I Became A Mechanic

Chapter 8: The Ugly Duckling (4)

Chapter 8: The Ugly Duckling (4)

The reward for hunting is rewarded according to one's contribution.

Because of that, occupations that apply a buff and people who fight well, and those who fight well find people who match each other.

If one person is too outstanding, the party may become dangerous because of that person's pace, and if the pace is not met, the outstanding person has to suffer losses.

It was a bit like this now.

Jun-woo fought well.

Dodging, blocking, cutting, and concise, but his movements were different from others.

It didn't take long for people to realize that Jun-woo was not capable of hunting with them.

Suddenly, Jun-woo was at the forefront, followed by Tank 38.

Tank 38 stuck to the side and started talking.

Im sorry, I almost threw out a talented person.

No, because I think it was the right decision for the party.

Thank you for thinking that way; when did you start feeling mana?

It was after that because the job was changed to a legendary level, and the movement of things around me was felt.

I dont think its been a while.

Im envious; I dont think its okay not to be able to go to a private academy; is there any other way to practice meditation?

I didn't do anything called a training session other than watching NuTube while doing it recently.

I dont think there is anything special; its just NuTube .

What did you watch?

Its just that Ive seen people who have been searching for ways to fight goblins.

I didnt realize it at all Anyway, congratulations, it's great if you know how to feel mana; I'll give you a sticker after the party, with a mana detection sticker."

"Thank you .

Please dont leave malicious comments just because I tried to kick you out.

Is it possible?

Jun-woo's head turned forward, drawing an awkward smile.

Are they coming?

Yes, coming from the right.

Ill take the right one.

As Jun-woo said, not long after, a goblin appeared through the trees.

Goblins step on the ground with their bare feet and run fiercely, but Jun-woo easily avoids or blocks the attack and draws their faces.

When the goblin, who had been pushed back with a cut on his face, tried to run again toward Jun-woo, fames few and hit him, and an arrow was pierced in the stomach of the fallen goblin.

Cling! Clang!

Jun-woo, who hunted while avoiding or blocking, suffered almost zero damage.

Clergy30 watched Jun-woo's battle out of curiosity.

He fights well He doesn't seem to wear out his vitality, so come to think of it, he hasn't even used his heels yet.'

Numerous times wherein Tank38 and Swordsman 33 used their heels; according to her observation, Clergy 30 hadnt seen Jun-woo use his heels after several hours of hunting.

As such, Jun-woo showed of his skills that did not go well with the party here.

Wizard 40 said with a satisfied smile.

For us, if we manage our mana well, we can hunt non-stop.

"I know, right?"

It was the archer couple who sympathized with him.

When Swordsman 33 came near, bleeding with a cut on his right forearm, Clergy30 rushed to him.

Swordsman 33 drew an awkward smile.

Haha, I was distracted.

A clear light was shot from the hands of Clergy30 and healed the wounded forearm.

His open wound healed quickly as if it had never happened, and his lost vitality gradually increased.

When the Swordsman33's wounds had healed, Clergy30 stopped healing.

Wizard 40 looked at him and said in a low voice.

My friend, your movements arent as good as I thought, and fortunately, the other two tanks fought well, so its a shame.

It was the magician who clicked his tongue.

What kind of quest is it?

In response to Tanker 38's question, Jun-woo pondered briefly.

It was a quest to obtain a blueprint, but it seemed difficult for them to understand him, so he said the usual thing.

Ah, to get the recipe.

The quests that blacksmiths get from recipes are common, and the system will probably tell you to craft them too.

Maybe not.

According to information on the Internet, yes.

But if its a recipe quest, you have to work hard for at least two weeks. Why did you organize a three-day party?

In the case of the recipe, I had to live at the gate for two weeks to get one.

In the case of Jun-woo, it would be if the blueprint was the same as the recipe.

But he couldn't stay at the gate for two weeks.

The blacksmithing machine would stop working at dawn three days later.

He had to go back quickly, get the item made by Captain, sell it, buy various materials, and run the blacksmith machine, so three days was enough.

He was thinking of saving the party again after that.

I have an appointment in three days.

Then do you go hunting again after the appointment?

"Maybe I think so until I get the recipe.

Im always available. Would you like to go with me?

It is difficult to find party members.

He was kicked out countless times in various rooms, and the party members were able to gather thanks to the joining of the clergy by creating a room.

It was cumbersome to save the party members again, so Jun-woo answered insignificantly.

Is that okay?

Are you also a clergy?

Well, its hard to be sure, but.

The clergy and Jun-woo were strangers to each other.

If that doesnt work, we can go with just the two of us, because its difficult to find a party member that suits you. A skilled shield swordsman, a high-level clergy, and also a tank that fits your level seems to be perfect.

Tank 38 drew a satisfied smile.

In particular, having a party with someone who has a good mana sense has a lot of advantages.

It could have been dangerous if a sudden boss appeared or many goblins suddenly appeared.

A party with a mana-sensing person could avoid dangerous things in advance.

If we go with these two, it'll be quite stable; well be able to hunt comfortably.

However, the system did not listen to Tanker 38's whisper.

A few hours later, a scroll of white paper wrapped in white light appeared over the goblin's corpse that Jun-woo had caught.

Tanker 38's eyes grew bigger than Jun-woo's.

Jun-woo hurriedly grabbed it.

[You have completed the quest Get the Blueprint.']

[As a reward, the stat bonus has been increased by 10.]

Without taking the stat bonus, Jun-woo checked the blueprint he had learned.

