I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 14 Gaslighting

Chapter 14 Gaslighting

Thousand-Faced Demon.

The owner with a name that signifies a spirit with a thousand faces has one particularly peculiar curse.

The curse is simple to explain.

The moment one of its eight hands touches you, your face vanishes.

But despite its simplicity, the effects of the curse are notoriously terrible.

Since losing your nose and mouth leaves you unable to breathe.

Ugh, mmm!

One of the knights, only a trainee, was caught by the Thousand-Faced Demons hand and lost his face.

Unable to speak without a mouth, letting out only a few vibrations from his vocal cords, he clawed at his empty face and succumbed.

Without an immediate healer, there was no way to survive.


However, unlike the trainee knight, Belorkin and the other knights were on the verge of victory.

For a three-star world erosion owner, the Thousand-Faced Demon was strong, but not enough to be a match for Belorkin and his knights.


One arm of the Thousand-Faced Demon was completely engulfed in flames by Belorkins Ignis.

In an inextinguishable blaze, the Thousand-Faced Demon spitefully whipped its arms about more fiercely.

The arms of the Thousand-Faced Demon were powerful enough to crush the human body with ease, strong enough that even mid-level Expert knights had to hastily roll on the ground to dodge.


But Belorkin was different. He countered the Thousand-Faced Demons hands head-on and managed to strike back.

Thanks to him, the floundering demon was caught in a gap by Belorkins sword, which unleashed another fierce assault.


Dont retreat! Ill create an opening!

The knights spirits soared once again in front of his overwhelming valor.

And again, the name of Balheim was etched into their hearts.

The thought that even world erosion, a primal fear of humanity, could be overcome if Balheim was present filled their minds.

Follow Belorkin!

The knights, sensing impending victory, shouted and lunged at the Thousand-Faced Demon.

Observing this, Belorkin felt pride welling up within him.

Yes, this was he.

This was Belorkin Balheim!

Just as a triumphant smile was spreading across his face, Belorkin suddenly thought of Kraush.

Kraush was nowhere to be seen amongst the knights.

Could he have been caught by the Thousand-Faced Demons hand and died?

If that were the case, this mission would be most gratifying. Upon catching sight of Kraush in the distance, though, Belorkin felt a tinge of disappointment.

Nevertheless, it was still fine.

If Kraush felt the difference in their power and shivered in fear of world erosion, it would be a successful outing.

But the Kraush that reflected in Belorkins eyes was not trembling in fear.

He was merely quietly observing something.

And that gaze was not directed at him.


What could he be looking at?

It was at this moment that Belorkins suspicions were caught off guard.


Suddenly, there came the sound of something dripping from the Thousand-Faced Demons face.

When Belorkin swiftly turned his head, his eyes saw something that petrified him.

Black blood was pouring from all the faces orifices of the demon simultaneously.

As Belorkin realized the abnormality and attempted to put distance between himself and it


A black spark surged and flowed all over the Thousand-Faced Demons body.

Belorkins eyes shook profoundly at this unprecedented occurrence, yet he instantly raised his sword.

He thought he must kill the Thousand-Faced Demon right then and there.

Kill the Thousand-Faced Demon now!

Belorkin ordered as he slashed his sword towards it.


However, his sword failed to cleave through the demons black body.

Despite being infused with aura, he couldnt cut through.

Belorkins eyes widened as the Thousand-Faced Demons body began to swell with grotesque colors.

As the demons body inexplicably began expanding, Belorkin realized in panic there was no follow-up attack from the knights he expected to be right behind him.

What are you all doing!

As he turned to berate them, thinking perhaps the Balheim knights were cowed by the demon, he was confronted with all the knights standing still, their faces utterly void.

Looking blankly at them as they just stood there, Belorkins pupils slowly dilated.


Thats when he belatedly noticed one side of his vision was missing.

He frantically felt around his eyes, only to touch bare skin where his eye should be.

As realization dawned that hed been afflicted by the curse, a shadow dark as pitch crept over Belorkins head.

