I Became A Supporting Character

Chapter 36 Could This Be The Villain's Plan?

Because Riska's plan failed again! Riska's hatred for Indah is growing.

Currently Riska's hatred has reached its maximum.

Riska again thought of a plan to humiliate Indah.

After thinking for a few minutes, Riska finally managed to think of a plan.

Riska is very sure her plan this time will work.

Riska took out her cell phone from her bag. Riska then called someone.

A few moments later.

Currently, Indah is having a conversation with Amel.

They talk about things that happened in high school.

However, their conversation was cut short when Amel's cell phone rang.

Ring... Ring... Ring...

Amel then checked her phone. Because it turned out to be her mother who called, Amel then said to Indah.

"It turned out that it was my mother who called, I will answer this call first."

"You wait here for a moment, will you, Indah? I'll be right back."

"I will wait for you to come back, you can answer the phone call from your mother."

Amel immediately looked for a quiet place to receive a phone call from her mother.

This incident was seen by Riska, Riska has been looking for the right opportunity to carry out her plan.

Because Riska felt that this was the right time to carry out her plan. Riska then took two glasses of juice from the table.

Riska mixed something into one of the juices. Riska then walked to where Indah was.

"I don't mean to embarrass you, Indah. I'm asking you that just out of curiosity."

"If you feel offended, I will apologize to you."

Riska said while wearing a regretful expression.

If you were naive, you might believe Riska's words after seeing her expression.

Because Indah was not so naive, Indah did not believe Riska's expressions and words.

There are some people who will never apologize, even if they did something wrong. Riska is one of those people.

Indah didn't say a word, just ignored Riska.

According to Indah, after ignoring Riska. Riska will then leave.

However, this time Indah's guess turned out to be wrong.

Seeing that Indah was ignoring her, Riska was not angry.

Riska keeps trying to get Indah to forgive her.

A few minutes later.

"You may be thirsty, I brought a glass of juice for you."

Riska then offered a glass of avocado juice to Indah with her right hand.

Riska knows that Indah likes avocado juice. During high school, Riska often saw Indah drinking avocado juice.

'Offering avocado juice to thirsty people?'

'How did you know that avocado juice can quench thirst?'

Indah knew that this was only an excuse from Riska. However, Indah knew that Riska would not leave before Indah took the juice offered by Riska.

Because Indah didn't want to see Riska's annoying face any longer, Indah then took the glass of juice that was in Riska's left hand.

Indah was very careful with Riska's actions. That's why Indah didn't take the juice offered by Riska, Indah took the juice that was in Riska's left hand.

Indah suspects that the juice that is in Riska's right hand is mixed with something.

Indah had often heard about this from some of her female friends.

What's wrong with being careful?

Moreover, the one offering the juice is Riska. That's why Indah had to be careful.

Indah then drank a sip of the juice.

After drinking a sip of avocado juice, Indah gave the glass back to Riska.

"Thanks for the juice."

"Since I have forgiven you, you can leave immediately"

Indah hopes that Riska can leave as soon as possible.

Seeing Indah had drunk the juice. Even though it was only a sip, Riska then immediately said.

"You're welcome, I'm very glad you're willing to forgive me. Then I'll excuse myself."

Riska smiled as sincerely as possible.

Then Riska went to the toilet.

After arriving at the toilet, Riska then laughed.

Hahaha. "Looks like my plan worked."

Riska is very excited, because her plan has succeeded.

Now just waiting for the medicine to work. So, the next plan can be done.

Riska previously called someone, Riska said she needed medicine and also asked that person to deliver the medicine to Riska.

Because the plan had not been fully successful, Riska then calmed herself down, after managing to calm herself down. Riska then came out of the toilet.

Riska intends to monitor Indah's movements. When Indah takes a strange action, it means that the medicine has started working.

Riska is definitely not a fool, because Riska knows that Indah has a bad impression of her, Riska already predicts that Indah will not take the glass she offers.

A few minutes later.

Indah felt a very strange feeling.

A few moments later. Indah felt her lust growing.

Although Indah has never used medicine, it does not mean that Indah has no knowledge of medicine.

Indah realized that she had been given medicine. However, when?

