I Became An Academy Spearman

Chapter 27: This Woman Is Crazy (1)

Chapter 27: This Woman Is Crazy (1)

*Class A1 classroom.*

When the door opened, two people entered. The gaze of those inside naturally turned to them. They thought they would be classmates from the same class.


Isnt that the uniform of Class C?

However, most of them could not understand that Han Seong had chosen to come in with Glesia.

They wondered why a Class C cadet would be in Class A.

And among them was Leonhards group.

Yumia blinked as she turned her gaze towards them.

Hey, isnt that Glesia? Whos the man standing next to her?

Her words caused Leonhard to turn his gaze to the two who had entered.

The first thing he did was gaze at Glesias beautiful appearance and immediately saw the man who had entered the classroom with her.

Black hair, black eyes. Quite distinctive features.

He looked confident despite the fact that he entered the A-class classroom. His eyes roamed the inside of the classroom freely with curiosity. Which was quite strange.

He felt very different from everyone Leonhard had met so far.

However, what stood out the most was his cadet uniform.

This man was the only one in this classroom who didnt have the same uniform. The black with blue cadet uniform definitely symbolized the C-class.

I dont know who he is, but Im curious

You too? Besides, Glesia left suddenly when she was with us. Now shes here with this man.

Leonhard nodded slightly when Yumia emphasized the word man.

Inwardly, he was a little annoyed.

He didnt understand how on earth that man could be alone with Glesia when she had ditched him.

That woman was completely different from the ones he had met so far.

It would be a lie if he said he didnt care.

Leonhard took a step forward.

Huh? Where are you going Leonhard? Yumia asked.

Ill talk to him.

With someone from Class C?

He let out a small laugh at Yumias discriminating remark.

Were cadets attending the same Academy. Theres nothing wrong with that.

Leonhard, who responded in a soft voice, really just wanted to satiate his curiosity.

He wanted to know how this man could relate so well with Glesia. He thought that if he could get to know him as they conversed, maybe he could too. Posted only on NovelUtopia

He walked towards them with that thought. Yumia immediately walked beside him.

Then they arrived in front of them.

Leonhard spoke with a smile.

Hello Glesia.


Im glad you came here. By the way, who is the cadet next to you? The two of you seem to have quite a friendly relationship, can you introduce me to him?

Leonhard turned his gaze toward Han Seong to examine him in detail.

Han Seong was astonished at his sudden approach, and was equally determined to hide it.

Han Seong.

Han Seong?

The man nodded at Glesias short reply.

Allow me to introduce myself. As Glesia said, my name is Han Seong, I was assigned to Class C. I was touring the academy with Glesia, ao I came to look at the Class A classroom.

I see. My name is Leonhard Laurent. You can call me Leonhard. And the person next to me now is

Yumia. My name is Yumia. But I dont want you to talk to me confidently.

She introduced herself in an insolent manner.

Hahaha. Dont feel bad, its just that Yumia is a bit shy.

Its fine. I dont mind too much. Anyway, its an honor to meet you. Not only are you famous for your legendary attribute, but you also got the highest score in the entrance exam. As I expected, you seem different from the other cadets.

His curiosity increased as he listened to the mans response.

He feels different, but why?

It was just luck. And no distinction is necessary we are both cadets.

I appreciate your words.

In that moment, everything seemed to click. His suspicions rose. Han Seong seemed a little too normal to him.


It didnt make sense for him to behave normally acting like a C-class cadet could speak regularly to an A-class cadet.

Han Seong was in an A-class classroom his classroom. Everyone knew that he was the best in the entrance exam; that was why he gave the welcome speech. Other cadets orbited him, but he knew their presence at being casual was a facade for deference.

But this man named Han Seong acted too casually. His authentic attitude seemed quite abnormal to him.

Then Yumia broke in

Glesia! What is your relationship with Han Seong? Do you have a love relationship? she asked, Leonhard catching the smirk on her lips and the slight sneer in her voice.

Yumia, he sighed. Were just getting to know each other; its quite rude to ask that question.

I only asked because I was curious. Glesia was distant when she was with us, but now she seems very comfortable with the C-class cadet. I thought they were a couple, Yumia said unreservedly, looking around the classroom meaningfully.

Then, the gazes of those yet disinterested in the classroom turned towards them.

Now he couldnt hold back. Yumias words bothered him too somewhere he couldnt show it.

How could that man Han Seong be together with Glesia?

He didnt think they were a couple as Yumia had said.

But when he looked at Glesia, she seemed unconcerned.

He expected her to react in a bad mood, deny, scoff, something. But she appeared as indifferent as she had earlier when she was with him.


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