When Belorkin looked up, there loomed the Thousand-Faced Demon, now grotesquely grown to unimaginable proportions, its arms daintily gathered as it stared down at him intently.


A peal of thunder resounded.

And amidst it all, one of the stark white faces protruding forward split open right down the middle.

Just as the face split to reveal stark white teeth and a tongue elongating,


The swamp shook with the roar that erupted forth.

Soon after, rain cascaded down like a torrent in response to the monsters outcry.

Belorkin realized then.

The despair engulfing the world erosion was at hand.

Aaah, AAAAH!

Belorkin started to sprint, his feet kicking against the ground.

The ground waterlogged from the downpour caused the swamp to swell, submerging his legs halfway, but he couldnt afford to concern himself with that.

He was going to die.


This singular thought filled his mind.

Struggling to maintain his balance without one side of his vision, Belorkin kept running.

It seemed quick coming in, but the swamp seemed endless as he ran and ran with no end in sight.

The pouring rain continually obstructed his vision.

The swampy muck bound his legs.

Thump, thump, thump, thump!

The relentless footsteps of the Thousand-Faced Demon approached louder and louder from behind, constricting his mind.

Within the world erosion, Belorkin felt himself to be wretchedly small.

A barrage of thoughts sprang forth wildly in his mind.

He was Belorkin Balheim, born into Starlons most powerful lineage, Balheim.

What in the world was this now happening?

He lost all the knights that came with him in a blink, and here he was, fleeing in a crazed panic from the world erosion host.

He, a Balheim, was doing this.


Balheim was supposed to be the strongest.

And if he belonged to Balheim, then he too should be the strongest.

Was this not against all reason?

The thought crystallized sharply in his mind was none other than Charlotte.

His half-sister from a different mother, the Star of Starlon, shining with her brilliant talents.

What would she have done in his place right now?

Would she have fled as he was?

Or would she have drawn her sword, stood her ground, and brought down the monster?

Such notions began to bubble up uncontrollably in his mind.

He was afraid.

If he returned now, the reprimands he might face from the family were unknown.

And the thought that the gap with the elusive Charlotte might widen once more only intensified that fear.

In Balheim, Belorkin felt his own place slowly vanishing, fearing he might be remembered by the world only as a fool whod been overtaken by his younger sister, three years his junior.

He feared failing to fulfill the promise to his deceased mother, who had wished for him to achieve greatness.

That shackle drove Belorkin to madness.

At that moment, darkness once again fell over him.

Due to the swamp that had risen to his waist, Belorkins steps were delayed and, before he knew it, the Thousand-Faced Demon had caught up to him.

As Belorkin hurriedly raised his sword

Above him loomed an arm of the Thousand-Faced Demon, vastly larger than his own body.


It was a brief sound that escaped Belorkins lips.


The arm of the Thousand-Faced Demon smashed into the swamp, causing the waters to shoot high into the sky.

The swamp was agitated, churning wildly like waves in a storm for a while.

Below, Belorkin was no longer visible.

Only the rainwater filled the space, quietly covering the traces of someone who had passed through.

It was much later when Belorkin opened his eyes again.

His body was heavy.

His condition was a mess.

His ribs ached as if they were piercing his lungs, and his body temperature felt low enough to snuff out his consciousness.

Moreover, his clothes, soaked with swamp water, felt as heavy as lead.

The thick clothing hed worn against the cold now seemed to be his undoing.

Im alive, then.

He must have barely moved in time, narrowly avoiding the Thousand-Faced Demons attack.

Of course, he hadnt completely escaped and had lost consciousness after being caught in the wave caused by the demons blow.

After some time, he realized someone had slung his arm over their shoulder and was making their way through the swamp.

Barely lifting his heavy eyelids, he noticed the persons shoulder was very small.

Almost childlike.

Not long thereafter, he recognized who the owner of that shoulder was.

Kr, Kraush?

At the mention of the name, the boys head turned his way.

There was Kraush.

Looking relieved with his hair soaking wet in the pouring rain, matching Belorkins disheveled state.

