I Became Stalin?!

Chapter 50:

Chapter 50:

Chapter 50

At the same time that a fierce battle was taking place in the British airspace, on an uninhabited island in the Caribbean Sea, hundreds of people were watching the newly completed runway.

On the runway, six state-of-the-art four-engine bombers were waiting to take off, with red Hakenkreuz painted on them. 

They were sweating profusely under the scorching sun, but they all had smiles on their faces. 

Finally! Finally!

“Gentlemen! You have worked hard. We are now entering the operation!”

“Hooray! Long live the Führer! Long live victory!”

One of the colonels of the Defense Force, who was in charge of executing the operation, raised his right fist to the sky on a makeshift platform, and everyone cheered. 

An hour ago, a radio message arrived from the homeland. 

The Pelican would immediately head for the target.

The outline of the Pelican operation was simple. 

A surprise attack on the United States.

The naval power of the United States was certainly not to be underestimated. 

Except for Japan, an ally, and Britain, whose navy had mostly sunk into the cold waters of the Atlantic, the US Navy was the only naval force that could compete with the Axis fleet.

The leaders of the homeland, who knew well about the enormous productivity of the United States, were very wary of them.

But there was a fatal weakness in the US fleet, which was that it was divided by the vast American continent.

If the Atlantic fleet wanted to move to the Pacific for an operation, it had to travel a tremendous distance. 

From Norfolk, Virginia, the home port of the US Atlantic fleet, to Scapa Flow in northern Britain, it was about 6,000 kilometers.

But from Norfolk to San Francisco in the west coast of the US, it was 8,000 kilometers, and to Hawaii, the home port of the Pacific fleet, it was 13,000 kilometers. 

It was shorter than going back and forth across the Atlantic. 

If they sailed at 15 knots (28 km/h), which was the cruising speed of a battleship in this era, it would take 20 days to go back and forth between Hawaii and Norfolk.

This was also considering that there was a Panama Canal that shortened it by about 12,000 kilometers, or half.

What if there was no Panama Canal? 

The Iowa-class battleships could not even reach the US ports in the Atlantic from Pearl Harbor without intermediate stops due to their cruising range. 

It meant that during a critical war period, a strategic weapon like a battleship had to leave the battlefield for more than a month.

The Führer came up with a plan to cut off half of America’s naval power by taking advantage of this point.

“Drop six bombs on Gatun Dam and Panama Canal that support it with Grosse Erde and make Panama Canal unusable and make it impossible for America to operate their fleet organically!”

At the same time, Japan, an ally, would surprise attack the US Pacific fleet and weaken their naval power from both sides and break their will to fight! 

The Führer strongly advocated for a surprise attack on Panama, and the navy reluctantly agreed.

This was how ‘Operation Pelican’ was devised.

Since before Operation Gibraltar, bombers had been dismantled into parts and transported to South America by submarines. 

Nazi soldiers who had secretly infiltrated Colombia also gathered at this uninhabited island to build a runway for launching bombers.

The target was Gatun Dam, which maintained the water level of Panama Canal. 

If this place was destroyed, Panama Canal would not be able to lift and transfer ships and would have to stop functioning. 

And then America’s fleet would be… ‘isolated’ in each ocean and had to face each other with the second and third largest fleets in the world.

Six bombers took off. Each carrying one Grosse Erde earthquake bomb.

“Victory or death!”

The bomber squadron leader left a resolute shout on radio and left. Of course, he would not die. 

The Americans might have made Panama independent and owned Panama Canal themselves but they seemed to have never imagined that someone would come here and destroy it.

There were no facilities that could intercept bombers at all. 

Not even a radio message asking for their identity arrived as expected in mock battles.

Even though it was November, the tropical sun heated up planes hotly and all conditions were perfect.

“Drop bombs on dam starting from number six!”


To ensure the destruction of the dam, the six planes dropped one bomb each in order. 

They could not attempt a dive bombing because of the enormous weight of the Grosse Erde bombs.



The Grosse Erde that barely missed the dam dug into the ground next to the canal and caused a huge explosion. 

A sigh came through the radio. 

The people on the ground seemed to have realized the attack and were panicking. 

A spray of water splashed on a large cargo ship that was trying to cross the canal by riding on a lock.

“Number five!”


Another one. 

Half of the dam collapsed. 

