I Became A Supporting Character

Chapter 34 Requirements To Be A Villain

Eko is not stupid enough to commit a crime that will leave evidence behind.

If Eko did that, wouldn't Eko be caught by the police a few days later?

What about the money that Haikal has given? What about his wife?

Eko did that to get rid of his problems, not to add to them.

Although Eko will only result in financial losses. Because Eko has never done anything that violates the law. Eko needed time to convince himself.

This is Eko's only chance to pay off all his debts. After paying all the debts, his wife might be willing to forgive Eko.

Eko's life can return to normal.

After successfully convincing himself, Eko finally agreed.

With help from Haikal, Eko manages to set fire to the pharmaceutical factory at night.

Bagas knows about this incident because Bagas has read the novel.

Even though Bagas only knows a little about the plot, Bagas feels that this is enough to defeat the Protagonist.

Because they could not find the perpetrators who had set fire to the factory. Citra as the CEO of a pharmaceutical company, is responsible for the incident.

Citra begins to lose the trust of the Wibowo family.

They have also agreed to make Haikal the new CEO.

Haikal is also talented in business, but Haikal's talent cannot compete with Citra's talent.

Because Citra has made a mistake, Haikal gets a chance to prove his worth.

Haikal will then become CEO and Citra will become CFO.

Because Citra's business talent has been recognized, therefore Citra's position was only demoted to CFO.

According to the plot, this problem will be solved by the protagonist. Then, Citra will regain her position as CEO.

Because Jamal helps Citra solve the problem, Citra then has feelings for Jamal.

Because Bagas knows this, Bagas will not let this incident happen.

At this time, a new factory fire occurred last night.

Bagas felt this was the right time to make a move. Bagas then called the butler.

At a pharmaceutical company.

Citra received news that the company's largest factory had experienced a fire.

Currently, Citra is thinking how to solve the problem.

In the end, Citra has a conclusion. If Citra cannot find out who the perpetrators are who set fire to the factory, Citra will lose her position as CEO.

Citra thought that this incident must be related to her half-brother, Haikal.

Citra also knew that Haikal wanted to control the inheritance from the Wibowo family.

Because she doesn't have any evidence, Citra will not say that she suspects Haikal.

Isn't that defamation?

Citra estimates that the loss due to the fire reached 2 trillion.

With a loss of this magnitude, it's clear Citra will be blamed.

It is possible that Haikal will become CEO to replace Citra.

His hard work so far will be handed over to other people, moreover that person is Haikal.

Because Haikal has planned many things, Citra has long considered Haikal as her enemy.

Citra doesn't know what will happen to her if Haikal manages to inherit from the Wibowo family.

Although Citra is very unwilling. Because she has no evidence, Citra can only accept this incident.

Why not claim insurance?

After the insurer conducted an investigation, the cause of the fire was a fire that arose on purpose.

Therefore, the insurance claim was rejected.

If the insurance accepts the claim, isn't the insurance going to lose?

Someone could have ordered someone else to burn down his own factory or house. then that person files an insurance claim.

Knock... Knock... Knock.


"Excuse me, president."

Because Rina knew that the president was currently focusing on the factory fire problem, Rina immediately said her goal.

Rina is Citra's secretary.

"President, young master Bagas Pradipto invites you for a business meeting."

'Bagas invited me for a business meeting?'

Citra, of course, knows young master Bagas.

Citra's question is, what is Bagas' purpose in inviting her to a business meeting?

Citra knows that Bagas is not talented in business, Bagas only enjoys the life of a young master.

Could it be that Bagas is attracted to her?

After all, many already know that Bagas likes beautiful women.

Because Citra thought that Bagas was attracted to her beauty, Citra refused the invitation.

In a luxury house.

"Young master, Miss Citra refused your invitation."

The butler reported this to Bagas.

Hearing the butler's report, Bagas did not change his expression.

Bagas could guess that Citra would refuse his invitation. After all, the reputation of the owner of this body is very bad.

"Then say that I know who set the factory on fire."

"I understand, young master."

The butler then called Citra's secretary back.

After getting a call from the butler of the Pradipto family, Rina immediately headed to Citra's office.

