I Became a Sick Nobleman

Chapter 89: Entrance! (3)

Chapter 89: Entrance! (3)


Ruel had a brief conversation with the king and was granted permission to admit his knights into the palace.

As a bonus, even Noah was allowed to enter the palace, and uneasy, he ordered him to never leave the room where they were staying before stopping by Banios’ room.

—This body will just walk around.

As soon as he entered the room, Leo ran off excitedly.

“Sit down.”

Banios pointed to the chair.

Ruel sat down in his chair, glancing at Leo, who was wandering around with nothing to do.

“Do you have a favorite tea?”

“Whatever is alright.”

“I’ll be blunt because it’s a situation that needs to be discussed before the banquet.” (Banios)

Banios pulled the materials out of the drawer and handed them over.

“You and your brothers are intertwined with the events that happened five years ago, and I dug further into it. Is that okay?” (Ruel)

“It will be alright.”

Ruel could tell Banios was speaking carelessly most likely as it wasn’t his business anyway.

“Five years ago, Trino Setiria, the former head of Setiria, departed with your younger self in a rush. Incidentally, there was an accident and the former family head died, and the Royal Family concluded that the accident was caused by an attack by an unknown person.” (Banios)

Up to this point, Ruel had already known.

“In additon, they say you were found wounded in a village far away from the scene of the incident.”

“What does that mean?”

Ruel was twelve years old at the time.

‘How far can I go even if I run?’

In response to Ruel’s question, Banios opened the data one by one and pointed to one of them.

“If you look here, it is written in detail about who first found you and what kind of village it was.”

It was written that a man named Widen, who lived in Hian, a village next to the capital, found Ruel.

“As you know, the royal family intervenes when there is a problem with the aristocracy, so it is hard to fake this while being investigated under the king’s watch.”

“So the incident was aimed at my disappearance?”

“Under the circumstances, that seems to be the case.”

Ruel inhaled Breath to clear his head.

The former head of the family was in a hurry to run away with the young Ruel, then he got into an accident.

“I heard that the former patriarch recognized the identity of the Red Ash. While evacuating you…”

To borrow Liberan’s words, the former patriarch knew who the Red Ash was.

“Their ears were broken, the communication network fell apart, the former head of household passed away, and you…”

In Dion’s words, those birds had betrayed the patriarch.

Liberan was the one who coaxed the birds.

In other words, the information the patriarch had known was false.

It meant that the fact that the patriarch had been rushed to leave with false information was a trap set to kill him from the beginning.

But the enemy failed. He failed to kill Ruel.

“The ones who protect you.”

Because of the unnamed guards of Ruel she had mentioned.

Otherwise, the case wouldn’t be connected.

After Ruel disappeared from the scene of the incident, the mark was planted at that time and with the current flow of events, he could only think that all those who guarded Ruel had died.


Ruel exhaled lightly.

“So five years ago, what happened to the Second Prince?”

“On the day of your accident, both brothers left the palace, “Banios finished, bitting his lower lip.

“Where did they go?”

“First of all, my Eldest Brother left first, and then my Second Brother moved, but only that fact they left is recorded, it’s unknown where they went.”

Ruel waited for his words silently with his back to him.

“That day, my Second Brother had an accident. He almost lost his life from the chandelier in the royal hallway.”

“…An accident, you say?”

“And that year, my Eldest Brother suddenly gave up his succession to the throne. What do you think, isn’t this sequence of events too strange?”

It was weird.

The Second Prince was almost killed by a chandelier in the royal family’s very presence, and the First Prince suddenly gave up the throne.

“I don’t think this is simply an accident.”

“I don’t know what happened the day the two brothers left, but it’s clear that they were in the same place.”

“Then who was the more likely candidate for the throne five years ago?”

“My Eldest Brother.”

“Then, after the Second Brother had an accident, the Red Ash approached him.”

“I agree with you.”

Ruel raised the corners of his mouth for a moment.

The only organization that could give Adoris enough strength was the Red Ash.

Wasn’t the Lumina family that supported him also entangled with the Red Ash?

What was very suspicious here was the First Prince’s move.

Why did he leave that day?

“Cough, cough. Anyway, I think that’s all the information you can give me.”

“I’m sorry it’s not a big gift, I don’t know if I’ve made this more complicated.”

“It’s okay because you’ve got another individual to watch. Please monitor both of them.”

“Have you forgotten that I am a prince?” Banios stated, smiling slightly.

“I’m asking you this favor because you’re a prince. This is not a place where I can intervene recklessly.”

“It was a light joke, as you said, I can easily dig into my two brothers.”

Banios soon rose from his seat with a bitter smile.

“I’ll give you another gift later, so I hope that will make you content, after all I’ve received so much from you already.”

“I’m glad you know. I was afraid that you might come to me empty-handed.”

Banios laughed loudly.

“Yeah, I was a bit arrogant when I first met you. As is often the case with nobles, there’s a tendency to hold oneself in high regard.”

You’re a prince, tho?

Ruel looked at Banios with an absurd face.