Another huge spray of water erupted and the water stored in the dam poured out. Half destroyed! 

Half destroyed! Number four again! Half of their goal was achieved, but there was no chance to do this again. 

They had to destroy the dam as much as possible.

Number four and three missed, and number two’s Grosse Erde succeeded in completely destroying the dam. 

The debris of the dam disappeared into the newly formed giant waterfall… It would take quite some time to restore it. 

The squadron leader thought so.

Now only one Grosse Erde remained on his plane.

All other planes fled north after bombing and headed for Costa Rica. The squadron leader circled in the air to aim for another target. 

There were no anti-aircraft guns or fighters. 

He could only do his best to aim for the last target. The target was…

“Bomb drop! Target… hit!”

The scapegoat was a cargo ship that was stuck in the canal and could not escape. 

If they restored the dam, they could use the canal again, and then this surprise attack would be useless.

To make sure they choked America’s neck, it was better to sink that cargo ship and make it impossible for ships to pass through, even after they restored the dam. The Führer ordered them to use any means necessary.

The accurately dropped 5-ton bomb fell next to the cargo ship and literally split it in half. 

The cargo ship that was split from the middle began to sink with small explosions, and the squadron leader reported to the expedition headquarters by radio.

“The dam is destroyed. In addition, we sank one cargo ship. Operation successful!”

The expedition headquarters responded with cheers. 

The squadron leader followed his subordinates northward. 

Ah, you arrogant Yankees. 

Now eat some shit.

His cousin was a U-boat crewman. 

The US destroyers had attacked U-boats that were patrolling to sink cargo ships heading for Britain without warning, and his brother was unlucky enough to be caught and drowned in the cold waters of the North Atlantic.

“Where is daddy?” his nephew asked innocently at his father’s funeral without a body.

He could not answer.

“Your father was killed by Americans. He will not come back.”

And this bitterness was why he came here with bombs to destroy dams and civilian ships, to make Americans kill their fathers and ask their mothers and families when they would come back, to make them cry blood and tears! 

He could not tell him this cruel truth.

“In ten nights, no twenty nights, your father will come.”

“Will he bring me a present?”

“Yes, he will. He will bring you a big teddy bear that you like. A very big teddy bear. But… it might take longer than twenty nights to buy you a big teddy bear? It might take a hundred nights.”

“I don’t like that. I want daddy to come soon. I miss daddy.”

He remembered one autumn evening when it rained softly. His eyes felt hot somehow.

He might get promoted by one rank or so. 

A medal, or even a couple of medals with a hefty reward, might also be awarded. 

Then… he would buy him a teddy bear. 

A pretty big one.

By then he might be able to understand his father’s absence. 

There is a big difference between understanding and accepting, but he might be able to live in a better world anyway. 

His father’s sacrifice was… fertilizer for making that world.

Costa Rica was not far away. 

A radio came from the promised airfield. 

Land on runway four. Land on runway four. 

He chuckled at the heavily accented German with Spanish accent. 

Do they have teddy bears here?

“Mr. Vice President, members of the Senate and the House of Representatives, I hereby inform you that yesterday, November 21, 1941, a day of infamy for us all, the Panama Canal, the lawful possession of the United States of America, was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the air forces of the German Empire.”

The audience was silent. Roosevelt slammed the podium. 

He, who always used a wheelchair due to his poor health, stood up proudly and gave his speech today.

The content of his speech was broadcasted by radio throughout the United States every moment. 

Not only North America, but also the countries of Central and South America were paying attention to Roosevelt’s reaction.

“The United States was at peace with that nation and was working to maintain peace in the Atlantic…”

“Peace? Sinking submarines?”

“Quiet! Be quiet!”

Someone shouted during the speech. 

It must have been an isolationist from the Republican Party. 

The Democrats had 267 seats, the Republicans 162 seats. Minor parties had a total of four seats.

Congress supported Roosevelt’s declaration of war, a Democrat president. But still, the Republicans hated Roosevelt as a red sympathizer and disliked intervening in the ‘war on that continent’.

Even among some Democrats – called Dixiecrats, who were from the South – secretly sabotaged Roosevelt’s plan.

Of course, nearly half of the Republicans were furious with Germany for violating the Monroe Doctrine and touching America’s vital strategic assets on the American continent.

