I Became Stalin?!

Chapter 199:

Chapter 199:

Chapter 199

The first military conflict after the war was surprisingly caused by the Netherlands.

The Netherlands, after being liberated from Nazi Germany, reached out to their colony of Indonesia to rebuild their homeland. But the colony, which had seen their homeland easily trampled and ruined, and had tasted freedom once under the brutal Japanese army, would not obediently submit to their old masters rule again.

The Indonesian Federation declares itself to be a union of free republics

Long live the independence of Indonesia! Long live Sukarno!

Sukarno, who had led the independence movement as the leader of the Indonesian National Party since the 1920s, declared Indonesias independence right after the Japanese army surrendered and withdrew.

But the Netherlands did not accept this, even though they had been plunged into chaos by the massacre and plunder of the German army.

The colony became more important as their homelands industrial base was devastated. 

The bank vault that needed to issue currency was empty due to Germanys looting, and the Nazi war criminals, even as they were tried and executed, kept denying the whereabouts of the gold.

The Netherlands declares its full sovereignty over the Dutch East Indies. We will dispatch a suppression force to deal with the minor disturbances in this region.

The Netherlands was already in a dire situation with the aftermath of the defeat, but they managed to organize a suppression force. 

Even though 300,000 out of 9 million people had been killed or slaughtered by the German army, they formed an army of 20,000.

Boom ba ba boom ba ba boom~~

We swear to serve our country and nation with pride as the Royal Netherlands Army, for the eternal glory of the nation and the royal family!

The public opinion was not favorable. 

The citizens criticized the government for sending the young people to the battlefield as cannon fodder, when the reconstruction was urgent.

But the governments position was adamant.

What will we have left if we lose our colony now? Enlist immediately for the sake of the nation and the royal family!

Young men are dying! They have to live to do something, dont they? We couldnt even fight against the Nazis Ugh! Let go of me!

Drag them away! Send all the draft dodgers to the front!

The governments conscription plan was from 20,000 to 100,000. It was an absurdly insufficient scale to suppress the huge Dutch East Indies, which was 50 times larger and had almost 10 times more population than the homeland, but the government declared suppression without hesitation.

At least, the Dutch government had one corner they believed in.

The disturbance in the East Indies could affect the stability of our strait colonies. If the turbulent currents in the Indochina peninsula meet the disturbance in the East Indies

The British government also declared a joint front with the Dutch government. For the sake of their so-called strait colonies.

Malaysia and Indonesia were like brothers from the same root. 

The only reason they were divided was one thing: whether they were British colonies or Dutch colonies.

From the British perspective, they needed the strait colonies to protect the Malacca Strait, the most important route to the Far East, including China. They did not want the situation in the region to become unstable, as Indonesia declared independence.

Do we have to organize an army again? Our budget is

Is the budget important? Look at the map. Here are our colonies.

On the map of Southeast and South Asia, there were two red areas.

The communists who took over France approved the independence of the Indochina Federation. Also, there is intelligence that the insurgents in Indonesia have been deeply influenced by communism.

The intellectuals of this era probably had no interest in socialism, but anyway, the red scare was rampant in any imperialist country.

If Indonesia falls into the hands of the insurgents, the next will be Malaysia. If the strait colonies in Malaysia collapse, the next will be Thailand, then Burma, then India. And China will also have to fight the communists with them behind it!

The British government feared the situation where the revolution would spread like dominoes.

Their logic had some valid points. Communist countries often tried desperately to export the revolution, knowing that they could not coexist with other countries with different systems.

If they did not crush the rebellion in Indonesia now, it would become a bigger boomerang and hit all the Asian colonies! 

The British government, who was already having a headache with India, approved the dispatch of troops, thinking how much trouble it would cause if the other places joined the rebellion.

We will inform the Dutch government that we will deploy one division of the Indian colonial army and that we can increase it by one more division.

I hope we can end the war here

The situation in Britain was not much better than that of the Netherlands. They were just wary of the instability in Indonesia spreading to British India.

Also, China, which had been sending immigrants to this region for hundreds of years and expanding its influence, was also a target of caution. 

China was now busy fighting the communists, but once the threat of the communists was removed, they would try to reorganize the Asian order centered on their country, as they had done before.

They had to quickly suppress the troublemakers who were talking about Asianism or national self-determination.

