I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 9: Today's Daughter.jpg (2)

Chapter 9: Today's Daughter.jpg (2)

(A picture of a chest barely covered, almost revealing pink nipples.jpg)

No matter how anonymous, exposing ones chest to others was unthinkable!

Shocked beyond imagination, Yuris trembled and posted a comment.

(88.88): This... shouldn't happen. It's shameless...

UnderneathIsPinkToo: What's shameless about it?

(88.88): This is... erotic. That's not okay. It's bad.

UnderneathIsPinkToo: Is erotic bad? Isn't the pinnacle of love erotic? Then, is the goddess spreading love around the world bad?


Surely, Elise was the goddess of love.

And Yuris wasnt naive enough not to know that physical love ended erotically

But still, thats something you only do with someone really special!!

Exposing oneself to an unspecified majority was unthinkable in Yuris values.

(88.88): Still, it's not right... Goddess Elise wouldn't want love like this!

UnderneathIsPinkToo: No, she would want it. It's innocent if it's just uploaded in a gallery!

(88.88): How do you know! There's nothing like that in the doctrine!

UnderneathIsPinkToo: I prayed and asked the person involved. They said it's okay.

What, what are you saying!

Using the name of the goddess for something like this!

There were limits to irreverence!

(88.88): It's irreverent! Keep talking like that, and even the merciful Goddess Elise might get angry.

UnderneathIsPinkToo: I'm close with the goddess, so it's okay.

(88.88): I'm close with the goddess too, but it's not okay!

UnderneathIsPinkToo: Then pray and ask? If it's okay to upload chest pictures in the gallery?

(88.88): How can you ask that!

UnderneathIsPinkToo: I can ask. I just did, and they said it's fine.


Yuris trembled with rage.

She was too angry at the brazen response and the betrayal of the goddess.

UnderneathIsPinkToo: Besides, if you really hate it, just ignore it. But seeing you keep commenting, aren't you actually interested in this kind of stuff?


What nonsense!

Just as Yuris was about to reply, UnderneathIsPinkToo posted another comment.

UnderneathIsPinkToo: Look, you seem new to the gallery. Start with this.

UnderneathIsPinkToo: (Link), (Link), (Link)...

When she clicked the link, she found images far cruder than the photos UnderneathIsPinkToo had uploaded.

What, what is this! Th-this this kind of thing

There were naked women walking in parks with collars around their necks, masturbating with lewd graffiti on their bodies, stripping completely, and kneeling neatly

Images that treated women not as humans but as pets no, as mere outlets for sexual desire.

Its not good shouldnt be

She knew she should close it immediately

But Yuris couldnt look away from the real pornographic material she was seeing for the first time.

Hah really should close

Enthralled by the pornographic material, Yuris didnt notice her left hand was gradually moving between her trembling thighs.


Just as Yuris left hand was about to delve fully between her legs,

UnderneathIsPinkToo: What? The comments suddenly stopped Went off to do it?


It was only after seeing the message that Yuris snapped back to reality.

(88.88): What exactly are you showing now!

UnderneathIsPinkToo: It's masturbation material. Why act like you've never seen anything erotic?

(88.88): Of course, I haven't!

UnderneathIsPinkToo: You haven't...? Then, have you never masturbated? What about sex?

(88.88): Why keep asking me this! I haven't done any of that!

Yuris Petunia was a candidate to be a holy maiden serving the Goddess of Love.

Thus, she wanted to keep her purity and offer her first and only complete love to her fated partner.

I cant do this!

Talking to this person any longer would drive her insane.

This strange power must be sealed!

Just when Yuris decided to close the gallery, a comment that caught her attention was posted.

UnderneathIsPinkToo: But do you feel as if your body is on fire or your head is throbbing, like it's being pierced by an awl? Especially at night.


Shocked, Yuris responded, as the symptoms matched her condition exactly.

(88.88): ...How did you know?

UnderneathIsPinkToo: I thought as much. I've been through the same. I'm fine now, though.

She momentarily regretted suspecting an unusual power.

As expected, Goddess Elise had everything planned!

Realizing there was someone who had suffered the same symptoms and had recovered, Yuris said a prayer of thanks.