“I’m a little shy to say it myself, but I’m still more modest than you admit. Well, anyway, you may stay and relax and prepare for the banquet in my room.”

Banios’ expression didn’t change a bit, even though he said something quite shameless.

Ruel replied calmly.

“I see.”

“I tried to cancel the banquet so as not to burden your wound, but I am sorry that my power doesn’t reach that far. Please get some rest once you get back to Setiria.”

“H…did you know?”

Banios pointed proudly at himself.

“No matter how powerless I am, I am a prince.”

“Didn’t you just say you were humble?”

“It’s not a boast, it’s a fact. What can I do? I hope you’ll be born as a prince next time.”

Ruel saw the back of Banios hiding a brief grin.

“Then when are you going to tell His Majesty?”

Banios stopped moving forward and brushed his bangs back.

“His Majesty cares so much about us, it’s a little difficult to let him know that we’re aiming our swords at each other in other matters outside the battle for the throne.”

Banios’s sigh followed.

“I’ll take the opportunity to tell him. He can’t stay in the dark.”

Banios sighed again and went out.

As soon as the door was closed, Ruel asked Cassion.

“How did he know about my wound?”

“You can hide your wounds, but you can’t hide the smell of blood. He probably caught you by the scent.”


Ruel inhaled Breath and looked at the spirits stuck to his body.

The spirits tilted their heads when they received Ruel’s gaze.

Kuroo kuru.

Twenty, no thirty, no, there were enough spirits that he didn’t want to count.

He had a hard time hiding his expression every time one more clung to him, probably because the palace grounds were pleasant

Cassion packed the papers holding the data.

“I’ll find a witness and find out exactly what happened.”

“I don’t expect much.”

“I know. Wasn’t it five years ago?”

Ruel rose from his seat and headed for bed.

He felt it before, that whatever the bed material was it was very good.

He should have asked what kind of material it was.

—Ruel, Ruel. Are you sad?


—You look sad.

“It’s just your imagination.”

It was the Ruel in the novel who had an accident or was swept away by an incident hidden by someone, not himself.

Ruel was just wondering what happened then.

“Take a break. I’ll be back after getting ready.”

Leave the room and go somewhere to prepare.

It’s useless nonsense.



“Do as usual.”

“I see.”

“By the way, I asked Aris to wear white clothes. Don’t forget to change your clothes to white.”

Cassion smirked.

“Even if you change the color to something lighter, the title ‘Noble of Darkness’ is unlikely to be forgotten. Why don’t you attend in the original color?”

Ruel also knew.

Once the name’s been made, it was going to stick. Once a reputation is built, it’s built.

Damn it, Ganien.

Ruel chewed him to pieces inwardly and spoke forcefully.

“Make it white, no questions asked.”

Cassion suppressed his laughter and answered, “Alright. We will try to match it as much as possible.”

As Ruel waved his hand, Cassion bowed and went outside to meet Aris.

—This body will be playing with the spirits, so you can sleep in peace.

Leo’s front paws patted Ruel on the head.

The spirits, who were residing on his stomach, also rushed to his face.

—No, you must not imitate this body, but heal Ruel’s wounds!

When Leo growled and barked, the spirits roared and responded.

Eventually, some remained around his head and some returned to the wound.

‘If you care, you lose.’

Ruel closed his eyes for a moment.


“They say that all the heads of the five families and their family members and vassals are attending the banquet today.”

Ruel stopped yawning and doubted his ears at Cassion’s words.

“I heard it was a small event.”

He thought it was hilarious to describe the gathering of all the family heads as modest.

“Yes, wouldn’t it be simple with only those with strong influence gathered?”

Cassion smiled faintly.

Ruel choked before he could speak.

“They say it’s the first time in five years that all six families were seen together.”

—Will this body go?

Leo, who was circling around Ruel, stopped and asked.

Ruel answered while the spirits were sliding down his shoulders…again.

“You wouldn’t be able to eat even if there were delicious food like at the Cyronian Banquet?”

—No, this body has learned to eat secretly. Look at this.

Leo suddenly climbed the table and ate up the meat pie Ruel had placed down.

He chuckled brightly after chewing.

‘…my pie.’

—Did you see! This body ate it all at once! If you eat anything at once, no one knows!

Leo waggled his tail to ask for praise, but Ruel found it difficult to respond to the request this time.

“Let’s not touch anything at the banquet.”

For a moment Leo’s body stumbled, but he soon smiled again at Cassion’s words.

—It’s not a bad strategy. If this body eats food without making it obvious, quickly, and without touching people it will be fine.

What’s the difference between saying that and ‘that’s impossible’?

—See? This body’s plan is perfect. This body is going to eat everything!

Ruel inhaled Breath and briefly pitied Leo, who reveled in his plan alone.

‘…let’s see.’

Lumina, Shio, Prios, Kuhn, Liobenez.

Among them, Lumina was the family that was confirmed to be related to the Red Ash.

“Give me your report.”

Cassion would have looked into it.