Nevertheless, criticism of America’s preemptive attack – especially on Germany’s submarines and fleets at war with Britain – and support for Britain and the Soviet Union did not stop.

Despite America’s massive support, criticism that they had made a mess by supporting Britain, which was in a stalemate. 

Even though they were holding out well, criticism that they had given away all kinds of strategic assets to the Soviet Union, which would clearly become the next enemy country. 

Criticism that they were giving money to foreign countries when they were short of funds despite economic recovery.

Criticism on the economic side was less because the economy had improved due to exports of war materials, but there were still enough people who thought Roosevelt was a traitor.

“Germany inflicted serious damage on the United States with its attack on the Panama Canal, killed 214 American citizens aboard the unarmed American cargo ship Peridot, which was accompanying it, and injured others. In addition, German U-boats have begun attacking American cargo ships and warships in various parts of the North Atlantic.”

“Germany has launched a massive surprise attack across the Atlantic and Caribbean. 

The German ambassador’s declaration of war was sent to the Secretary of State only 30 minutes before the attack. 

However, this attack was a thoroughly planned raid that had been planned for days or weeks in advance, considering the distance between Panama and Germany.”

“As head of state and supreme commander of the U.S. military, I will mobilize all means to protect our citizens’ lives and property from Germany. I do not know how long it will take to overcome this invasion. But, Americans will win! God bless America!”

At his words that they would win, about three-quarters of Congress cheered enthusiastically. 

Victory is always sweet. 

Victory can also guarantee re-election. If a munitions factory is built in their district and unemployment decreases, or if they can propose a bill that leads to victory in war?

New war heroes might emerge to block their re-elections, but experience is always a good weapon. Experience leading a war.

For victory! 

For re-election! 

God bless my election!

“I hereby request Congress to approve a state of war between the United States and Germany after their unjust and cowardly attack on November 21st, 1941.”

The vote was obviously in favor of war. But there was also a sizable opposition faction. 

Robert Taft of the Republican Party gave an impassioned speech after Roosevelt’s speech.

“The current invasion is nothing but a disaster caused by President Roosevelt’s interventionism. The United States is a nation blessed by God and has everything we need on this continent.

We have food and drink, things to make and use on our vast land, and this continent is our land promised by God. I do not know any reason why we should get involved in their quarrels on that European continent separated by a wide Atlantic Ocean.

Even if Germany truly occupies Britain, they cannot reach out to America. A few raids by bombers like this ‘collision’, maybe possible but not a full-scale invasion by Germans? As long as we have the Atlantic Ocean and our fleet, they can never reach here. Rather, I dare say we should be more careful about the red ideology flowing into South America from Soviet Union.”

The pro-war lawmakers booed Taft’s speech several times but everyone quieted down when Soviet Union was mentioned.

Many people were uncomfortable with Roosevelt’s friendly attitude toward Soviet Union and wondered if they could coexist forever with Soviet Union. 

Stalin had changed his position from revolutionizing the world after taking power to building socialism in one country, but wasn’t there still the export of world revolution at the end of that line?

Soviet Union’s Foreign Minister Molotov had brought sweet words to Americans who doubted Soviet Union’s intentions during his last visit, and also brought a huge gift basket – gold and rare metals from Siberia.

But this attempt to attract America’s favor made them more suspicious. 

Moreover, Soviet Union had kept sending secret letters saying that Japan would surprise attack America. 

They tried to meddle between America and Japan. 

After experiencing Germany’s surprise attack, the U.S. 

State Department was now wondering why Soviet Union had meddled between America and Japan.

Soviet Union and Germany were at war and Soviet Union and Japan were maintaining neutrality, so meddling against Germany would be understandable, but meddling against Japan had no strategic benefit for Soviet Union, according to General Marshall’s interpretation.

But the hardliners in the State Department still criticized Soviet Union’s ‘deception’ at internal meetings.

“Those reds are untrustworthy bastards!”

“They’re taking our machines that contain America’s technology!”

Soviet Union had taken not only consumables but also production facilities in large quantities through Lend-Lease. They even tore down a whole factory and shipped it, or took a plant that could produce high-octane aviation fuel… It was no wonder they were criticized for giving away the bottom.

But Roosevelt dismissed their opposition.

“Without Soviet Union, we cannot win this war!”


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