[M. pistol blueprint][bind]

-Rank: Epic+

-Classification: One-Handed Firearms

-Material: 26 Adamantium Ore

One titanium ore

Ten black powder

Three black pieces

1 Ent Woodblock

1 Advanced Magic Stone

-Estimated magic power when crafting: 136

Option to attach at the time of production. *When attacking unknown additional damage.

* Opponent's defense when attacking: decrease, max. Decrease up to ?. *When fired:? Mana is consumed per shot, and magic power is? Increases.

Schematic value: 450,000,000 gold

-Value of the item upon completion: 1,820,000,000 gold

Before the system was introduced, it was a blueprint for manufacturing the strongest weapon of lethality, the gun.

After the system was introduced, some used guns.

Snipers who were former archers, or those with gunslinger-related jobs, wore muskets or used revolvers.

But this type of automatic pistol was nowhere to be seen.

Complex drawings were drawn on the blueprints. It was so complicated that I wondered if I could make it.

Is my weapon a gun? Do you want to take a picture of your intellect? .'

Jun-woo, who hasn't taken a stat bonus yet, looked at the gun and thought briefly.

The destructive power of the mana-consuming gun was related to intelligence.

Tank 38 reluctantly offered congratulations.

Congratulations, is this a recipe? By the way, wasn't it just white? I heard that white is a blueprint

The recipe was a brown cloth scroll.

The blueprint was white paper.

Several occupations used blueprints, and alchemists used the representative ones with an Epic level or higher.

"Thank you."

Jun-woo did not answer the blueprint in particular.

Congratulations, blacksmith, you got it sooner than expected.

"Thank you."


"Thank you."

He received congratulations from everyone, including Wizard 40 and Clergy 30.

All of them knew that Jun-woo was hunting for the quest.

Next time I go hunting, I was going to put some hunchbacks, but this is it, I won. Do you have any hunting plans for the time being?

I dont think so.

Fundamentally, there is no need to hunt because his production staff could raise their experience points through production.

Unfortunately, there is no reason for a blacksmith to hunt unless the experience points have stopped.

"Is that so?"

It is difficult to do it right now.

The material cost of 1 billion is a level that easily exceeds.

It will be produced someday, but for the time being, it was put on hold.

Hunting continued, and late at night, they moved to a place where monsters did not appear.

I usually camp around here.

As Tanker 38 said, he saw quite a few people gathering with a fre on the way.

I wish it was fat over there.

Ah, Im hungry. I want to eat and rest.


As if he was familiar with camping, Tank 38 pulled out a wooden beam from the item window and put it up.

Magician40 lit the wood on which it was erected.

The archers took out a large camping barbecue grill, put woot, and lit it.

Is that made of iron ore?'

It was the first time camping inside the gate, so Jun-woo looked around the people as if it was a strange thing.

Something similar to rice was taken out of the item window, and water was also poured out of the item window.

Well cook the rice, simply grill the cow meat, and if theres something to grill, well grill it together.

Okay, lets borrow a fire.

Jun-woo was worried as he looked at the food in his item window.

What did you bring?

In response to Clergy30's question, Jun-woo took out what he had seen and showed it to her.

The slips fruit had an apple taste and were a basic fruit that satisfied hunger.

Did you just bring that?

Its my first time .

Its okay; I brought a lot; lets eat together, come. Young one.

Clergyman 30 took out a large camping grill made of iron ore from the item window next to the couple.

He took out the firewood and put it in, and asked Wizard40.

Please light a fire.

This is the prerogative of a fire mage.

Flames from his hands burned the firewood.

The grill was raised, and quality meats were set on it.

It was Clergy30 who sprinkled the various seasonings available at the gate as if she had prepared it.

Oh, isnt that Yoongi, a Honey Pig?

Yes, lets eat together.

Hey, I dont know if I can eat this together because its heavy meat.

Its okay; I brought a lot; lets just eat together.

40,000 gold per piece of high-quality ingredients piled up on the table.

Bringing honey pig just like that what have you been doing for a living, girly?

Jun-woo couldn't answer Tank 38's question. Clergy30 said they knew each other, but they didn't know each other.

Haha Lets just eat.

With hesitation, Jun-woo joined the circle.

Jun-woo didnt know it had been years since he ate with other people.

It was awkward, but it never put him in a bad mood.

I cant just spare the honey pig in the yard; its my favorite drink, so lets have a drink at a time.

It was Wizard40 who took out a cup and alcohol and started pouring it.

Alcohol was taboo on the hunting grounds, but just like their uncle, he didn't hesitate.

Come on, blacksmith, get a drink too.

Ah, I .

Jun-woo has hardly ever had alcohol in his mouth.

Its okay, just one drink, come on, come on, my hands hurt~.

Jun-woo reluctantly took the paper cup and watched the alcohol pour out.

At that moment, something changed deep inside the forest.

It felt like something that shouldn't have appeared in the forest.

Kaha, it tastes great.

People weren't paying attention at all.

Jun-woo had an expected price, so he asked Tank 38.

Are there any boss monsters here?

Of course there is; Ive seen it once. It's kind of weird to have a boss here."

Are they special?

The goblin is riding a wooden machine.

Jun-woo's eyes widened slightly at the word "machine."

A wooden machine?

Yeah, it seems like if you catch it, it gives you magic stones and a lot of stuff.

Can we catch it at our party?

"that would that be a bummer? Perhaps Do you think the boss has risen?

In response to Tanker 38's question, Jun-woo nodded slowly.

Tank 38 quickly rolled his head.

"It's a good party, just two more parties, and we'll be able to get it. Would you like to go?"

Jun-woo wanted to see a wooden machine.

Is that okay?

"First We have to convince our party members first.

The party members, including Wizard 40, drank with quite satisfied faces.

In particular, Wizard 40 looked quite drunk.

Okay, hes drunk.


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