Because Rina was in a hurry, Rina immediately entered the room without knocking first.

Seeing Rina who was in a hurry, Citra then said.

"Is there something important?"

"President, the butler of the Pradipto family said that he knows who has set fire to the factory."

"The butler also said. If you want to know who the culprit is, you must accept the invitation from young master Bagas."


Even though Rina was also confused, Rina only conveyed the message from the butler.

"Are you sure you didn't hear wrong?"

"I'm pretty sure I heard right, president."

Because Rina doesn't seem to be lying, Citra then thinks.

Was what the butler said true?

Could it be that the butler lied to get me to accept an invitation from Bagas?

The police have also investigated this case, there is no evidence left by the perpetrator.

How did Bagas know who had set fire to the factory?

Citra is very confused. Citra decided to think first.

"I will give you the answer in 20 minutes. Then you may go."

"Excuse me, president."

Since the president had already told her to get out, Rina quickly walked out of the room.

In a company.

Because Citra is a heroine. Adhi has assigned someone to monitor Citra's movements.

At this time, Adhi gets a report that young master Bagas has invited Citra for a business meeting.

Adhi also knew that the factory for the pharmaceutical company Citra had caught fire.

Adhi could guess that this was a plot.

Since this is a plot, of course the protagonist will solve the problem for the heroine.

Because Adhi knows Bagas and his habits. Adhi is confused why Bagas invited Citra for a business meeting?

What does Bagas know about Business?

Because Bagas is very famous because he likes beautiful women. Adhi thinks this is just an excuse for Bagas to meet Citra.

It is possible that Bagas intends to chase Citra.

However, this kind of method would not work to catch up with the heroine.

Citra isn't that stupid either.

Adhi also suspects that Bagas has become a Villain. since the factory fire is a plot, Bagas might sabotage the protagonist.

Why did Bagas sabotage the protagonist?

Because this is the right time to get Villain points.

As for Bagas' plan? With so little information, Adhi still can't find out what Bagas's plan is.

Besides, this is only Adhi's suspicion.

Because Bagas had met the requirements to become a Villain, Adhi then ordered jajang to investigate Bagas.

What are the requirements to become a Villain?

Of course you have to be a useless young master.

Being a Protagonist also has requirements. The condition is that you have to experience a problem first, then your cheat will come soon.

10 minutes later, Jajang reported what he had found to Adhi.

After reporting this, Jajang immediately left.

Apart from breaking up with the gold diggers, Bagas has not changed his lifestyle.

"After becoming a Villain, Bagas enjoyed the young master's lifestyle more than attacking the protagonist? You could say Bagas is very confident."

"Perhaps, Bagas knows the plot that will happen, or Bagas has more inner power than the protagonist?"

Adhi tries to guess.

Currently, Adhi is getting a report back from the person in charge of monitoring Citra's movements.

"Bagas said that he knows who set fire to the factory?"

"It turns out that Bagas has some knowledge of the plot."

As for how far Bagas knows about the plot?

For now Adhi does not know.

Because Adhi already knew what Bagas was planning. Adhi will of course sabotage Bagas' plan.

Adhi intends to call Citra.

Having no contact with Citra, Adhi immediately contacted Indah. Adhi said that he needed Citra's contact to discuss some business matters.

Because Adhi needed Citra's contact, Indah immediately sent Citra's number to Adhi.

After receiving Citra's number, Adhi immediately contacted Citra.

However, Citra did not answer the call.

Given that the Citra company factory caught fire. Because Citra didn't answer his calls, Adhi thought that Citra was busy.

2 minutes later, Adhi called Citra again. However, Citra also did not answer the call.

"As expected of an iceberg beauty."

Adhi feels this is also reasonable. Citra certainly has often received calls from unknown numbers.

Even Citra often changes her number.

As one of the top beauties in jakarta, Citra has many admirers.

Because it was like this, Adhi then called Indah again. Adhi said that he wanted to contact Citra, but Citra did not answer the call.

A few minutes later, a reply from Indah came, Indah said that she had already contacted Citra. Adhi can contact Citra again.

Then, Adhi contacted Citra again.


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