tears in her fading voice….

"Please take care of the kids."

Muse's gentle touch slid away. Findenai silently watched over her before closing her eyes and nodding slowly.

"I will. Sleep well."

Findenai pulled out a cigarette from her pocket. It hadn’t even been that long since she thought about smoking in moderation.

But now, it did not seem like she would be able to endure this situation without lighting one.

The thick smoke from the cigarette naturally enveloped Findenai and Muse.

It almost felt as if...

Findenai felt as if Deus Verdi was granting Muse her eternal rest as she departed from this plane and thus she unknowingly felt her heart lighten.


Now, there were only four remaining.

However, it didn't feel like a waste this time.

With a blank expression on her face, Findenai gazed at her friend one last time before standing up and grabbing her two axes.

There was a commotion coming from outside.

"First-class fugitive, the terrorist Findenai! You are surrounded! Just surrender obediently!"

Laughing mockingly at the absurd warning, Findenai slowly stepped outside.

The jackals of the Clark Republic had suddenly swarmed in and surrounded the orphanage.

He always said that eternal rest was a long and deep sleep.

Her friend had just closed her eyes, yet with all this noise, one would not be able to sleep even if they wanted to.


She tightened her grip on her axe.

The transparent shields held by the men reflected her own reflection back at her.

Her white hair soaked in blood, bloodstains on her cheeks, and the Hand of Hemomancy which had now transformed into a glove that covered her hand.

It was a gift from her Master Bastard, who knew well that the longer the battle lasted, the stronger she grew.

Perhaps because of that, her body still felt hot.

No, in fact, it had been like this all this while.

Ever since she had crossed the Norseweden Mountain Range and returned to the Clark Republic, the heat in Findenai's body did not dissipate, it was almost as if she was still in battle.

Perhaps because of that…

Despite seeing a number of people that would usually make her flee, she felt a sense of ease emanating from her body.

"Have I ever fought for this long before?"

Asking herself, Findenai bit her lip, and then raised her axe high as she charged forward again.

Life was a struggle.

Findenai grew stronger as the battle prolonged.

Bullets flew in without a warning, but they were swept away by her mana gale, unable to even graze her.

It was a technique she had learned in the Griffin Kingdom.

A violent gale swirled around Findenai as she took a big leap and landed in the middle of the enemy.

"Surround her and kill her!"

"She's a first-class fugitive! Just shoot her to death! There will be no problem!"

"Anyone who catches her will receive a special promotion!"

Like the blades of a chopper, Findenai's axe began to spin towards the soldiers who rushed forward without retreating.

How many hours passed by just like that?

Findenai's entire body was drenched in blood, making it difficult for her to see her surroundings clearly.

Staggering past the scattered piles of bodies, Findenai walked along the blood-stained path.

She could see the members of the Scrapyard Nomads approaching her with haste from a distance.

Despite huffing out hot breaths, Findenai didn't collapse but instead, she continued speaking.

"We’re going to the First Detention /genesisforsaken

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!


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