I Became a Witch in a World Full of Urban Legends

Chapter 78): The Night Division

Chapter 78): The Night Division

The night recedes like a wave under the gradual awakening of the morning.

A girl with a gorgeous figure walked down the streets of Huacheng. Her red lips were juicy and moist, and her hips swayed with every step.

Under her tight pink skirt, black silk leggings staggered as if she were drunk.

Damn it, it shouldnt be that strong, the girl muttered. It was just a D-Class urban legend. Mustve been active when it was alive.

The side effects of devouring a core are severe, especially without outside assistance.

Every time a core is devoured, its memories will be integrated with those of whoever devoured them until the core is fully digested into its system.

As she staggered through the still-dim streets, she saw a tall man at the end of the alleyway.

Seeing this, she calmed herself down and lightly shook her hand, and a crowbar puffed into existence in her palm.

A rustling sound emerged from her head, and a pair of rabbit ears revealed themselves.

The man saw the woman and yelled, O-oh! Mr Rabbit, or should I say M-miss Rabbit? Ive been looking for you.

He seems shy, Miss Rabbit thought, still keeping vigilant against the man.

Why? Miss Rabbit muttered, slightly startled, upon feeling the energy fluctuations radiating from the man.

Such chaotic energy! How has he not gone insane yet? Miss Rabbit thought.

D-dont get me wrong! The man hurriedly shook his arms towards the hare. I-Im here to

While speaking, he hurriedly took off his shirt and turned around, revealing the black sun totem on his back.

Do you know why now?

The Eclipse Society, Miss Rabbit panicked.

Last time, she betrayed Cicada and attacked a newly-born Witch. Could they be

looking for revenge?

As Miss Rabbit thought about it, her vision began to blur for a while, and fine beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. The side effect of swallowing an urban legends core became more and more intense.

It was as if a group of phantoms were plaguing her mind as they shrieked in her ear.

I need to run!

She calmly distanced herself from the man and conjured a spell to blast her out of the alleyway, but

Sensing Miss Rabbits intention to escape, the man was a little annoyed. Damn it, when will Cicada recover? Im not very good at negotiating things like this.

Negotiation? Miss Rabbit was slightly taken aback when she heard the words.

Wait a minute, let me show you.

While speaking, the man held up one palm towards Miss Rabbit and reached into his trouser pocket with the other hand. He fumbled for a while, took out a stack of crumpled Post-it notes, and began to read them carefully.

The Elders asked me to negotiate with you, and judging from your state, youre almost at your limit, the man recited from his post-it notes. If you continue to eat, it wont be long until your spirit collapses.

Miss Twilight is about to awaken, isnt she? The man continued.

The man read the contents of the sticky notes, and the words, which were obviously threatening, were completely devoid of meaning.

However, even then, his words still grazed Miss Rabbits heart.

Her coat hid the half-eaten core of an urban legend, and the man was right. Her constant eating had almost caused her to go insane.

She only hunted down two urban legends tonight, but she could only force herself to swallow one.

Some urban legends could be considered gods due to the power of belief. Gods have a different way of thinking; they are too complex for the brains of anything; they are too strange, too alien, and too otherworldly.

She witnessed many powerful, newborn urban legends that devour gods, and yet they plunged into madness as their memories merged together, and they themselves would be devoured.

Not many urban legends are able to withstand the temptation of knowledge and satisfy their hunger.

Hence, she was confident that the newborn Witch would fall into this temptation.

She was betting on that damned Witch to be irrational in her thinking and devour relentlessly.

Whats the point of this? Miss Rabbit asked. Surely this isnt one-sided.

No businessman would take a one-sided trade.

Please wait for a moment, the man gulped as he flipped through his sticky notes. I forgot.

Right here! the man pointed. The Night Division is on us, and we are unable to act, even under these moonless nights.

Miss Rabbit rolled her eyes upon hearing of the Night Division.

She turned around, ready to leave.

She faintly felt that she was about to lose control. No matter what the deal was, it wouldnt be appealing to her.

She didnt listen to what the man had to say.

Lunatics, all of them, she gritted.

The Eclipse Society believes in the Sun setting, never to rise again. Miss Rabbit felt like laughing upon remembering this.

Wait a minute! the man stopped. The Elders promised to help you alleviate your side effects if you helped us!

Hearing this, Miss Rabbits footsteps faltered as she looked at the man behind her from the corner of her eye and asked suspiciously, Isnt that the most well-guarded secret of the Eclipse Society? What are you planning?

Heres the catch, the man grinned. It isnt our most well-guarded secret, but the Night Divisions.


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