I Became A Zompirewolf

Chapter 10 - Training (3)

There were a lot of things Ashton wanted to talk about and confirm. Like who was Lucifer? What was the system? What was happening to his body and what did he mean by him being an admin? All this along with a crapton of other things. However, a knock on the door interrupted the chat between Ashton and Lucifer.

"Someone's here."

Ashton looked around him and saw the mess he had created. But most importantly he saw what he looked like through those broken shards. He knew he couldn't let anyone see him like he was right now or else his secret would be out and he might as well be thrown out or even get experimented on or some sh.it.

"What do I do? What do I do?"

[Just deactivate the traits you don't want.]

"What do you mean?"

[See the black light in front of you? Imagine it is a switch and try to click it.]

Ashton did as he was told and once again the familiar tab containing his information popped up.

[Can you see (Active) written against all of your species? Just click on them and they will deactivate. Be careful-]

Before Lucifer could explain what would happen to him, Ashton quickly deactivated the Zombie and Vampire traits simultaneously. As he did that, he fell on his knees from the gut-wrenching pain.

[Because it would hurt like hell...]

Slowly Ashton's skin turned back to its normal shade and his canines disappeared and were replaced by normal teeth that he had before. Even his hair turned back to as it had been for all his life. But as it all was happening, Ashton felt like his insides were being churned and pulled at the same time. The only thing that remained was his pointy ears and crimson eyes that signified he had become one of the Lycans. Or more specifically, he had become one of the Mistress' dogs.

[Look kid, I know you are hurting and all, but I don't have much time here. So I'll continue to tell you what I can before they cut me off. Or better yet, I'll leave a memo. See you later.]

And just like that, Lucifer's voice disappeared before Ashton could ask him any questions. However, as that happened, a wall of text appeared in front of him.


Points to remember:

• Never ever Deactivate all three of your active traits. If you do so, your fourth species trait will activate which is: Deceased human. Meaning, you'll die but this time it'll be for real.

• Also be careful while activating and deactivating traits because of the pain due to transformation. If you activate or deactivate more than one trait simultaneously the pain you will feel would become 10 times worse than what it would be while switching one of the traits.

• Mind that the levels of a certain species never exceed more than 5 levels than the others. That is, try to maintain equal levels for Zombie, Vampire and Werewolf genes. For example, if you're a level 10 werewolf, then the other traits must be level 5 at the very least.

• In case you are unable to maintain that level gap, then it would destroy the harmony between the genes and they'll start overpowering one another. Once again it would be painful and you might even die as a result. Or worse, your powers will get exposed to higher-ups here and they'll kill me along with you.

• You can gain levels by transforming and fighting. For example, if you fight while in being Werewolf form, you'll level up as a werewolf. It's the same for every other species as well.

• The others can see your status plate when you use it, but I've tinkered around with it so that they'll only be able to the stats you want them to see.

• Also if anyone asks the colour of your blessing, always say it's yellow. Not red, blue or black. Always yellow.

• Lastly, you won't be able to talk with me or anyone else from the association from now on. Thus you are on your own. I'll pop up every now and then to check up on you. But for now, this is it.


Ashton was still feeling dizzy from the pain when the door was thrown open and a dozen or so werewolves came rushing in.

"So it's true. This fcker was awake but did not think he needed to open the door." Donovan mumbled after sparing Ashton one look, "Mistress has an eye for talented individuals. A transformation that should have taken a week was completed in four days... impressive. Very impressive. Let's begin your training then, shall we?"

Ashton tried getting back up to his feet, but before he could, Donovan kicked him right across the face. Ashton's head was still a mess and hence, he couldn't balance himself... as a result, he fell on the pile of glass shards as they got buried under his skin as the floor was marked with his blood.

"Argh!!!" Ashton let out a painful groan as the glass shards got buried in his back.

"Impressive but weak... you'll have to train a lot if you want to get into the academy," Donovan said before pushing Ashton even further into the pile of glass shard with the help of his feet, "Oh sorry, I thought there was a piece of sh.it on the floor, so I had to check whether what I saw was correct or not. But looks like it was just you."

"ARGH!!!" Ashton yelled again, but the louder he got, the more pressure Donovan applied on him and the deeper the shards got buried within his body.

Ashton was in pain, but the pain he was feeling suddenly decreased by a bit. He was still hurting pretty bad and he almost wanted to cry, but it wasn't as bad as it had been before. Suddenly, he received another 'notification'.

[You have obtained a new skill: Pain Tolerance (Lvl 1).]


>> Pain Tolerance (Lvl 1): A common ability found in werewolves. This skill lessens the pain one experiences by 2%. Each level improves the tolerance by 2%. This passive skill can be levelled up automatically by feeling more pain.

Grade: Low

Condition to upgrade the skill: Get acquainted with pain.


'Yeah... I'll do that.... Argh!!!'


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