I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 115

Chapter 115


Kraush looked back at Aniks and spoke.

“I understand.”

While thoughts of stealing the night whirled in his head, his outward appearance showed none of it.

[Crafty bastard, your acting skills keep getting better. So, what nonsense are you plotting now?]

Only Crimson Garden seemed to understand Kraush’s thoughts, giving him a scolding.

Kraush understood the Yellow Tower’s reason for the request aside from his own need to go to the Night God’s tomb.

If an Erosion Sorcerer fortified himself in the ruins, it would be troublesome for the Yellow Tower to handle.

They’d prefer not to involve another country and risk a power struggle.

Instead, going through Rahelrn Academy, which gathered requests, would resolve the issue with appropriate compensation.

Mages were indeed cunning.

“Finished reading?”

Kraush asked Haring, who nodded and stepped back.

Kraush handed the request back to Elfin.

“Let’s drop off our luggage at the inn and head out. There’s someone there who will guide us to the ruins.”

The distance to the ruins was considerable.

It would take at least a week on foot.

For those unfamiliar with the desert, a guide was essential.

As Aniks led the way, Kraush noticed Haring walking beside him.

The others weren’t friendly to Haring, so she found comfort in staying close to a peer.

‘Having her around reminds me of Bianca.’

Though they looked different, both had expressionless faces.

It seemed like similar people were grouped together.

‘I heard Devrham’s dates are famous for their sweets.’

Before leaving, he should send some to Bianca via magic delivery.

She had a sweet tooth and would enjoy them.

[Thinking about your fiancée again?]

He wished this one would stop reading his mind.

* * *

Soon, Kraush arrived at one of Devrham’s inns.

The inn was comfortable even for nobles.

The Yellow Tower’s support seemed genuine.

After meeting the guide, Aniks gathered food and supplies prepared by the inn for the desert crossing.

“The Graiza family is well-known even in our Yellow Tower. It’s an honor to meet you.”

“We should be grateful for the active support from the Yellow Tower.”

Aniks and the guide made friendly small talk.

Watching them, Kraush thought Aniks hadn’t changed.

He wore the same fake smile with his own members as well.

‘He’s hiding his true intentions.’

Whether Aniks realized it or not, Kraush saw through his fake smile.

‘Same old guy.’

No matter what, he couldn’t view that smile positively.

Soon, Aniks came over, signaling they were ready to depart.

“Let’s go.”

So, we began our trek across the desert to the Night God’s tomb.

What happened after that?

Nothing much, really.

For the first, second, and third days, Kraush traversed the desert outside Devrham’s walls without issue.

Though World Erosions occurred occasionally in the lawless zone,

the first-year students were trained and accustomed to it.

They handled it well without Kraush needing to step in.

‘I remember these guys originally worked well together.’

Elfin, one of the three prodigies like Aniks, was naturally skilled.

The seven from Starlon were known as the Seven Stars, sticking together closely.

Their families had strong ties and fought World Erosions together, so their teamwork was excellent.

Aniks had chosen well, picking others who meshed with the group.

Because of that, only two were out of place.

One was Kraush, and the other was Haring, the future Poison King.

In Kraush’s case,

others eagerly sought his favor, stepping up before he needed to.

Especially the Seven Stars, knowing the value of the Balheim name from Starlon, went all out.

‘These guys who were eager to tear me down at the Holy Land of Stars.’

Now that he had shed the title of half-wit, their behavior made him scoff.

However, Kraush had no interest in a mere 4-star World Erosion.

He had absorbed enough in the Demonic Realm.

Unless it was to gain the night, he didn’t need to absorb more World Erosions.

So, he let them handle it.

Meanwhile, Haring was an island.

No one assigned her tasks or helped her.

As a result, Kraush spent much time observing from the back with Haring.

After a week of this,

Kraush had casually started conversations with Haring.

“Want some?”

He offered her a piece of hardtack, which she took without a word.

They chewed together, watching the Twin Star Group handle the World Erosion.

Initially, Haring wouldn’t take the hardtack, but now she did, like a stray cat growing accustomed to food.

Maybe it was boredom.

One seemingly pointless day,

“We’ve arrived!”

The guide announced their arrival at the ruins.

The Twin Star Group stopped, looking ahead.

But all they saw was sand.


The Night God’s tomb appeared only at night.

It was still midday.

They had to wait until nightfall.

“Let’s rest in the shade of those rocks.”

So, the Twin Star Group took an unexpected break.

With the sun blocked by the rocks, it was bearable.

Thanks to the mage, they didn’t worry about the sand.

