I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 25 The Fourth Imperial Princess Can’t Hold Back

Chapter 25 The Fourth Imperial Princess Can’t Hold Back

At that moment, Sizelrys body buzzed into the air.

It was because Sera, who had approached without notice, had slipped her hands under Sizelrys arms and lifted her up.

Even if you prattle on about the imperial body, I wont let you go.


Despite Seras grumbling, Sizelry kept her gaze fixed straight ahead.

It seems an interesting character has shown up at this martial arts tournament.

Watching that, Sera quietly let out a sigh.

Do you know how many times Ive heard that?

This time, its the real deal.

The martial arts tournament was organized under the pretext of gathering students for Rahelrn Academy.

Maybe, Sizelry thought as she smiled, this tournament might actually be fun.

[ You have some luck too. Running into the fourth princess right after arriving. ]

Crimson Garden seemed to have noticed as well.

Kraush scratched his head.

Even he didnt expect to run into the fourth princess right after arriving.

That tomboy had always been full of erratic actions, often popping up unpredictably.

I caught her by reflex when she was about to fall over.

The look on Sizelrys face as she looked at him lingered on Kraushs mind.

She had undoubtedly the expression of someone who had discovered something fun.

If I get entangled with that woman, itd be a hassle.

Sizelry, a brainy princess yet hiding her true capabilities.

Kraush was aware of her future in the Empire.

A future that did not seem fitting for such a brilliant mind.

And it was a future that only such a brilliant mind could accomplish.

Enough of that.

For now, he wasnt particularly eager to get involved with any woman.

Thus, Kraush first completed his registration for the martial arts tournament.

The name he used was Kradd, age 14.

His origin was Ozijwen, a remote village on the fringes of the Empire.

Having quickly noted down his details, Kraush finished the tournament registration and went outside.

Fortunately, Sizelry did not follow him out.

Now all thats left.

Is to place within the top three to obtain the Golden Dragon Grass.

With that thought, Kraush set off to find an inn to stay in for the preliminary rounds happening in two days time.

Little did he know the inns were full of spectators and participants until he was told there were no rooms available.

Ha, crazy.

Kraush had always known the Empire was crowded, but he hadnt expected the capitals inns to be completely full.

Taking a seat in a corner, he let out a sigh, as there was not a single space to step foot in due to the onlookers and contestants.

At this rate, he would have to sleep rough just for tonight.

And it wont be just for tonight.

Hed need a place to stay not only for tomorrow but until after the finals as well.

Hey, kid.

Amid his thoughts, Kraush heard someone calling to him.

He looked up to find an old woman.

Do you not have a place to stay tonight?

With a look of concern, the old woman asked.

I dont.

Goodness, youre all alone too? Ive been watching you from the store in front of this park where I work and noticed youve been sitting by yourself pondering.

The old woman worked at the store in front of the park where Kraush had been sitting.

Thats why she had seen Kraush sitting alone, brooding the whole time.

Did you come here alone to participate in the martial arts tournament? Oh dear, so pitiful. If youve nowhere to stay, would you like to come to my house?

There was no deceit in her expression.

She genuinely felt sorry and was offering Kraush a place to stay.

The appearance of a child seemed to have its uses in this way.

Eliciting pity from kind-hearted adults seemed to be enough.

Thank you so much. I am indebted to you.

So, Kraush readily accepted her offer.

[ Didnt you ever hear not to follow strangers when you were a kid? ]

Crimson Garden teased him, but Kraush had no intention of sleeping on the bare ground.

Especially since hes had enough of that from dealing with world erosion.

The house the old woman led him to was slightly removed from the center of the capital.

Given that the city center was excessively pricey, this was only natural.

Her house wasnt big, a modest size.

But it was more than sufficient for living in.

Theres just one empty room left. Lucky you. Are you hungry? Ill whip up some food in a jiffy.

Thank you.

Go ahead, up to the room at the very end of the second floor. It should be comfortable enough for you.

