I Became A Mechanic

Chapter 6: The Ugly Duckling (2)

Chapter 6: The Ugly Duckling (2)

Two years after the system was applied, a gate was created in the world one by one.

The gate was a door that connected to another world.

The world was a planet expected to be ten times larger in area than Earth.

There are various monsters in certain areas, and if you catch the monsters, you can get various items and gold.

People level up by entering the gate and hunting in the hunting grounds that ft their skills.

The gates on Sapae Mountain, Uijeongbu, were crowded with people.

In Korea, 19 gates were created at regular intervals.

The area where the gate was created was expensive, and the commercial area was developed as much as the expensive land price.

Tank 38 was the frst to arrive at the cafe where he was supposed to meet the party members.

Tank 38, in his late twenties, was squinting at people entering through the door.

Look at the items, the minimum epic set! I wish it were that person .'

In party hunting, everything is given according to the contribution, so the party members did not have to be too good or bad, but Tank 38 wished the party members good items.

Because that side can do more stable hunting.

When the man looking at him waved his hand to another place, Tank 38 made a sad face.

Also There is no way such a person can come to a party like this, and the level must be high, right?'

People came in, and anyone looking for party members looked at their phones without question.

-Inspector 33: Arrived.

With a less sullen face, Tank 38 stood up and waved his hand.

Then Swordsman 33 came.



He was a prosecutor in his mid-30s.

Since then, people have joined.

The male archer, 40, and female archer, 35, was a couple in their 40s.

Wizard 40 was a male wizard in his 40s.

Is it a middle-aged party? Shall I turn around and fall .'

Tanker 38, who greeted people with an awkward look, sighed inwardly and looked at the entrance.

Tank 38's eyes widened at the woman who came in at that time.

She was wearing white short sleeves and a silver-blue robe.

Her golden wing mark engraved on the robe stood out.

The golden wings were a mark of trust in the archangel Rudiel.

The clergy used divine power by borrowing the power of the Elios.

If she wore equipment with that mark on it, she was a church member who believed in Rudiel.

When the system was created, there was a lot of danger on Earth due to the monsters that came through the dimensional rift.

At that time, Rudiel lent power to people, and with that power, people defeated monsters.

Since then, the number of believers in Rudiel, who believe in the Elios, has increased exponentially, and now over 500 million people, 1/8 of the total population, are Rudiel followers.

And among those 500 million people, only the chosen one was endowed with divine power and obtained a job related to it.

Her item looks great It looks very cute too! Please, be our party.'

Did Tanker 38's wish come true? The cell phone rang.

[Cleric 30: I have arrived!]

Tank 38 hastily got up and raised his hand.

This way!

Clergyman 30 approached with a bright smile.

And he nodded to the people.

Sorry for being late!

What do you mean you are late? There are still fve minutes left until the appointment time, clergy.

I think Im late .

No, the leader hasnt come yet.


Then a text rang.

[Blacksmith 31: I have arrived.]

Everyone's eyes turned to Jun-woo.

The low-end titanium and titanium armor are usually rare, but they were rare because of their great success.

If they could distinguish a slightly more shiny one, they would know that it was rare+, but everyone recognized it as rare.

Were here!

Clergyman 30 was the frst to greet us with a clear smile, waving her hands.

When he went to the place, everyone looked at Jun-woo with a blank expressions on their faces.

He was a blacksmith, and he could not help but be disappointed because it looked Rare, with about 100 to 500 pieces of armor.

Welcome, Leader. said the Tank 38 with a cold tone.

Jun-woo took a seat at the far end.

He felt burdened because he was the party leader.

After a little silence passed, it seemed that the party leader himself had to step forward, but it was difcult to open his mouth.

Everyone except the clergy looked at Jun-woo with a frustrated face or as if they didn't like it.

Breaking the silence, Tank 38 spoke frst.

First, I think I need to say something. How old are you, Captain?

I am 23 years old.

"You're young, so you don't know much about the world. I understand that you organized a party because of the quest, but if you have a conscience, don't you have to wear basic items and do the quest or not?"

Jun-woo's item was an entry-level type made of titanium only.

Normal parties below level 20 dont wear that much these days, much less; this is a level 30-40 rare party.

Appearance cannot be changed; low-end equipment, on the other hand, other people's armor and clothes each had their personality.

It meant that it was a rare creation through the minimum recipe.

"sorry .

He was also rare, so when he was about to make an excuse, Tank 38 spoke again.

If you are a level 30 blacksmith, you will not have combat skills, and you have no hunting experience, and the lowest level here is 31, your items are the worst, and no matter how much party hunting you get, it seems too much.

Then the middle-aged Wizard 40 was added.

Im not saying its not wrong, I went hunting with a production worker before, but to be honest, its unfair.

Clergyman 30 looked at his eyes and hurriedly said.

Im absolutely fne, and I also like mana recovery .

The clergy is kind and says its okay, but honestly, its unreasonable; look at the item, 50 for a shot of an arrow; that person costs 100. It costs twice as much mana, and you have to wear at least a clear; that's basic courtesy and a condition for party hunting. We cant go together like this.

