I Became Stalin?!

Chapter 206:

Chapter 206:

Chapter 206

Theres no need for that, Mr. President. Our Soviet Union owes a lot to the United States and the late President Roosevelt.

Even so, I want to speak on behalf of the many Americans who have suffered from polio and who may do so in the future.

Wallaces eyes sparkled with joy, and his lips curled into a pure smile.

I had seen him before, but he seemed too idealistic and innocent for a politician. Thats why he was so friendly to the Soviet Union, which was shouting for ideals.

MacArthur, McCarthy, and Truman, and other conservative politicians, used this as his weakness and tried to catch his tail. Hoover, the anti-communist director of the FBI, who would have done the work for the conservatives, had his own weakness caught by the Soviet Union, so he kept his mouth shut.

On the contrary, Wallace reported on the weaknesses of the conservatives, but he refused to pressure the big shots with them, saying, Political maneuvering is not allowed.

It seems like we have succeeded in showing that our two countries can cooperate a lot in the future. Do you know how many fan letters have arrived for you, Mr. Secretary? Hahahaha!

Thats funny!

The meeting was conducted in a friendly atmosphere throughout.

The two countries were able to cooperate closely on the establishment of a binding international organization, which was the wish of the American interventionists.

Of course, in reality, they had a level of national power that was above the other great powers, so they had no intention of going down to the same level as the other powers, which made it especially easy to cooperate.

Do you mean that only our two countries should be permanent members and the other countries should be non-permanent members?

Yes. Of course, we can have a few groups and give them different levels.

The League of Nations, the predecessor of the UN, had four permanent members. The United States did not join because of the Congresss rejection during Wilsons era, so the victorious countries of World War I, Britain, France, Japan, and Italy became permanent members.

Here, Britain and France were trampled by Germany and briefly had puppet states that cooperated with Germanys war efforts. 

Also, China was not a victorious country, as it did not fight Germany and only held on to Japans ankle until the Soviet Union delivered the final blow to the Japanese army.

Since only the United States and the Soviet Union had nuclear weapons and their national power was much different, it would be fine for them to be permanent members! Wallace seemed to be tempted by this argument.

In fact, it was nothing but sophistry.

I dont know when they will develop nuclear weapons, but

The Soviet Union was also far behind the United States in terms of national power. It suffered much less damage than the original history, so maybe it was about 2:1?

If they only looked at the power, the United States could have said that they would do everything by themselves as permanent members, and there was no way to stop them. 

At best, they could only pull out the communist countries and set up their own international cooperation organization.

But Wallace seemed to think that the United States could not rule the world by itself yet. Britain and France? 

Britain was now wreaking havoc in the South Asian colonies, so it did not fit the permanent membership of the League of Nations, which advocated world peace and national self-determination.

Another victorious country, France, had a gap in national power and was dyed red by the communist regime. It was something that would make anyone uncomfortable to think about realistically.

Um then, for the non-permanent members

How about giving the countries like Britain, France, and China a non-veto status, and distributing the opportunities to run for the non-permanent members by continent?

In the midst of sensitive issues such as permanent membership, nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and trusteeship of the former League of Nations mandate, Wallace generally accepted the Soviet Unions proposal.

Wallace, or the Americans, seemed to have no idea what the world would be like in 10 or 20 years. I dont know either, though.

But the Soviet Union had some kind of picture in mind.

Do you still not know what it means to separate the Southwest Asia/North Africa, South Asia, and East Asia TOs?

In the actual history, the Middle East, which was mostly pro-American and pro-British puppet states, completely changed its orientation after the establishment of Israel and the ensuing conflicts.

For example, Egypt and Iraq, which were British puppet states, were taken over by Arab socialists in a coup. Iran, a representative pro-American monarchy of the Pahlavi dynasty, was ousted by Mossadegh, who seemed to lean toward the Soviet Union, but then exploded in an Islamic revolution and turned anti-American.

Israel, which advocated Jewish socialism and pretended to be pro-Soviet, switched to pro-American, and Sadat of Egypt switched to pro-American again In this way, as the regimes were overturned and toppled, the influence of the two great powers fluctuated.

The Soviet Union was able to make some plans based on such changes. But the United States? They couldnt predict what would happen in the future, like everyone else.

Anyway, it seems to be in line with the national interest of the United States. I will delegate the additional review to the staff and proceed.