The old woman treated Kraush with kindness, as if he were her own grandchild.

So, Kraush didnt say much and followed her instructions.

Fortunate, indeed.

Never would he have expected to find a room this way.

As Kraush climbed the stairs and walked through the second-floor wooden hallway, one of the room doors creaked open.

Thinking it might be the old womans family, Kraush turned his head, only to freeze at the sight of the person he encountered.

Oh, its you!

As if by some coincidence, the blue-haired girl pointed at him and cried out.

The friend who helped me during the day!

And then, Kraush felt a faint headache.

With her doll-like pretty face adorned with blue hair.

She was none other than the fourth princess, Sizelry Ephania.

Her face was not known outside the imperial palace.

Thus she thought no one would recognize her and freely roamed around like that.

The rot.

And then Kraush realized.

Somehow, she had led him here, even though he didnt know how she did it.

Why she employed her brilliant mind in such a way was beyond him.

Kraush took a moment to look at her before turning around and entering the room as directed by the old woman.

Hmm, are you shy?

Ignoring the words that came from outside, he closed his ears and dismissed them.

And so, the short cohabitation between Starlons pride, the Balheim, and the Empires most powerful princess began.

Knock, knock, knock!

The next morning.

Since today was the last day of registration and the preliminaries were the following day, Kraush was enjoying a sound sleep in bed for the first time in a while.

Knock, knock, knock!

But with the insistence as if someone didnt want him to enjoy his sleep, the door was knocked upon once more.

Kraush turned the pillow over his ears to silence the sound.


But when there was no response to the knocking, this time the door actually opened.

He was certain he had locked the door the night before.

Hearing the door open, Kraush sat up in bed and the first thing that caught his eye was the blue hair.

Of course, it was Sizelry Ephania.

Shamelessly, she held a tiny wire in her handher tool for picking locks.

Really, what princess carries a wire to unlock doors?

An early riser catches the prey. Sleeping in late wont get you anything.

That doesnt mean you should be picking other peoples locks because theyre sleeping in.

Then what am I supposed to do? Its so obvious youre avoiding me.

She deliberately concealed her royal manner of speaking and approached him in a natural way.

Why are you avoiding me?

As she questioned him, Kraush got up from bed, straightening the sheets.

It wasnt good to converse with her.

Through experience, Kraush knew her mind was dangerously sharp.

If he engaged in conversation, it was almost guaranteed something would slip out.

Youre just not my type.

So he decided to respond with an unexpected answer.

And that surely hit the target.

Sizelrys big eyes widened before she soon laughed as if flabbergasted.

Ive only ever been called pretty or cute in my life.

How shameless.

But just like her words, Sizelrys appearance was not that of a criminal.

Plenty are prettier than you.

Oh? Who are they?

Sizelry asked with sparkling eyes.

Watching her, Kraush momentarily thought of Bianca before shaking off the thought.

Im not telling you.

You have a lot of secrets. Your face is as obscure as your words.

Thanks for the compliment.

You should be grateful. After all, its a compliment from someone of significance.

Ignoring her, Kraush stepped out into the hallway, and Sizelry quickly followed after him with light steps.

Where are you going?

Dont follow me.

Why? To become your type, we should get to know each other better. Im making such an effort, being this gorgeous next to you.

It was annoying.

Kraush honestly felt that way.

He was almost overwhelmed by the urge to deliver a flick to her forehead.

The issue was that if he did flick her, Sera, her ever-present attendant, would surely appear.

If I fight with the Mad Sword, Im as good as dead.

After all, she was a master-level expert.

Even now, the presence of watchful eyes somewhere was pricking at his sixth sense, making him feel edgy.

How about now? Am I your type yet?

Youre making it worse.

Thats curious.

As if it were the first time she received such treatment, Sizelrys eyes rounded in amazement.

How can you act like that even though you know Im the princess?

At her continued words, Kraush tensed up.

That damned woman.

What she just said wasnt thrown out randomly.