A circular barrier kept the sand out, providing a comfortable rest.

Haring and Kraush, having rested continuously, didn’t need the break.

“Master Kraush.”

Kraush turned to the voice beside him.

Elfin stood there with a water bottle.

Her black hair exposed her forehead, and her tall stature gave her a magpie-like appearance.

Aniks Graiza,

Balak Hogma,

and she were the three prodigies of Starlon.

Elfin Emilia.

She handed the water bottle to Kraush, who took it.

She seemed to have something to say.


At Kraush’s invitation, Elfin adjusted her skirt and sat.

Haring, looking uncomfortable, moved away.

She still resembled a stray cat.

“Do you remember what happened with Mr. Aniks before?”

She referred to the Holy Land of Stars.

Kraush, having more memories, nodded.

“Since then, Mr. Aniks has changed a lot because of you. He feels sorry for what happened.”

“He looks the same to me.”

“To an observer, he might.”

Aniks still had fake conversations with his members.

He rarely showed his true feelings.

“But he has changed. He’s learning how to move forward.”

Elfin, being one of the three prodigies with Aniks, had spent the most time with him.

She was most sensitive to his changes.

“And it’s all thanks to you, Master Kraush.”

“What influence could I have on him?”

“Mr. Aniks lost his way after being defeated by Miss Charlotte.”

Charlotte was a star too bright.

A star so strong it overshadowed those nearby.

Aniks lost himself before Charlotte’s brilliance.

“He admired Miss Charlotte but also resented her. He saw what true genius is.”

Charlotte’s talent was a double-edged sword for Starlon.

While the best sword, it also wounded those nearby.

Kraush, once wounded by that sword, understood.

“But meeting you at the Holy Land of Stars, Mr. Aniks saw something other than talent.”

“So, I’m not a star like Charlotte?”

Elfin smiled at Kraush’s teasing.

“No. You’re a different star. Charlotte is the sun. Blinding, burning.”

Elfin continued calmly.V/\IssịT n0(v)eL/b(i)(n).𝘤𝑜/𝓂 for the b/est novel reading experi/en/ce

“But you, Master Kraush, are the Heavenly Pivot Star. Bright yet distant, guiding those who seek the way.”

A star always in place, guiding travelers.

Elfin described Kraush as a guiding star.

Ironically, the first star of the Heavenly Slaughter Star constellation was the Heavenly Pivot Star.

“Mr. Aniks saw that star and found his way. He began to believe he could move forward too.”

“I just wanted to punch him because I didn’t like his attitude.”

“Interpretation is subjective, like how future generations add to the writings of the past.”

A smooth talker.

Elfin stood, having said what she wanted.

“I ask that you don’t judge Mr. Aniks solely on past events.”

“When did I say anything to Aniks?”

“No, but when he arrives, your brow furrows like this.”

Elfin mimed Kraush’s furrowed brow.

It wasn’t that bad.

[Laughing, she’s spot on.]

He ignored Crimson Garden’s remark.

“Just consider what I said.”

Elfin bowed and left for Aniks.

At least Aniks had good subordinates.

‘She noticed what others missed.’

Kraush clicked his tongue, resting his chin on his knee.

The sun began to set.

* * *

Night fell, and the sky filled with stars.

Under the full moon,

the long-forgotten ruins began to appear.

It was a wondrous sight.

Endless sand vanished, revealing a massive ruin.

“Let’s move.”

At Aniks’s words, the Twin Star Group stood.

The once-hidden entrance became visible as they descended the sandy slope.

“I’ll wait here.”

The guide’s job ended there.

From now on, it depended on the Twin Star Group’s abilities.

“Maran, please.”


At Aniks’s request, Maran, skilled in reconnaissance, led the way.

The Twin Star Group entered the ruins.

Inside, stone and moss covered everything.

Despite being buried in sand, there was no sand inside.

“Nothing ahead. Let’s proceed.”

As Maran advanced, Kraush spread his senses around.

The ruins were like a maze.

Various presences were detected throughout.

‘Nothing, huh?’

Erosion Species lurked everywhere.

[Your range is too vast. Don’t blame them.]

“I’m the same age as them.”

[Not even the same appearance. You used to be cute, now you’re just ugly.]

Her treatment of him worsened.

The ruins shook with a deep rumble.

“Maran, what’s the state of the ruins?”

“I’ll find out soon!”

Aniks looked back at Maran, who seemed flustered, unable to grasp the situation.

“It’s okay. Take your time.”

Despite his words, Aniks summoned his aura.

He was preparing for the worst.

Kraush’s eyes narrowed.

