I Became a Villain’s Hero

Chapter 29: My Hero (5)

Chapter 29: My Hero (5)

TL/Editor: Raei

Schedule: 4-5/week, Mon-Fri

Illustrations: Here

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......Why do you keep saying that? Why would I love Soo-yeon? I like her as a person, but it's definitely not love.

If only she could hear his true feelings.

It was impossible to tell whether Jung-gyeom was lying or telling the truth.

She just wanted to believe it was a lie.

The reason was unclear.

But when Jung-gyeom denied loving her, her heart instantly felt empty.

It was as if something that had always been there, holding her heart together, had disappeared.

Jung-gyeom asked,

So, Soo-yeon, you just want to be liked as a friend, right? Thats what you mean, isnt it?

Song Soo-yeon reacted belatedly to Jung-gyeoms question.

Ever since hearing him say he didnt love her, her mind kept drifting elsewhere.

.....What? Oh... that...



Song Soo-yeon alternately looked at Solace and Jung-gyeom.

As they waited for an answer, she weakly replied,

.....Yes. Thats what I meant.


Contrary to Song Soo-yeons feelings, an atmosphere of reconciliation warmly filled the store.

Jung-gyeom also spoke more softly.

Soo-yeon has always been afraid of men. With her stunning beauty, shes suffered a lot. I couldnt add to that hurt.


As he continued, Song Soo-yeons heart grew heavier.

Despite hearing these stories repeated dozens of times, the impact of the sentences felt different now.

She wanted to know why he said he didnt love her.

Song Soo-yeon reflected on all the kindness he had shown her.

Cooking for free.

Saving her from bullies.

Storming into the Hero Association to confront Shake.

Solving school violence.

Addressing her parental issues.

Providing a house.

And even paying her a salary.

Could all this be done without love?


Surely Jung-gyeom must love her.

But... why then did he deny it?

With such a serious expression.

Out of embarrassment?

Or because Solace was there?

Whatever it was, her emotions were a tangled mess, adding to her confusion.

....I thought all the things you did were because of romantic feelings.

Ahaha... no.

Jung-gyeom endlessly denied love.

Each time he did, Song Soo-yeons heart seemed to fall deeper and deeper.

Then why do you do these good deeds, Jung-gyeom?


Once again, Jung-gyeom looked intently at Solace.

It was the second time he had given her such a look.

Its a secret.

He said it was for self-satisfaction.

As Jung-gyeom tried to hide something meaningfully from Solace, labeling it as a secret, Song Soo-yeon immediately exposed him.

She couldnt understand why she did it.

But she was certain she felt repulsion.


As Jung-gyeom looked at her, Song Soo-yeon spoke.

....Theres nothing to hide, is there?

Thats true, isnt it?


Just then, Solace clapped her hands loudly, drawing everyones attention.

Ive made up my mind!

Jung-gyeom and Song Soo-yeon turned to look at her.

....What have you decided?

Ive decided to become closer, no, to help Jung-gyeom and Soo-yeon get closer!


Song Soo-yeon felt uncomfortable.

It was displeasing.

The thought of Solace getting closer to Jung-gyeom brought a sense of rejection, almost like a warning of danger.

Her complex feelings were annoying her.

Her heart felt constricted.

....I dont like it.

Song Soo-yeon spoke out.

Solace responded with a hurt tone.

.....Oh...? Really....?


....I was trying to help you reconcile....

....It feels like you have some ulterior motive.

....What ulterior motive?

Song Soo-yeon alternated her gaze between Jung-gyeom and Solace.

She couldnt pinpoint it, but she hoped their relationship wouldn't progress further.

.....Soo-yeon, dont be like that.

Jung-gyeom chimed in.

Song Soo-yeon thought he would understand her feelings.

.....Mister, you know I dont like heroes....

She spoke as if throwing a tantrum, but Jung-gyeom didnt back down.

......I told you there are true heroes that shouldn't be hated.


Song Soo-yeon couldnt believe her ears.

She hadnt expected him to say such a thing in front of a hero.

Her eyes turned towards Solace.

........So, Solace is that true hero?

......I dont know, but we wont know unless we get closer, right?


Jung-gyeoms head turned towards Solace.

Song Soo-yeon felt that his gaze was being too easily stolen by Solace.

Discontent began to rise within her.

But how do you plan to get us closer?

Jung-gyeom asked Solace, smiling slightly.

