I Became A Mechanic

Chapter 100: Chase

Chapter 100: Chase

All the gates from northern Russia to the east were hunting grounds for skeletons.

And in the distance behind the hunting ground were groups of intelligent skeletons.

Those called tribes came out of the gate, and the islands near Siberia became inaccessible to humans.

Skeletons with intelligence often came down with monster skeletons, so they had to periodically catch the skeletons near the gate.

Fabregas was a group that hunted such skeletons and a guild that protected Russia.

The total number of guild members of Fabregas was 2,200, the maximum of level 11, but the total number of guild members under its direct control was over 50,000.

Fabregas and his direct guild members appeared in front of Jun-woo.

The deputy master of Fabregas and a giant wok called Fabregas' Brown Bear stood at the forefront and watched Jun-woo approaching.

"Do you know who I am? Shatt."

The name of the man who bought the mana gun from Jun-woo was Shatt, and he was a hunter who mainly hunted in the frontline area.

Shatt looked at Jun-woo and answered.

"It's Lewis."

"You're Lewis? Nicholas, did you say you saw the whip of fire?"

"Yeah, it was huge."

"Who is the expected person?"

Natalya, a 40-year-old female general manager, standing next to Wok, gave a concise answer.

"Probably the Dark Star's Zhao Ming."

"That Walker guy He asked me to increase the surveillance in the eastern area Was it because of this?"

"Even Walker didn't know. It was going to be like this."

"Nicolas, go back and report to headquarters. Lewis and Darkstar are here."


The quick-witted scouts ran back the way they came.

Natalya looked at Jun-woo approaching and asked Wok.

"Are you coming here? What if Dark Stars come?"

"I have to cover you. Why are you talking nonsense?"

"If there is a battle, our children could all die."

Wok's expression hardened at Natalya's estimate, which was good at mana detection.

At that time, Jun-woo fell in front of Wok.

Wok hurriedly met Jun-woo.

"Are you okay?"

A member of the Fabregas guild hurriedly handed the interpreter to Jun-woo.

Jun-woo put it in his ear and spoke.

"There is a Dark Star behind him."

"Who is there?"

"Everyone has a vice-master. All the rest are at the level of Unique and Epic+, but I think there will be around 100."

If Junwoo's words were valid, how he was able to lead them all the way here was just a strange wok.

"Clara, what are you doing? No treatment."


The priest rushed and used his heel towards Jun-woo, dripping with blood.

The open wound healed quickly.

Natalya looked straight ahead.

"They are also gathering."

"Let's step back first."

At Wok's words, they hurriedly ran to the back at speed.

"Were you hunting over there?"

"Yes, because Sr. Walker recommended it."

"If I had known in advance, I would have strengthened the patrol a little more Anyway, I'm glad you're safe."

"Did you know they came?"

"It is not. The patrolmen said they witnessed the battle, so I just brought the kids."

"Ah, thank you so much for being here."

Jun-woo continued speaking with a worried face.

"And they may come after you ."

Sparks could have hit them.

If a battle occurred, especially low-level people would be at risk.

Wok nodded his head slowly once and spoke.

"Most of the kids here are using Lewis's creations. Sr. Lewis is the honorary blacksmith of our Fabregas. We will definitely protect it."

At that moment, they followed at the same speed behind their backs.

Wok looked back and said it was ridiculous.

"I think they are pleased."

"Priest, please give me a buff."

At Jun-woo's words, the priest applied a buff to Jun-woo.

A shield, shoes, and staff made of transparent light permeated Junwoo's body and raised his specs.

"I will buy my time. Let him run away first."

Jun-woo installed 4 cannonball robots and took out 2 defense robots.

He asked what Wok meant.

"How does Lewis see us? Run away. You should check to see if the equipment you made is being used well. Isn't it, kids?"

Adjacent to them, they held up their swords and shields with firm faces.

"Please, never overdo it. Please."

There was no reason to risk their lives to fight for them.

"I fought countless times with the skeleton and ran away countless times. You don't have to worry about it. They're kids with bones to survive."

"Thank you Still, please leave."

Jun-woo took out a mana cannon and shot it.


As the energy bullets flew, Kwon Do-hyeok avoided them, and Huang jumped and looked at them.

Huang, who fell to the floor, said to Oh-Ryong and Takane.

"It's Wok's troop. Wok and Natalia are over there."

Takane frowned and spoke.

"Come back. There is no way to kill Lewis if they cooperate."

Oh-Ryong clenched his fists with an angry face.

"Damn it."

Huang said hurriedly.

"Fabregas's reinforcements will arrive soon, so you better hurry ."

"All mobile operators, prepare to retreat."

Takane blew his magic whistle.


At the signal giving the order to retreat, Liu Wei, who was at the forefront, looked at Jun-woo and stepped back.

