I became a legion lich

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter

“So, it was just the mother wanting to spend more time with me?” Athos asked.

“That’s right son. Your mother doesn’t know how to be honest, so try to take it easy on her, ok?” Said Robert with a wry smile on his face.

“OK.” Athos replied.

“Great! Now let’s start class.” Robert said with an expectant look. “First, show me how you made the potion last night.”

Athos obeyed his father, showing him step by step until finishing the potion.

“There! It’s the same as you do, isn’t it?” Athos asked in a smug tone.

“Yes, it’s the same as what I do.” Robert sighed. “And that confirmed my suspicions.”


“Um? What suspicions?” Athos asked confused.

“That you have no idea what you’re doing.” Robert answered brusquely. “You just copied what I did, but you didn’t learn anything from it.”

“It’s not true! I learned from you-” Athos tried to refute, but was prevented from continuing.

“So tell me, why do you need to use a flower petal of light? Why do you need to mix it with water for the potion to work? Why does it need to be boiled and not just mixed?” Robert asked.

“Eh...I, I don’t know.” Athos was stunned. Only now did he realize that he didn’t know what he was doing, he was just copying what his father did.

“Alright Athos, that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you. After all, this class would be useless if you already knew everything, wouldn’t it?” His father asked.

“Well, let’s start with the method you used to create this.” Robert took the potion from his hand as he spoke. “It’s called extraction. Everything in this world has mana and that includes plants. The problem is that every living thing has a unique type of energy.”

“Our bodies reject any energy other than our own or the pure world mana. That’s why we alchemists created this method to be able to harness the magical properties of plants and the like without being poisoned by their energy.”

“By mixing it with water and vaporizing, the water obtains the healing properties of light flowers without their energy signature.” At this part Robert paused and looked at Athos to make sure he was following along.

“Why does water do that?” Athos asked confused

“Because when you boil a petal of light next to water, it makes it fall apart and the light element mixes with the water.” Robert replied. “Something more?”

“What happens if I use a fire flower petal then?” Athos asked curiously.

“In that case you would create a minor fire resistance potion.” Robert replied seeing that Athos had no more questions he decided to continue the class.” And that brings us to the next topic: potion ratings.”

“As you’ve noticed, potions have different ratings: Minor<Medium< Major<Special<Elixir. Keep in mind that certain types of potions can deviate from these ratings, these types of potions are all classified as unique."

"What's the difference between them? And what are unique potions?" Athos asked.

"Let's use healing potions as an example. A minor potion can only heal minor cuts and bruises, just like we used on you last night.

The middling potion can heal more serious wounds and is primarily used to stop bleeding and dislocations.

The larger potions can heal any wound except loss of organs or limbs.

The special potion can regenerate lost limbs or organs.

And lastly, the Elixir can heal any wound, no matter how serious, except death."

They all have the side effect of draining the person who took them of energy and nutrients, causing tiredness and hunger. And how much unique potions are like the antidotes to specific poisons that cannot be classified.

"Does the same apply to other elements?" Athos asked still trying to assimilate everything his father said.

"Yes, but in the case of resistance potions it just increases the amount of damage resisted until it becomes near immunity in the Elixir." Robert replied. From the look of confusion Athos was making he felt that he might be rushing things too much.

"Sorry son, I think I got carried away and said too much. Want me to come back and explain again?"

"No, I was just wondering how I make better potions, is it just using more ingredients? Or is there something else?" Athos asked.

Robert was once again surprised by Athos' intelligence and curiosity. He hadn't even started to learn the basics and was already thinking about how to do advanced alchemy.

"Son, don't put the cart in front of the horses. I'll teach you step by step how to make not only potions, but everything I know related to alchemy. But for now let's stick to the basics ok?" Robert said.

"Alright dad, let's just do the basics then." replied Athos despondently. He really hoped to quickly progress through alchemy and skip the basics.

Sensing his son Robert's sudden lack of interest, he decided to lift the spirits. "Come on, don't be discouraged now, we're getting to the good part. It's time for some practice."

"That's it! Finally the good part!" Athos's mood lifted in an instant at those words.

"Fine. Now sit next to me and let's get started." His father pointed to the chair next to him as he grabbed some ingredients from the cupboard.

For the rest of the day Robert taught hands-on how to create simple potions and mix the right ingredients for potions with better effects. They continued to practice until after dark when Agatha broke into the lab and invited them to dinner.

"Hey, you guys plan on staying in this lab until what time-" She was about to complain about being late when she caught a pungent smell coming from theirs. What Robert forgot to take into account when they started practicing is the strong smell that came from the various boiling ingredients.

"For God's sake, what a horrible smell! what have you guys done here to stink so bad??" She complained as she walked away in search of fresh air.

"Sorry about that love, I didn't take into account the odor that would be left in the laboratory after trying so many different potions-" Robert tried to apologize a little embarrassed, but was interrupted by Athos.

"Dad, you only taught me so far because I asked, it's not fair for you to apologize for that. You can let me take over from here." Athos in a serious tone as he waved his hand for him to move away, as he took a step forward.

"No, wait a minute! I have a bad feeling about this-" He sensed that Athos was about to do something bad and tried to stop him, but Athos was quicker.

"Mom! I learned a lot from Dad today! How about a hug to celebrate?" Athos asked with a mischievous smile as he stretched out his arms dirty with more ingredients than he could count and immediately ran into his mother's arms.

"Get out of here you little sewer mouse!" screamed his mother as he ran through the house with Athos close behind. She'd always hated the stench of that lab, and the thought of touching those filthy god-knows-only hands wasn't pleasant at all.

"My God, those two really never change." Said Robert wryly while rolling his eyes, before joining the family "joke".

He joined his son in pursuit and together they cornered Agatha against the wall.

"Don't resist mom, you have nowhere to run!" Athos said before throwing himself at her in a bear hug.

"Sorry honey, but you know I never turn down a family hug." Attacking her from the other side.

Cornered, she found herself with no choice but to surrender. "Damn it, do what you want! But I'll make you regret it later!" She said as she let herself be hugged by the two smelly alchemists, but that she couldn't help but love.


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