Ah! Could it be an illness that only affects those with large breasts?

It seemed highly likely.

After all, UnderneathIsPinkToo possessed the largest breasts Yuris had ever witnessed.

(88.88): Please... help me... How can I be cured? The suffering is too much...

UnderneathIsPinkToo: I can assist you, but... will you really follow my instructions?

(88.88): I'll do it! I'll do anything!

No one could understand the pain of internal flames and the feeling of being impaled in the head unless they had endured it themselves.

Yuris was ready to do whatever it took for a remedy.

UnderneathIsPinkToo: Alright. Strip off all your clothes right now, take a photo of your body, and upload it to the gallery.


For an instant, she felt naive for having trusted UnderneathIsPinkToo.

(88.88): Stop joking! I'm serious!

UnderneathIsPinkToo: I'm not joking. That's how I was cured.

(88.88): How can this not be a joke! What does taking photos have to do with the illness!

UnderneathIsPinkToo: It's all about stress and unfulfilled sexual desires from daily life. Exposure is the best way to deal with both.

(88.88): Really? Isn't there... another way?

UnderneathIsPinkToo: Well, there's outdoor sex...

(88.88): I absolutely don't want that!

Uploading a picture was bad enough, let alone sex!

She had sworn to Goddess Elise to never be with anyone but her destined partner.

UnderneathIsPinkToo: Then your only option is to upload your picture. No one in the gallery will recognize you, and if you're concerned, you can delete it later. If you dislike this idea, there is no other solution.

(88.88): Ugh... okay...

She undressed as instructed but hesitated to take the photo.

For treatment


After much hesitation, she finally took a chest picture that almost revealed her nipples, similar to the ones UnderneathIsPinkToo had posted.

What, what this is too erotic

Strangely, it felt arousing, perhaps because she had never looked at her own breasts for so long.

Still, I cant do this

Then it occurred to her: she was told to upload a body picture, not specifically a chest picture!

Yuris took another photo, this time of her legs only, and posted it.

[Author: (88.88)]

[Please don't look...][1]

(Just a glimpse of bare legs.jpg)

I'm going to delete this soon. Please don't look.

(141.112): Whose legs are these? Pretty legs.


Feeling as though she had been stripped naked by the comment, Yuris immediately deleted the post.

Yes! I was fooled! How could this be effective huh?

However, feeling unexpectedly refreshed, Yuris posted another comment, now with a bright smile.

(88.88): It's amazing! It worked! Thank you so much!!

UnderneathIsPinkToo: No, it was a complete mess.

(88.88): Huh? But I did as you told...

UnderneathIsPinkToo: I know, I saw it. But your way of releasing desire was too clumsy. You didn't really want to upload a picture of your legs, did you?

UnderneathIsPinkToo: You wanted to upload a chest picture like I did, right? But you settled for legs because the chest was too embarrassing.

Yuris bit her lip, feeling as if UnderneathIsPinkToo had watched her.

UnderneathIsPinkToo: You can't do it like that. When you're trying to relieve stress through deviation, if you don't do it properly, it'll just build up more stress, right?


To prove the point, the headache that had briefly disappeared returned to torment Yuris.

(88.88): Then what should I do...

UnderneathIsPinkToo: You can't do it halfway when deviating from the norm. You have to do it properly. That's how you completely relieve the stress from daily life.

UnderneathIsPinkToo: You don't want to go back to your daily life regretting not uploading the chest picture, right? So trust me, and try posting this.


Reading the continuing comments made Yuris blush.

Honestly, writing such a post was excruciatingly embarrassing, but there was no other way.

[Author: (88.88)]

[Today's Masturbation Material.jpg][3]

(Tensely posed chest picture.jpg)

If it's smaller than this, a baby would starve.

Tenant Farmer Fan: Seriously, what the hell, a baby would burst from overfeeding, damn it.

(110.252): Hmm... Is this worth eating?

(192.42): Spit it out. It's spoiled.

Something was off.

Thump Thump

Despite the absence of kind words, her lower abdomen tightened, her spine tingled, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

Ha is this what deviation feels like?

Yuris trembled, awakening to a new aspect of her sexuality.


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