Very good, Mr. President.

That was about all the work that the leaders had to do. 

If they entrusted the review to the staff, they would take care of the details and come up with an appropriate result.

I gave them the guidelines, and I guess the negotiation experts at the Foreign Ministry would do better than me at persuading.

Wallace relaxed a bit and laughed softly.

This is a place where I can say what I can, but I envy you, Mr. Secretary.

You might be less envious if you knew it wasnt good. Anyway, Wallace lamented and said that.

Maybe those damned hyenas in Washington have shortened the life of President Roosevelt by a few years. And yet, at the funeral, they acted as if they were his legitimate sons

Its a pity. Such a great man

Thats what Im saying! The President used to say that he wanted to do a satisfying purge like Secretary Stalin. He wanted to send MacArthur to the Gulag, and hit McCarthy on the back of his head Oops, I misspoke.


Ahem, I wonder why the back of my head was itching. Did everyone go crazy in this world?

Not just Hitler.

Roosevelt rounded up all the Japanese-Americans and locked them up in the desert in the Midwest. 

Churchill and Eden, the British prime ministers, also acted too radical. Especially in the colonies.

Anyway, please take care of your health. Im getting old these days

Is that so? You look very healthy! Im now feeling a little bit of the weight of being the supreme leader. Phew That b*****d McCarthy

Hmm? What did he do again?

Wallace gritted his teeth as he talked about McCarthy again. What the hell did he do this time?

Have you not heard yet? He


This vaccine is a conspiracy of the reds! They made it to spread disease among Americans! Patriots! Oppose the vaccine!

McCarthy clenched his right fist and raised it to the sky. His supporters also punched the air and shouted.

K**l the reds! K**l them!

This is a fight between the communist atheism and the Christian values of our America. We must win this fight! Otherwise, they will swallow us up!

Various slogans rang out. Most of them contained blatant criticism or hatred of communism.

And I have one more thing, some information came in. A brave scholar who wanted to protect this America told me this.


The precious science and technology of this America was stolen by spies hiding in universities and government research institutes and taken to the Soviet Union! The reds are everywhere!

The peoples roar grew louder. Thats right, there was no way.

The most great nation in the world, Americas science and technology, could not lag behind the evil reds den, the Soviet Union.

Yet, if the Soviet Union developed a terrible weapon before America, there must be a spy inside! 

That was McCarthys claim. His fervent supporters would believe him even if he made alcohol out of water, and they started to chant slogans again.

Stalin, get out! Butcher, get out!

Long live Senator McCarthy! Long live General MacArthur! God bless America!

Come on! Now lets start marching to tell our claims to the ignorant masses! For America! K**l the reds!

From the rally hall, countless people poured out and marched on the street. They waved placards with various radical slogans and shouted loudly. Their attention was drawn to them.

Oh my, oh my, look at that?

The vaccine is a Soviet conspiracy Is that so?

Most people pointed their fingers and murmured at the radicals.

But they also doubted that they would say such things without any basis. 

Always with the feeling of no smoke without fire, the people watched McCarthys claim.

Is there really something wrong with the Soviet Union?

Thats right? I heard from Michaels mom, you know

Oh my, oh my, oh my, we cant let our kids get that vaccine! If they get it, their brains will be deformed and they will become communists!

All kinds of bizarre rumors spread from mouth to mouth, and the yellow press and various attention-seekers wrote them down and added their own imagination.

[The danger of the vaccine? Raise your child without medicine!]

[The best way to prevent chickenpox! Join the local chickenpox party now]

Some weird cults joined in. There was no internet, and there were not many people who received proper education in those days. It was in the newspaper or It was on TV had tremendous power.

Various fraudsters advertised their dubious alternative medicine on local TV programs or newspapers.

Of course, the people did not question the stories without any basis. At work or gatherings, people exchanged information about such alternative therapies.

The vaccine is a conspiracy of the reds! Thats why I gave Dr. Joness medicine to our Todd. He doesnt have any ailments, does he?

Oh my, oh my, is that true? Thats effective! I have to contact him too. My husband gets the flu every time

They didnt know what the medicine was made of, or how it worked, but the words of the doctor, or the fact that it was on TV, gave them tremendous authority.

Wasnt Senator McCarthy the same?

This country is full of reds hiding and sabotaging!


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