I became a legion lich

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Chapter 1

He was about to invade into, the room when he heard the sound of several footsteps approaching. Athos hid in an adjacent room and concealed his presence. He couldn’t see who it was, but he could hear them.

“So, have you finished dressing her yet?” the captain of the guard asked.

“Yes captain, all set.” The 1st guard said.

“Fine, now tie her arms behind her back and cover she face with that.” The captain threw them a rope and a sack of potatoes. “We can’t risk anyone finding out she’s already dead.

You two will carry her to the stage and hold her in the guillotine. Remember to only remove the bag when it is already attached, so that no one suspects anything.”

“Wait, isn’t it going to be weird to take her all tied up? We usually just tie the convicts’ hands, so people can see who’s dying.” the 2nd guard said in confusion.

“That’s because we usually execute people alive, you idiot! If the Baron hadn’t come up with the brilliant idea of turning the execution into a show, I wouldn’t be here having to all this trouble.” The captain yelled angrily, kicking a nearby table against the wall.


He glared at the two guards in front of him and said, “Now, does any idiot still have any questions?”

“No sir.” Both responded in unison. They were still skeptical about the plan, but they knew that if they asked more questions, they could join in the execution.

“So what are you waiting for? Bring the corpse in at once and let’s end this damn show.” The captain said with a scowl, ordering his men to form around them.

Athos overheard everything and found out who he should kill first.

‘This guy is to blame for all this. I will make him suffer all that she has suffered.’ Athos thought, marking the captain as his first target.


In the middle of the town square, a huge crowd gathered to see the execution of the alchemist’s wife and accomplice.. Normally, few people would stop to see this kind of event, but the situation was different this time.

The number of victims and the speed with which the rumors spread moved a large number of people to witness the event.

This only increased the baron’s anxiety. The news that the convict was already dead and that they would have to stage the execution, didn’t help.

“What the fuck did that bastard do??? Why would he kill her before execution?? Just for the pleasure of taking it into his own hands??” The baron asked the guard brought the information, holding him by the collar.

“I-I don’t know! The captain just told me to warn him to cancel the speech and execute her as soon as she arrived. I swear I don’t know anything!”The guard was in a panic, fearing that the baron would take out his frustration on him once this was all over.

“My lord, I advise you to cancel the speech, as the captain suggested. We can discuss what to do with him later, but first we have to resolve the most urgent situation.” An unknown man spoke to the lord.

He wore a simple green robe with a hood, leaving only his face exposed. He had a youthful face and didn’t look particularly strong, the kind of person who didn’t attract attention, but no one dared to block him as he made his way to the baron. This was due to the gold medallion he proudly displayed around his neck.

The locket had the symbol of a six-pointed star, with each of the six elements of magic at each end. Light occupied the top and darkness occupied the bottom. The wind was to the left of the light, while the water was to its right. Fire was to the left of darkness and earth to its right. A white circle was in the center of everything, symbolizing pure mana.

Silver threads linked the elements to mana, forming a hexagram. They symbolized the order of magic and only mages who graduated from magic academies could receive one.

“Mr.Ricley, I understand that we need to resolve the situation, but I cannot neglect the captain’s actions-” The Baron said, all his bravery from a moment ago draining away.

He’d hired the mage months ago, the moment he’d inherited the peerage. He had contacted the order of magic, requesting a mage to be your bodyguard, and the order sent in Ricley, a rookie who had just graduated.

Ricley always kept a frown on his face, despite the polite tone he used. He felt wronged to be sent to this backward little town, while his colleagues were sent to big cities and important research institutes.

He considered himself superior to all these people and the only reason to obey an inferior noble like a baron, was the orders he received from the Order. They wanted someone to keep an eye on the border town and report any movement of the demihuman empire.

Ricley knew there were a few forts beyond the city, but none responded to order, just the country. He knew the importance of the mission and it was the reason his ego supported the Baron’s orders.

“Sir, execution takes precedence. We can punish the captain after this whole ordeal is over.” Ricley cut the baron, off before he could say any more nonsense.

‘How can this man be so stupid?’ Ricley thought, internally mocking the Baron.

“Very well, you’re right Mr.Ricley, I-” The baron was cut off once more, only this time by the crowd. Countless screams and curses began to be heard, indicating that the culprit had arrived.

The Baron took the stage and saw a group of guards approaching, cutting through the crowd. The captain was in front of them, releasing an intimidating aura and making the crowd instinctively back away.

Just behind him, ten guards followed in formation, escorting the condemned womam. Two guards stood in the center of the formation, carrying a woman completely trapped.

People didn’t get a full view of her, but from what they saw, her entire body was covered except for her feet.

“You damn!”

“Your husband killed my father! Take responsibility for it!”

“You are his accomplice! Your should have died together!”

People screamed their resentment against her, as if they wanted to unleash all their anger and frustration.

The baron looked anxious as they approached. He made brief eye contact with the captain of the guard, trying to show his displeasure, but the captain only snorted in response.

The baron was insulted by his attitude, but he couldn’t afford to argue in front of so many people.

The guards arrived in front of the stage, but only the captain and the guards who carried the condemned woman went up, the others followed the orders given earlier and stood guard in front of the stage, preventing people from approaching.

The captain stood by the guillotine and drew his sword, ready to cut the guillotine rope, once his subordinates had the body in place. The guards nervous put her in place, before removing the bag from her face.

The crowd recognized her face, but people were confused by how quickly it was all happening. There was no speech, no lynching or anything like that. Even condemned woman was silent, as if she didn’t care.

Noticing the people’s unease, Ricley whispered a few words into the baron’s ear, which made his expression light up.

“My citizens! I understand your confusion, but I want to inform you of one thing. Despite the condemned being an accomplice in the fire incident, I, in all my benevolence, judged that she did not deserve to go through all the humiliation of be lynched and i sent that my faithful mage, used a spell to put her to sleep and allow her to die a painless death.

Some of you may disagree with my decision, but please, allow this poor woman to leave without pain.” The baron made a miserable face, as if he felt sorry for her. At the same time, he made a disguised signal for the captain execute her.

He obeyed instantly, cutting the rope with all his might, as if he were cutting her neck himself.

The blade descended, and as fast as it did, Agatha’s head flew. She soared high, until it hit the hard ground and falled to the crowd’s feet.

And Athos witnessed it all, with clenched fists and making a point of remembering of every person present on that stage.


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