“Why don’t you prepare for the banquet first?”

Cassion’s hand stopped touching Ruel’s hair.

“Unlike you, sitting still is all I have to do.”

Even if he was getting ready, Ruel only had to maintain either a standing or sitting position, like a mannequin.

He was doing his hair right now, so Cassion shouldn’t care what he did in the meantime with his hands.

When Ruel showed his empty hands, Cassion handed over the data with a disapproving face.

“Please understand that the contents are poor due to lack of time to investigate.”


Ruel answered calmly and opened the data focusing on the family heads of the three families, Kuhn, Shio, and Liobenez, whom he had not met.

Then something came to mind, and Ruel spoke in thought.

“You were the one who rejected the lady-in-waiting that His Highness offered, Cassion.”

“Their mouth is supposed to open eventually. What should I do to inform you of the current situation? I did all this from the beginning, and now it’s no problem.”

“Are you going to teach Noah?”

“That’s all right. I’ll do it myself.”

Ruel chuckled at Cassion’s urgent reply.

Cassion frowned and continued working on Ruel’s hair again.

What’s the point of having an exclusive attendant?

It was better to just do it himself than to have Noah burden him.

He quickly learned about combat, but the attitude that he had towards learning as an attendant remained the same no matter how many times Cassion instructed him.

Maybe when we go back, he can be passed over to Billo. That would be much better.

Ruel looked at the data again, still smiling.

‘The head of the Shio family is Diagos Shio…’

In the past, the Shio family supported the Eldest Prince, but they already knew that they were being worked against behind the scenes under the influence of the Second Prince. It was also noted that the head of the family sincerely cared for their second daughter, Serti Shio.

The Liobenez family was quiet; it was a family that produced many judges and built close friendships with ministers.

The patriarch’s name was Ben Liobenez, who had a cousin, but had no children.

The Kuhn family was a family that was considered the guardian of the Royal Family and, like Setiria, was allowed many private soldiers.

The number allowed was less than that of Setiria, but it is said to be comparable to that of Setiria in strength.

‘The patriarch takes the position through a duel among the direct line… ’

The head of the Kuhn family was Rie Kuhn, who became the patriarch of the Kuhn family three years ago through a duel.

Unfortunately, there was only superficial information to see but there was really no time to dig further. Although it was better than nothing.

Ruel lowered the spirit that fell on the data onto his lap.

Kuroo kuru.

He seemed angry, but what does it matter?

Ruel slightly hit the mongrel on the head and handed the data back to Cassion.

“Oh, did you change the color of your clothes?”

“Aris just briefed me on some of the rules within the Royal Family. It seems that Sir Torto has given you only the minimal information you needed to know.”

The word ‘rule’ was not a good sign.

“First of all, even minor magic is prohibited. Originally, possession of magic items should be prohibited, but the patriarchs of the six families stated there can be exceptions.”

“My uncle did it with me before”

“Tyson-nim is better than the royal wizards here. He hid the mana and it went undetected. But Aris compared to a royal wizard…”

“Okay. Stop it.”

He explained it in a roundabout manner, but in short, he meant that Ruel had to wear the clothes in the original dark colors.

Ruel inhaled Breath with a frown.

‘Nothing goes my way.’


“The bandages are tighter. But you shouldn’t bump into anything.”

Behind Cassion’s words, the sound of a cane echoed.

“You’re going to watch.”

Ruel paused and gestured to his own shadow.

—This body will watch. Don’t worry about Cassion.

Leo fluttered around Cassion, knowing he couldn’t be seen.

“I’ll keep an eye on you. Don’t worry.”

Aris smiled slightly.

He was dressed as a knight, so every time he moved there was a heavy sound.

“Please, he who doesn’t know what his condition is like now.”


Ruel made a ridiculous laugh at the open conversation.

‘They’re having fun.’


Cassion quietly seeped into Ruel’s shadow.

Mana’s oath seems to be working properly, seeing that Noah gets caught every time he speaks, but looking at Cassion, he feels a little torn.

Ruel walked forward again, inhaling Breath.

The sound of the cane rang in the hallway.

—This body has thought of food to eat at the banquet in advance. This body will eat everything sweet.

Leo then chatted about his small plans, gesturing with his front feet and tail.

“Are you nervous?”

Aris asked in front of the entrance to the hall.

“No, what about you?”

“I’m nervous. Being in the spotlight is awkward and strange, no matter how many times I’ve been through it.”

“You have to get used to it. That position will continue to attract attention in the future.”


Aris replied with a firm will.

Unlike in Cyronian, this was not an enemy state.

However, the Red Ash also existed in their home country of Leponia.

Aris exhaled heavily, and watched the back of Ruel, dressed in black.

There were some things that Cassion reminded him several times to pay attention to, so he stayed alert.

When he arrived at the door of the banquet hall, Ruel nodded to the servant, who bowed and opened the tightly closed door and shouting loudly, “Aris, the knight and magic swordsman of Setiria, and Ruel Setiria, the head of Setiria and Noble of Darkness, enters!”


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