I Became A Mighty Lion

Chapter 64: A Mosquito

Chapter 64: A Mosquito

Half a month later.

The wounds on Chu Xiaoye’s body finally healed completely.

At the same time, he realized that a very special fur had grown out of the healed wound on his neck near his shoulder.

This fur was different from the others. It was not brown or yellow on the lion’s body, but true gold.

Under the sun, it was filled with luster.

It was rather similar to the golden color on his right claw.

However, this fur was very short and was submerged in the other fur. Other than him, no one could see it.

He felt that the heat in his body was still modifying his body.

Although the speed was very slow, the effect was very obvious.

His right claw had become even sharper and was as hard as iron. It was effortless to scratch the tree trunk.

His body seemed to have become even lighter, and his weight was still growing.

Over the past few days.

The feces he pooped out were not as dark as before. It seemed to be recovering to the color of normal feces.

As for his farts, they were still very smelly.

Maya also recovered with his help.

The dry season had officially arrived.

There was no sign of herbivores on the withered and dry grassland.

In the bushes at the back, the number of small herbivores was also decreasing.

During the day, they could only see some giraffes and elephants using their tall bodies to search for tender shoots on the branches of the bushes.

The pride of the cold father had not eaten for three days.

For an adult lion that had experienced many dry seasons, this was nothing. Even being hungry for a week was common.

However, this was not allowed for the pride of the cold father now.

The cubs could not hold on for long.

Furthermore, Maya was pregnant.

And Callie was about to give birth.

Furthermore, they were in a very dangerous situation.

Next door, there was the Seno brothers’ pride that coveted their territory, and outside, there were wandering lions that coveted the lionesses and territory as well.

If the cold father continued to starve, he could not protect them.

Therefore, today, under the lead of Aisha, the pride decided to hunt together.

Their goal was the giraffe.

Although the giraffes looked docile and raised their necks all day long, only eating the tender leaves on the branches and looking obedient and weak, they were actually strong and brave. Be it the lionesses or the lion, they were extremely lethal to them!

They were huge, and regardless of whether it was their front limbs or hind legs, they were strong. When they ran, their four hooves flew, and they could even break a lion’s bones.

Ordinary animals with hooves could only attack lions with their hind legs. As for them, be it their front or back legs, they could raise them up high and attack the enemy ferociously. With a random hoof, they might be able to kick a lion until it could not get up.

Chu Xiaoye had once seen on documentaries how a group of hungry lions went to hunt giraffes under the lead of a lion.

In the end, just as the female lions pounced on it, they were sent flying by the giraffe. The male lion was kicked by the giraffe’s hooves until his mouth was filled with blood. He rolled on the ground and could not get up for a long time.

From this, it could be seen how terrifying a tall herbivore was!

Therefore, unless it was a last resort, lions rarely hunted animals like giraffes.

As for elephants, they were even more terrifying.

But today, the pride of the cold father decided to take a risk and hunt giraffes.

The amount of meat on a giraffe was enough for their pride to eat for a few days. They would be fine without eating for half a month.

Callie was about to give birth. She had to eat her fill.

Aisha led the pride away from the camp and walked into the bushes at the back.

Chu Xiaoye brought Little Curly Tail and Mei Mei and followed behind the lionesses.

The cold father and Lars walked at the back.

The cold father’s mane was lush. When hunting, he could not move out first to avoid alarming the prey.

As for Lars, ever since he saw the miserable death of the wandering lion that night, he became even more respectful and fawning on his father.

The cold father’s attitude towards him was still very cold.

Lars would be two years old in more than a month. Some sparse mane had already started to grow on his neck. Although it was not too obvious, it could attract the attention of the male and female lions.

Especially every time there was a lack of food and he wolfed it down extremely fiercely.

Catherine did not seem to have followed.

When lions hunted and ate, they would not let an external cub follow them.

The cold father and Lars both hated her.

During the half month that Chu Xiaoye was recuperating, every night, Catherine would crawl into this forest to hunt.

She failed many times, but she also succeeded a few times in the end.

At least she did not starve to death.

She used Chu Xiaoye’s hunting skills and methods in practice and became more and more proficient.

Especially when she hid on the tree and pounced at her prey.

However, unhappy things would always happen.

That night, when she pounced down from the tree and bit a wild rabbit, a little leopard suddenly ran out of the bushes at the side and bared its fangs at her, wanting to snatch her wild rabbit.

Of course she was not afraid!

It was just a small leopard, and it was even smaller than her!

She immediately bit the wild rabbit to death and raised her head, preparing to teach the arrogant little leopard a lesson.

However, a mature female leopard walked out of the bushes.

She immediately slipped away.

How infuriating!

The prey that she had painstakingly caught was snatched away!

That despicable little leopard was actually still roaring behind her with a gloating look.

Fortunately, the female leopard did not chase after her and attack her.

Recently, the prey in the bushes had decreased.

The pride ate too much. Be it day or night, the female lions would ambush their prey in the bushes.

Hence, she had not eaten for four days.

She was so hungry.

When the pride of the cold father left the camp.

Catherine climbed up the Baobab tree and walked to a branch that was hanging in the storage room. She hesitated for a moment and took out a warthog without legs.

This warthog had already been skinned and dried by the sun. It did not have any sweet and delicious smell.

As for the warthog’s lost thigh, he threw it away luxuriously after biting it a few times that night. Then, it entered her stomach and saved her life.

The storage room was full of other prey, many of whom had lost their legs.

Looking at these prey without legs, Catherine’s gaze was as gentle as water.

She was hungry.

She put the warthog back and lay on the branch he often lay on in a daze.

She could not steal his food.

Tonight, she would hunt again.

At this moment.

A huge mosquito covered in patterns flew over and landed on her back.

The sharp mouthpart that was like a syringe quietly pierced through her fur and into her flesh.


Catherine’s tail slapped hard!

She did not hit it.

The mosquito flew away to a more moist and dense place in the distance.

Ten kilometers away.

A rhinoceros fell into a pool of blood, and a terrifying bloody hole appeared on its head.

The rhinoceros horn disappeared.

Further away.

A lion that was patrolling the territory had its head cut off.

Even his majestic mane was nowhere to be seen.

There was only a mangled headless corpse left, lying quietly in a pool of blood with a trace of warmth remaining.

The mosquito continued to fly.


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