With thoughts of the Thousand-Faced Demon and Charlotte crowding his mind, Belorkin belatedly realized that Kraush had accompanied him.

Brother, have you awakened?

How are you, no, how are you still alive?

Yes, I was always watching from a distance because it was dangerous.

Had that been the case?

It seemed that unlike the knights, he had not been exposed to the curse, thanks to being away from the fray.

But somewhere inside, Belorkin felt dissatisfied with the situation.

The fact Kraush was supporting him and walking was gnawing at him internally.

Belorkins self-esteem had already been crushed during his earlier flight.

Now, the thought of receiving help from Kraush, who he had always considered beneath him, seemed to trample on the last shred of his pride.

Thats enough. I will walk on my own.

Peeling his arm from Kraushs shoulder, Belorkin struggled to catch his breath.

His breathing was unsteady, possibly having been injured internally during the impact, and his aura wasnt responding appropriately either.

However, he wasnt so incapacitated that he couldnt walk at all.

Even if he had been, he had no intention of depending on Kraush for help.

Brother, you are not in normal condition. Please do not do this.

I said, enough!

Belorkin snapped, shouting back at Kraush, who moved to support him again.

Lashing out in anger, asserting that even someone like Kraush had no right to assist him, he pushed the boy away.

Kraush, appearing resigned, withdrew his hand.

Belorkin watched him and panted to regain his breath.

Yes, that is just your place.

In this situation, there was nothing you could do, so just feel your powerlessness.

Belorkin thought as much as he attempted to move forward again.


A sound reverberated through the entire swamp.

Upon hearing the noise, Belorkin instinctively hunched over.

Because the owner of that sound was none other than the Thousand-Faced Demon.

Kr, Kraush, how far have we made it out from there?

Belorkin asked, attempting to understand their current situation.

But Kraush, with a serious expression, surveyed the surroundings and responded.

Im not sure. Weve walked quite a bit, but since the outside isnt visible yet, maybe the world erosion is enclosed.

Belorkins face turned pale upon hearing Kraushs words.

If that was true, then they couldnt leave until the Thousand-Faced Demon was killed.


Once more, the sound of the Thousand-Faced Demons step echoed from afar.

Damn, damn.


It was then Kraush called out to the panicking Belorkin.

I have one idea.

An idea?

Belorkins head lifted at the notion that someone like Kraush could have a plan. He didnt like the idea, but suppressed his disapproval for the sake of survival.

Yes, I suppose youve heard about my fight with Anicks.

Of course, he remembered.

Belorkin was still skeptical, but the rumor that Kraush had fought Anicks to a draw certainly existed.

The reason I could do it was that I learned a secret technique from my sister.

Belorkins body jolted at that revelation.

He immediately realized sister referred to Charlotte.

From Charlotte?

Kraush nodded once again.

Was Charlotte someone who would teach another?

That thought crossed his mind, but Charlotte and Kraush were siblings of the same blood.

Perhaps unbeknownst to him, she had held Kraush in special regard.

And if his draw with Anicks was due to Charlottes secret technique, it began to make sense.

Belorkin had experienced Charlottes genius far too well.

So, youre saying with this secret technique, we can defeat that thing?

I cant be certain, but its worth trying compared to dying here from exhaustion.

Belorkin bit his lip momentarily.

Whatever the technique, Kraush had seen the Thousand-Faced Demon firsthand.

Yet he dared suggest it was worth trying, which must mean it was a technique of significant potency.

Youre telling me this because you need something from me, right?

Brothers Ignis skill can ignite flames out of anything, can it not?

Yes, but what about it?

I would like you to ignite my aura with those flames.

Belorkin belatedly realized what Kraush had in mind.

He intended to combine his skill of flames with the secret technique to attempt defeating the Thousand-Faced Demon.

I know you dont trust me.

Seeing Belorkin hesitate, Kraush spoke once more.

But brother, you do trust our sisters abilities, dont you?

And the words that followed were enough to put an end to Belorkins hesitation.


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