Indah then tried to remember again.

'Is it when I drink avocado juice?'

Indah realizes that this is all Riska's plan. Even though Indah had taken precautions, Indah did not think that Riska had predicted this.

Because this has happened, Indah then thought.

'If I go home now, can I still drive?'

Indah estimated her condition.

Indah thought it was impossible for Riska to let her go home.

Since Riska's plan had almost succeeded, there was no way Riska would give up.

Riska will definitely prevent Indah from going home.

As for Riska's plan, Indah can guess it.

Because there is no other way and Indah has no male friends. Indah intends to ask Adhi for help. Indah also hopes that Adhi will help her.

Indah then took out her cell phone.

Because Riska was watching Indah, Riska also saw that Indah took out her cell phone.

Riska thought that Indah would call someone.

Because Riska was not far from Indah, Riska then took Indah's cell phone.

"Why did you contact me, Indah?"

From Indah's cellphone, Adhi's voice was heard.

Even though Riska had managed to snatch Indah's cell phone, Indah managed to call Adhi first.

Indah also felt that every second her strength was getting less and less.

Because her strength was decreasing, Indah then sat on a sofa not far from her. Indah tries to scream so Adhi can hear her voice.

However, Riska immediately ended the phone call.

With Adhi's intelligence, Indah is very sure that Adhi will definitely realize something is wrong.

But, will Adhi still arrive on time?

Indah can only hope that Adhi will come to help her soon.

How dare you plan such a disgusting thing, Riska?

Do you think you can get away with it once this matter is discovered by others?

I have some connections, if you do anything to me I will make sure you will pay dearly for your deeds.

Indah also turned up the volume of her voice, so that people could hear what she had to say.

Indah tries to threaten Riska.

Seeing what Indah was doing, Riska just laughed.

"Do you think I'm stupid? I already thought you were going to scream. I've assigned someone to take the surrounding people to the karaoke room."

"No matter how loud you scream, no one will hear your voice."

As for the matter of Indah's threats?

Of course Riska is not afraid.

Riska has contacted an influential middle-aged man.

With this male connection, Riska is sure that this matter will not be known by others.

Riska then called her personal driver.

Riska then held Indah's body, Riska did this to help Indah stand up. Riska intends to bring Indah into the car.

When Riska's hand touched her body, Indah felt a very strange feeling.

At first Indah was still able to hold back so that her voice did not come out.

Because Riska touched her for too long, Indah could no longer hold back her voice. Finally Indah let out a strange sound.

Embarrassed by the sound she made, Indah then covered her mouth with her hand.

Because she didn't have enough strength, Indah's vision focused on her cell phone which was held by Riska.

After leaving Mira's house without being noticed by others. Riska then took Indah towards the location of her car.

After arriving at the location of Riska's car. A man's voice is heard.

"Miss? Why so soon? Miss said the reunion might end until the evening."

"It's a good thing I haven't left yet. If I had gone, miss might have waited for me a bit longer."

The driver saw Riska helping a beautiful woman who seemed to be sick. "It seems that this beautiful woman has a fever?"

"My friend is suddenly sick. I will send my friend home."

Because Riska said she would send her friend who was sick, the driver no longer asked. The driver immediately opened the car door.

Then Riska helped Indah get into the car.

"Where are we going Miss?"

"Kalimaya Street."

Then the car headed somewhere.

In a luxury house.

When Indah ended the phone call, Adhi already felt something was off.

Adhi waited for an explanation from Indah.

After waiting for 10 minutes. Because Indah did not call back, Adhi was sure that Indah was in trouble.

Because Adhi knows Indah well. With Indah's personality, Indah would not do something like this.

If Indah accidentally calls Adhi, Indah will of course apologize.

After waiting for 10 minutes, because there was no explanation from Indah, Adhi soon came to this conclusion.

Because Indah was in trouble, Adhi then tracked the location of Indah's cell phone.

After a few seconds. Adhi saw Indah's cellphone location moving.

Because the location of Indah's cellphone is moving, it is likely that Indah's cellphone is near Indah.

It could just be Indah's cell phone location going the opposite direction.

Could this be someone's plan to trick Adhi?


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