It was the Tank 38 that Jun-woo wanted to fall out of.

Others seemed to agree.

Only the clergy looked around with a face that didn't know what to do.

He felt like an ugly duckling.


When Jun-woo entered elementary school, he wore the rare armor his parents bought him.

When his parents died, and when he was bullied during his third year of middle school, the durability of his armor started to wear of, so Jun-woo took of the items he had inherited and wore what he had made.

Even if he wore the inherited item now, it seemed difcult to change their mind.

He was used to being excluded and marginalized.

As for the quest, like Tanker 40's suggestion, it would not be bad to pay money.

It will cost you some money per hour, but that's okay now.

Jun-woo slowly got up from his chair to get out of the place.

But out of nowhere, the Clergy 30 sitting next to him also suddenly got up and spoke coldly.

How can I not? He is a companion.

Everyone was surprised by the remarks of Clergy 30.

He coughed hastily with a face just like Wizard 40.

Hey, were you in a group? Then what

Swordsman 33, who participated in the room for the third time, continued.

Somehow, they were together in the room .

Tank 38 asked as if puzzled because he had sent a whisper before.

Are you guys right?

Thats right, Im sorry, I lied to you .

It was Clergy 30 who looked at people, including Tank 38, with a very sorry face.

Jun-woo looked at her like that.

For some reason, the clergy wanted to help him.

Looking at the clergyman, who did not know what to do, Jun-woo hurriedly changed his items.

It was a piece of equipment handed down to him by his parents, who had never worn it because of the wear and tear of durability.

Defense and price were lowered due to lack of durability, but the original price was about 40 million gold per item.

"Sorry, I was wearing a crafting suit, I'm a blacksmith, and the items aren't good, but I'll change it right away.

Jun-woo bowed his head once to apologize and shared the options for his item.

[Shining Sharp Long Sword]

-Rank: Epic

-Classifcation: One-Handed Sword

-Durability: 500/ 500

-Attack power: 122

*Increases attack power by 29.

*If an attack deals more than 80 damage, there is a 50% chance of 36 bleeding per second for 5 seconds.

-Producer: Captain

Item value: 266,421,210 gold

Thanks to the great success of Captain, the expected attack power increased.

As the attack power rises, a few more options are added accordingly.

The price has risen by another 60 million.

Wizard 40 was the frst to speak.

The item is fne; If you had worn it earlier, we wouldnt have been this sensitive.

Sorry, the blacksmith wears his craftsmanship.

Since there was no efect of raising the armor's stats, blacksmiths wear anything and what they make.

People who believe in superstitions, to those who made stuf, are only wearing undies and sometimes wear unsightly armor made of iron.

I heard that blacksmiths wear their supplies and make them It looks like it.

"Yes, that is correct."

Everyone looked at the items, and their expressions seemed calm as if they had ever done so.

Whether the clergy tt a party, their eyes had already changed.

Tank 38 looked around the people and said calmly.

If you had put on some items beforehand, and above all else, if I had known that it was the two of you, I wouldnt have said anything you didnt like, so please understand. Its for everyone.


Im sorry too.

Tank 38 continued.

I will briefy introduce myself, and lets go, starting with me and going clockwise.; I am Tank 38, 27 years old, my name is Jeongman Lee.

AIn a brief self-introduction, people said their ID, age, name, etc., in the chat room.

Im Blacksmith 31, ears old, and my name is Jun-woo Lee; sorry for the confusion.

Well, its always like that, dont worry too much.

It felt like a middle-aged wizard 40 was taking good care of me.

Next, Clergy30 arose.

Im Clergy30; Im 20 this year; my name is Hanna Jang; its my frst time going hunting, but Ill do my best; please take care of me!

Thank you, clergy.

Its reassuring.

Again, she had a welcoming atmosphere.

Her item was good for the clergy.

Besides, it was a bonus to support her appearance.

She had a sticker on the shoulder that covered her guild mark.

She belongs to a certain guild, but she does not want to reveal it.

People didn't even bother to ask about it.

Come on, everyone, check the faces registered in the hunting depot, and lets go.

When people in a chat room gather in one place, the photo used to register is shared with everyone.

It was a safeguard against crime.

Hunting Go was an application that could not be used again by criminals, as well as those who did not have a valid explanation when a party member died during a party hunt.

As they looked around and checked their faces, Tank 38 took the lead and stood up.

Then, lets go.

He tried to kick him out of the party, but Jun-woo, Tank 38, stepped forward and was grateful.

The seven-headed towards the gate.

A large door approaching 5m in width and length opened in front of me. Nearby was an elongated cabinet.

The cabinet was a cell phone locker.

Cell phones can be brought in but cannot be placed in the item window.

People put their cell phones in cell phone lockers because of the high probability of being shattered during battle.

Then, under the guidance of the guild that manages the entrance, after writing down the identities of the party members, Jun-woo's party stood in front of the gate.

Then lets go in.

Tank 38 took the lead, and the rest of the party members followed.

As soon as he entered the portal, his view changed.

There used to be a forest of buildings, the building; everywhere, and the real forefront stitch was stitched verbosely.


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