Something massive stirred below.

‘Juio Irma is an Erosion Sorcerer.’

His eyes darkened.

He hoped for an easy solution, but it seemed unlikely.

As they entered the ruins, the enemy sensed them.

[So, the servant is the Moon Rabbit’s, huh?]

Crimson Garden sensed the presence below.

Yet, Kraush felt puzzled.

He thought the Moon Rabbit sent the Erosion Sorcerer to check the tomb.

However, the current presence suggested a different situation.

‘It seems they’re draining the Night God’s power.’

The Moon Rabbit later used the Night God’s power but didn’t try to drain it.

Doing so risked the Night God’s wrath and punishment.

‘Now I understand.’

Kraush realized the situation.

The Moon Rabbit used the Erosion Sorcerer to drain the Night God’s power.

If it succeeded, the Moon Rabbit would claim it. If not, the Sorcerer would suffer the wrath.

‘If the Sorcerer succeeds, the Moon Rabbit takes the power. If not, the Sorcerer takes the fall.’

It seemed to have ended in failure.

That’s why the Moon Rabbit didn’t attempt to drain the power later.

‘No wonder I never heard of this Sorcerer.’

He must have died from the Night God’s wrath.

‘It’s doomed to fail, but…’

He didn’t like someone meddling with his objective.

The presence below grew stronger.

“Hey, Aniks.”

Kraush called Aniks as a warning.

Aniks turned, and Kraush spoke briefly.

“It’s coming.”

At that moment, Maran’s eyes widened.

“Something’s coming from below!”

Too late.

“Everyone, get away from here!”

Aniks’s command came too late.

As they tried to move away,


The floor exploded.

Debris flew everywhere.

Among the flying debris,


Trees sprouted from the walls, covering the floor and lifting the fallen members.

It was Graiza’s secret technique, Mokchendo.

“Grab on!”

Aniks shouted, and the members quickly used the trees to avoid falling.

They reacted swiftly, having faced World Erosions before.

“Is everyone okay?”

“Yes, we’re fine!”


Hearing the responses, Aniks narrowed his eyes.

Maran’s reconnaissance ability earned him a place among the Seven Stars of Starlon.

Aniks trusted Maran, but someone had reacted faster.

That was none other than Kraush.

‘Much faster than Maran.’

Kraush seemed to have sensed the floor collapse long before Maran.

Maran detected it much later.

This meant Kraush had a wider sensory range than Maran.

‘With such combat skills, and a broader sensory ability.’

Aniks had witnessed Kraush’s combat prowess during the entrance exam.

He saw how much Kraush had grown firsthand.

It was beyond explainable effort.

Watching him, Aniks clenched his fist.


He realized the significance of that name.

Standing on the tree branches, Aniks’s eyes glinted.

“Mr. Aniks!”

Elfin’s voice came from afar.

Using the tree branches, she hurried over.

“Master Kraush is missing!”


Aniks’s eyes widened.

He quickly scanned the area.

Kraush was nowhere to be seen.

Aniks looked down at the debris.

The collapsed floor was a deep pit.

Did he fall?

‘No, that’s impossible.’

Kraush knew the floor would collapse.

If he wasn’t here,

Aniks realized someone else was missing.

“Elfin, where’s Haring?”


Elfin looked around.

Being part of the Empire faction, she hadn’t checked earlier.

Haring was nowhere to be seen.

That meant.

“Did Master Kraush…”

“He went down to save Haring.”

Aniks clicked his tongue.

Kraush might have gone down, knowing Haring wouldn’t handle it.

Despite being in the special class, she was a second-year.

She might not be used to sudden situations, and Kraush anticipated that.

Aniks’s brows furrowed.

The Twin Star Group was his responsibility.

What happened here was on him.


Aniks sighed, looking into the darkness below.

“Everyone, get ready to go down.”

They had to find the second-years immediately.

* * *

Far below,

Kraush landed lightly, pushing off the walls.

Seeing Aniks react to the explosion, Kraush went down without hesitation.

This was his chance to reach the tomb’s center alone.

Just as he decided to act independently,

Kraush turned to see an unexpected follower.

“Why did you follow me?”

The person landing beside him was Haring Lagrain, a fellow second-year.

Kraush was surprised she followed him.

Haring avoided his gaze, rubbing the back of her neck.

“…I thought you were falling.”

Contrary to Aniks’s assumption, Haring didn’t fall.

Seeing Kraush descend rapidly, she thought he was falling and followed.

Realizing he was controlling his descent, it was too late.

Haring’s explanation left Kraush puzzled.


End of Chapter


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