She had noticed that Kraush was aware of her identity.

She had become certain of it overnight.

Those eyes of hers, shining with a golden light, seemed to already see through everything.

Just like they encompassed all wisdom, Sizelrys eyes appeared to have pierced through it all.

What nonsense are you talking about? Why would you be a princess?

Kraush acted nonchalant.

But Sizelry merely smiled faintly.

Its a joke. A joke! How could I possibly be a princess?

With that, she extended her hand with a laugh.

Im Sizelry, nice to meet you. Kradd from Starlon!


Kraush barely held back a curse.

Not only had she blatantly revealed her name, but she had also realized where he was from.

Not pleased at all.

Kraush did not reciprocate the handshake and turned away.

Watching him walk away, Sizelry retracted her hand, uneasily placing it on her waist.


In that moment, Sera discreetly appeared beside her.

Is that boy really from Starlon?

Yes, the Empire and Starlon use the same language, but in Starlon, when syllables with plosive sounds come out, they come out slightly stronger. That boy, even with a mix of the Empires style, has that essence which cant be changed; it was apparent.

Only the fourth princess could notice such a thing.

Sera shook her head at the peculiar way in which her lady discerned his origins.

What does it mean when you say he knows your identity?

Its just as I say. The way he approaches me, there are actions that only make sense if he has already recognized who I am.

Could you give a simple example?

The actions he showed when he first met the old woman compared to the actions when he first saw me were different.

Sera blinked.

Isnt that just the difference between how one treats adults and children?

What you need to pay attention to is that it was their first time. Peoples treatment differs when meeting someone for the first time, but familiarity is clearly different from a first encounter.

Im quite lost here.

Its a matter of observational skills. I absorb much more information much faster than others.

Her brain worked differently from the average person.

Especially in terms of observation, her intellect showed overwhelming efficiency.

An average persons brain would simply register the information with the eyes and move on, but her brain remembered all of it and turned it into valuable data.

Thats why she saw more.

The rate at which she absorbed information was of such a degree that calling it a supernatural ability wouldnt be too far off.

Thats why Sizelry was even more puzzled.

But Im seeing that child for the first time.

How could someone who isnt in her memory behave towards her as if familiar?

Was he feigning familiarity on purpose?

However, unless he was a con man of historic proportion, there was no way to pull the wool over her eyes.

As she considered various possibilities, she soon let out a sly chuckle.

Itd be better if he were a con artist.

Ironically, that was the most plausible explanation.

Should I capture him?

If hes from Starlon, then hes hiding his identity and participating in the martial arts tournament under false pretenses.

Sera quietly asked, and Sizelry responded by raising her hand and slapping Seras thigh lightly.

With such an amusing thing happening, why create a disturbance! Leave it be.

Sera, having her thigh slapped for no reason, could only grimace silently.

More importantly, Sera, have you found out a bit about my sisters matter?

Upon her question, Sera, who had been rubbing her thigh, turned to look at Sizelry.

Yes, I inquired as you directed. If we focus on the points you mentioned, its clear that Lady Sigrid is indeed a different person than before.

The Empires third princess, Sigrid Ephania.

Armed with a talent for the sword, she was Sizelrys older sister, expected to become a shining sword of the Empire.

Sizelry had already noticed that her sister had changed strangely starting a year ago.

Hmm, somethings happening in the imperial palace, hm?

Sizelry clicked her tongue lightly and moved on.

Should we do something about it?

When Sera asked, Sizelry shook her head.

Thats enough. Matters of the palace should be resolved within the palace itself. Why should I get involved?

She had intentionally distanced herself from the palaces affairs.

Her inquiries about Sigrids change were out of personal curiosity alone.

There was no other reason.

Still, she couldnt help but think that the first and second princes were a bit at risk.

But now Ive found something far more interesting.

Sizelrys eyes sparkled with curiosity for the first time in a while.

She simply hoped whatever she had discovered would satisfy her interest.


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