Despite the question being hard to answer specifically, Solace confidently retorted as if she had a plan.

How about drinking?



Yes, drinking! Shake said theres nothing better than alcohol for getting closer! Soo-yeon is an adult too, right?

Jung-gyeom tilted his head.

....Do you like drinking?

No? Actually, Ive never tried it.

But why suggest drinking then...

Because its a celebration of Jung-gyeom and Soo-yeon reconciling... and like I said, it's good for getting closer... and it helps to open up, right?

Opening up.

Song Soo-yeon mulled over those words.

Yes, now that she thought about it, there was that method.

Getting Jung-gyeom to drink and speak his true feelings.

To make him admit in front of Solace that he actually loved her.

She was also curious about alcohol.

What exactly was it, that led her mother down the path of addiction?

What was it that caused people to fall apart so completely?

'I thought about trying alcohol someday. The opportunity has come sooner than expected.'

There was no resentment towards alcohol.

Her feelings for her mother had been set aside a long time ago.

Isnt it a bit too early?

Despite Jung-gyeom's comment, Solace was undeterred.

Who says you can only drink at night?

....Thats true, but... what about work? Isnt it still working hours?

If it were working hours, I wouldnt be here! I caught a villain this morning, so I got the day off!


......Do you... dislike the idea?

As Jung-gyeom hesitated, Solace cautiously asked.

....No. I actually like drinking.

Jung-gyeom answered. Song Soo-yeon frowned again.

....You like drinking, sir?

Yes. Ah... maybe you feel that way because of your mother...?

Jung-gyeom asked cautiously.

However, Song Soo-yeon was honest.

No. Ive actually been curious. Just... didnt know you liked drinking until now...

.....Well, I havent had much chance to drink.


Jung-gyeom shrugged his shoulders.

.....Then shall we have a drink for a change? Are you okay with that, Soo-yeon?

.....Yes. I do want to try it. That....


....Its a chance to learn about alcohol from an adult.

Jung-gyeom laughed happily at that.

Solace also giggled, covering her mouth.

Hes an adult, indeed.

Jung-gyeom said, after a burst of laughter.

Solace, calming down from her laughter, asked,

Hey, Soo-yeon, why do you keep calling Jung-gyeom mister? You dont seem to have much of an age difference.

.......Thats none of your business.

Saying it like that hurts my feelings. Hehe. Anyway, Jung-gyeom, how old are you...?

Im 23 years old.

Im two years younger. Im 21.

Song Soo-yeon felt awkward again on the side.

Despite the small age difference, she felt strangely defeated by Solace, who was even closer in age to Jung-gyeom.

Jung-gyeom stood up.

Then wait here. Ill get some side dishes ready.

Oh, then Ill go buy the alcohol.

Solace also stood up.

Jung-gyeoms eyes scanned her from head to toe.

She was still in her hero costume.

....In that outfit?

Oh, of course Ill change before coming back.

Jung-gyeoms eyes widened, and he asked as if he couldnt believe it.

......Youre coming back in regular clothes?

Yes. Of course, right? Why?

Song Soo-yeon couldnt find an opening to interject in their conversation.

Their back and forth was too seamless.

Among the three of them, Song Soo-yeon increasingly felt a lonely anxiety.

......No... just surprised to hear about a heros casual attire...

It's hard to get closer if I keep hiding my face. Oh!

Solace suddenly exclaimed as if something had occurred to her, bringing her hand close to her mouth.

Then, she pulled down the mask that was covering her nose and mouth.


With Jung-gyeoms exclamation, a refreshingly beautiful woman revealed her face.

She was flawless, with a bright and cute appearance that matched the atmosphere.

Now that were going to get closer, Ill tell you my real name! But you cant go around saying it, okay?


My name is Min-Bom! Its a single character!

Song Soo-yeons heart ached again at the mention of a single character name.

Why... did her name, like Jung-gyeom's, have to be a single character?

Despite her dislike, Solace effortlessly bridged the distance.


...Unusual, right?

Song Soo-yeon looked at Jung-gyeoms expression.


Jung-gyeom was no longer even looking at Song Soo-yeon.

...No. Bom...Bom... It suits you so well, Im surprised.

His expression brightened beautifully.

It was a shy smile that Song Soo-yeon had never seen before.


Song Soo-yeon clutched her chest.

Something seemed to have pierced and passed through her heart just now.


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