The young people who boarded the warship from the homeland, where the wounds of the war had not healed yet, and were sent to the colony, could not know all these circumstances.

Fuck Another war?

We kicked the Japanese bastards, and now what? Some island natives? Damn it!

My home was a mess when I saw it

The backbone of the British army had been shattered long ago by the fight with the Nazis and the defeat of the homeland defense. Most of the veterans were dead or disabled, and the British government hastily recruited new recruits, trained them sloppily, and threw them into the battlefield.


So bloodshed broke out there, is that what youre saying?

Yes, Comrade Secretary-General. The Dutch and British forces are suppressing the demonstrators with bloodshed and crushing the independence movement.

Unexpected Unexpected

It was not India, where the protests demanding the release of Gandhi and Nehru were escalating, nor China, where Chiang Kai-shek and Mao Zedong were negotiating uneasily.

It was the same in real history. 

The Netherlands, who feared that they would fall into a small country with nothing if they lost their colony as a mediocre colonial empire, did not recognize Indonesias independence and tried to suppress it immediately.

The Indonesian independence army had many heads, but they had hardly any modern weapons such as fighter jets, aircraft, or tanks, and they retreated with tens of thousands of casualties under the joint suppression of the British and Dutch forces.

But this time it would be a little different.

Got it. Didnt the United States recognize Indonesias independence?

Yes, the Roosevelt administration is currently expressing its opposition to the inhumane recolonization of the colonies. France is also ready to issue a statement of condemnation as soon as the order comes down.

What does such a statement matter?

The important thing was military victory. If the independence army won militarily and smashed the invaders, they would have no choice but to be pushed back, whether they liked it or not.

Just like the French army, who tried to recapture Vietnam but was defeated and driven away at Dien Bien Phu. This time, it would be the British army that would suffer that fate.

The key is military power, military power. Lets send our military advisory group. Through the Indochina Federation, well supply them with old-fashioned fighters and T-34 tanks in the first phase

Yes! I understand, Comrade Secretary-General.

And lets mobilize the International Brigade.


The Third International, or Comintern, had recruited socialist volunteers from all over the world and deployed troops to support the Republican government during the Spanish Civil War.

The Comintern itself had dissolved itself during the last war to avoid provoking the United States and Britain, but its network was still alive. 

With the victory of this war, the Communist Party had grown bigger in Western Europe and America.

How about we change the signboard of those who were trained by our advisory group in the Indochina region to volunteers and deploy them?

Yes! Ill follow your instructions.

Also, for the officers who would lose their positions after the war, we established a military advisory group. Those who had experienced extreme battles in the Eastern Front and the war against Japan received training at the Frunze Military Academy in the Soviet Union and returned to their home countries in the Third World to assist the emerging independent countries in building their armies.

Thousands of officers, especially those who were familiar with guerrilla warfare, infiltration, and surprise attacks, had already been dispatched to various countries in Asia and Africa to train the army and the militia.

Of course, the soldiers had not received proper military training, and there were limits to the quantity of weapons that were sent through the detour route, and there were also limits to the quality of the local leaders who were the supreme commanders.

Nevertheless, the enemy was similar.

Are they saying that they are fighting with the locals who are familiar with the terrain, with the third-rate army of the Netherlands, Britain, or the colony, in that jungle? Hahahaha!!

The third-rate army that had lost to the Japanese. That was the best word to describe the imperialist powers invasion army.

They had barely modern equipment, but their training level was seriously low and their morale was terribly low, and reports of desertion and mutiny attempts in the barracks were constantly coming up.

How could they not know this?

Well, then send these materials over there through the hotline.

Yes! Comrade Secretary-General!

The British armys operational plan was literally leaking out.

Our spies in the British intelligence, the Cambridge Five, the Oxford Seven, the London Metropolitan Police Group, were stealing all kinds of information from Britain and delivering it to our side. Our intelligence agency could even peek at what underwear the British queen wore today.

The colonial armys anti-imperialist officers and the locals who sympathized with the Indian independence movement were also flowing through these informants.

Despite their hardware superiority, the imperialist army was in a hopeless battlefield.

The armys morale was low and the information was leaking, and the independence army they had to face was armed with steel-like fighting spirit and understanding of the local situation. On top of that, the two great powers of the US and the USSR were at least critical of the imperialist armys recolonization.

Of course, the two had different ulterior motives.

Now, go and show them. Imperialism is nothing but a paper tiger!


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