Jun-woo, who was sitting and waiting, felt puzzled by their movements.

Are you back?'

It was fortunate that the battle did not occur.

But it was a pity to just let it go like this.

He wanted to fight, but he was alone.

Said Wok.

"I see he is pulling his feet, so he seems to be running away from the other side."

"It seems so. Is any more support coming? As people who are more than unique ."

"It will come. Do you want to pursue them?"

Jun-woo asked cautiously.

"Can you help me?"

"I can't force my men into limbs, but if I can cut off a snake's tail, I'll help. Would that be possible? Lewis."

Jun-woo was confident that he would never die if they helped a little.

"Please give me a little support as long as I don't fall into danger."

A blue wind blew across Jun-woo's legs.

[Wind energy increases movement speed by 77 for 10 seconds.]

Jun-woo ran alone without fear.

Wok and a few unique guild members followed Junwoo's footsteps.

The Dark Star's guild members descended at high speed, and in the meantime, a giant Bragen was standing with a sword and shield.

Bragen ran towards Jun-woo.

A red aurora rose behind him with the shield in front of him, and his speed increased.

Jun-woo summoned two boxes of self-destruct robots in front of him.

Still, Bragen did not stop running.


When the explosion exploded in front of Bragen, Jun-woo changed his position.

Bragen's body flew backward, and Junwoo's energy bullets and 6 guided missiles were shot down.

Boom boom!

After the explosion, Bragen got up and looked at Jun-woo.

Bragen was the best tank in Yunnan.

He knew he would write a teleportation spell if he wanted to endure and be in danger, so Jun-woo went in, aiming for the Dark Star guild members running away from behind.


Bragen threw the lasso chain at Jun-woo, and Jun-woo's foot was tied to the chain once.

Jun-woo cuts it off with an energy shot and uses a defense robot to pull an easy-going opponent.




A cannonball robot fired missiles, and energy bombs and guided bomb self-destruct robots collided with them.

Wok, who was watching from afar, smiled faintly.

"I don't know what it is, but it's amazing. I'm glad I'm not the enemy."

At that moment, a massive whip of fire was struck from the sky towards Wok.

As Natalya's staff lifted slightly, a vast shield stopped the whip.

"What can I do, Wok?"

"Let's just cover until support arrives."

"You better be careful. Especially that guy."

Liu Wei showed up.

"Let's be careful. Tell the rare kids that they won't join in. Epic kids eat their hearts out."

Wok ran to Kwon Do-hyeok, who was running with clenched fists in the gauntlet.

The battle escalated quite a bit.

However, Dark Star had no intention of fighting, so he concentrated on running away.

The guild members of the Dark Star were teleported away by the movement magicians Lee Dong-Jin.

Jun-woo, who had dealt with one swordsman, moved to deal with the mobile magician.

Oh-Ryong blocked and attacked Jun-woo.

Jun-woo changed his position toward the mobile magician.

The most potent square self-destruct robot on either side of the mobile operator exploded as soon as it was created.


The adjacent guild members flew away, and Jun-woo poured mana cannons and attacks on the flying magician.


Swoosh wee

When six missiles hit it, the mobile operator's robe tore off.

Two tanks stood in front of him with shields to save him, and Oh-Ryong grabbed Jun-woo's side.

Oh-Ryong counted the seconds in his mind.

3 seconds, Jun-woo's total defense time was over.

Jun-woo's body was swung here and there, and Jun-woo loaded mana on his elbow and struck Oh-Ryongs hooked nose.

Puck! puck!

As he persevered, Oh-Ryong grabbed Jun-woo's waist and pushed him back.


Oh-Ryong climbed up on top of Jun-woo, who had fallen face down on the floor, took the best position, and lowered his fist.

Bang! bang!

"I mean, just die a little!"

Oh-Ryong consumed mana and hit Jun-woo in the face with all his might.

A spear made of ice flew and hit Wu Ryong's side, and as Wu Ryong was pushed aside, Jun Wu floated into the sky.

And then again, they attacked the mobile magician who had attacked a while ago.

"Stop it!"

The attack was brutal, thanks to the two tanks blocking the front.

However, 6 guided missiles that passed them quickly made a U-turn and attacked the mobile magician.

Squash thud!

The three fell forward as a group, and two wolf robots fell on them.


Thanks to the self-destruct robot that broke the shield and exploded, the mobile magician's body flew away without mercy.

Jun-woo fired a mana cannon at him.


The abdomen was pierced, and the body of the mobile magician was drooping to the ground.

Jun-woo moved to aim for the next opponent.

Ram, who was moving the guild members, looked at Jun-woo with a bewildered face.


Kwon Do-hyeok was distracted because he was colliding with Wok.

Ram hastily drew Lee Dong-Jin on the earth.

A wind flew from Jun-woo's palm, erasing Lee Dong-Jin and blowing away Ram and several other guild members.



Ram, who had blocked the energy bullet with his shield, hurriedly ran.

Damn it Damn it .'

had been targeted

Jun-woo flew towards Ram, and Oh-Ryong followed quickly.

At that moment, the golem Kakan crossed his hands and ran like crazy.

Kakan, Park.'

Kakan sprinted toward Ram without mercy, and the unstoppable sprint pierced Ram's body.


Ram's body flew away from the impact and rolled over.


Ram hastily raised his staff and used the shield.


Kakan jumped over it and slammed his fist down.

Puck! puck!

"Fuck ."

As Ram spat out cursing and disappeared using his warp skill, Kakan's fist pierced the ground.


Jun-woo fired a mana cannon at the place moved according to the mana flow.



As Jun-woo disappeared, a self-destruct robot was created on either side of Ram.

Ram stopped and looked at Jun-woo with his huge eyes.

"You found me? You followed me."

Ram was looking at him in the cafe in front of the Aegis office, and there was a bit of a follow-up that day.

"I'm not. It was Guja who was looking at you!"

"I also entered the basement."

Thanks to the two self-destruct boxes created between Junwoo and Ram, the Dark Star's guild members did not approach.

Ram looked at Jun-woo with a face full of fear.

The bombs on both sides were unimaginably powerful.

"I will surrender, so save me we are both Korean. I'll help with anything that can help So ."

"Korean also?"


As he walked out through the black smoke, Jun-woo fired a mana cannon.



Six guided missiles were hit, and Kakan stretched out an extended hand to stop Wu Dragon.


A tanker with a shield blocked Ram's front and gave it to him.


However, when the defensive robot pulled him in, an energy bullet fired at Ram, who had fallen over, collided with him.

The wrist holding Ram's staff was torn apart by the energy bullet.


Ram got up and ran while touching the ground.


Ram disappeared, and Jun-woo flew towards the place where Ram disappeared.

Thud! Tee!

Ram tried to live by implementing the shield with his left hand but to no avail.


Ram's body was thrown forward by the energy bullet, and two black wolves ran toward him, and Ram felt death.

"Damn it ."


After killing two mobile magicians, Jun-woo looked at the battlefield where Liu Wei was.

There, the guild members of Fabregas were struggling quite a bit.

Oh-Ryong stepped back, looked around, and blew the whistle of retreat.


Another powerful movement occurred from the back of Oh-Ryong.

Only six of the remaining Dark Star's guild members, including Wei Liu, Dohyuk Kwon, Bragen, and Oh-Ryong.

They quickly started to run away all at once, and Jun-woo pursued them.

The two guild members who lag behind the most were created and pulled in a defensive robot.

When they were pulled, they took out a teleportation spell from the item window they had prepared in advance and used it.

It seemed impossible to kill both of them, so Jun-woo poured an attack on the more likable opponent.

Wok joined in and attacked him.


Thud! phut!

Junwoo and Shatts energy bullets flew and hit his body.

A giant wok slammed his knee on his face down on his back.


A giant fist slammed into the back of his head.


At that time, one of the teleportation spells flew far to the right.

Considering his movement speed, it was a distance that seemed challenging to chase.

Wok rose from his blood-soaked hands and hurriedly ran backward.

There were six guild members whose arms and legs were severed by Liu Wei.

Among them, the priest was also included, and the guild member grabbed the priest's arm, and the priest cast a heel on his arm.

Wok asked anxiously.

"Can you put it on? Clara."

"Of course, the cross-section is clean."

Gradually, the wounds that had been opened were healing as their arms were attached to each other.

Jun-woo said cautiously as he fell from the air.

"Sorry because of me."

He couldn't understand what he was saying, but the priest smiled and shook his head.

He could not pursue them alone and could no longer endanger them.

"Victor, report to headquarters. They say they're going down to the Wallen Gate, so let's air it out, so the residents don't get hurt."


Fortunately, no one died.

On the other hand, 10 members of the Dark Star's guild died, and two were mobile magicians, which were essential for guild activities.

Kakan came.


"You are alive, Kakan. What about Leon?"

Kakan shook his head.

Then Kakan's blunt fingers point to the right.

"Why over there?"


Since he didn't know what it meant, Jun-woo approached Kakan, closed his eyes, and asked.

What do you want to say?'

What Kakan saw in front of her closed eyes was pictured in her mind.

Kakan entered the snowy mountain and dumped the frozen flying car and golem in a cave to hide.

So, the finger Kakan pointed to was like the position of a flying car.

Do you want to go find it?'

Kakan nodded.

And it seemed that there was something in the cave.

The energy of mana that Kakan felt was felt through Kakan's memory.

Once I get it.'

The flying car had to be retrieved, but he needed to get this sorted out first.

When the treatment was over, Jun-woo moved to the garrison with them.


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