I Became a Gallery Manager in Another World

Chapter 15: Church Sister's Training Diary (1)

Chapter 15: Church Sister's Training Diary (1)

Ahaha! Ahahahahaha! Ahahahaha!!

She was small and petite in stature, with healthy, tanned skin.

At first glance, she looked like a girl who enjoyed playing outside, but her chest bore two pieces of flesh disproportionate to her stature, bouncing wildly.

Yes, it was you! You were what I was missing!

Hero and Demon King.

Light and Shadow.

Order and Chaos.


Administrator and Troublemaker.


An inseparable relationship.

Poporing Spyria was convinced that EightTimesaDay was indeed the person she had been waiting for.

EightTimesaDay! You complete me!!

Her diligently spammed posts were being deleted in an instant, and her dynamic IPs were being blocked, but it didnt matter!

It was a bit bothersome, but she could create VPNs anytime.

That day, Poporing had used over 30 IPs for her mischief.

In fact, she alone had written nearly 80% of the spam.

Hehehehe! I need more VPNs and more offensive pictures.

Up to that point, causing trouble in a gallery without an administrator had only left her feeling empty.

Listening to the cries of the gallery users?

Honestly, it had been fun at first.

But gradually, the screams of the audience, and not the protagonist, had become boring.

Moreover, the gallery users had gotten used to her antics and started blocking and ignoring her, which was a problem.

At least JustSayNiceThings had been entertaining, trying desperately to get angry, but that was it.

How could they stop one gallery user from spamming the gallery and manipulating public opinion with dozens of dynamic nicks? How could they stop her, who was known as The One with a Thousand Masks?

[Who would win in a fight between a high-level magician and a high-level spirit master?][451]

This mischief had been no different.

She was slightly overwhelmed in this key battle due to some accidents, but as always, she emerged victorious.

It wasnt satisfying.

There was no real value in a foregone victory.

However, an administrator was different.

A fight between a spear that could pierce anything and a shield that could stop anything.

The thought that she had finally found a worthy opponent made Poporing lick her lips and laugh loudly.

Ahahahaha! EightTimesaDay, I sincerely welcome you to my gallery! With you here, I can finally become the true Dark Emperor


Quiet down! Do you know what time it is!

Eek! Im, Im, Im sorryso sorry

Poporing shivered and apologized for the yelling from beyond the wall.

(Self-proclaimed) Top 3 Villain of the Gallery

(Self-proclaimed) Dark Emperor of the Gallery

(Self-proclaimed) The One with a Thousand Masks

In the gallery, Poporing enjoyed the attention of people by causing all sorts of trouble under the shield of anonymity, but her reality was

ReallyImlivinginsucha placeungratefuljust waitImsuch agreatpersonthe worldjust doesntrecognizemyvaluejust onebig hitand I wonteven look atthis crappyhousepoor soundproofingmuttering

She was merely a reclusive magic tool crafter suffering from social phobia.

The day before the academys opening.

I went to see Evelyn but was told she was unwell and couldnt meet and was kicked out of the mansion.

Always in poor health due to constant self-pleasure.


Name: Evelyn Marigold

Self-Pleasure Count: 1284 > 1301 times

Max Climaxes in a Day: 16 times

Last Fantasy Used: Sex with Ian in the Academy Classroom (Imaginary)

Evelyns self-pleasure count steadily increased every day.

To the point where I wondered if the nickname EightTimesaDay suited her more than me.

I kind of want to see her.

It was the first time I hadnt seen Evelyns face for so long since I had become independent.

The absence of someone who was always by my side represented a significant loss.

Well, Ill see her tomorrow anyway At least I have the gallery for some comfort.

If there hadnt been the gallery and Sextaterus, I would have insisted on seeing Evelyn despite her being sick.

It was impossible for me not to be by her side when Evelyn was ill.


[Author: ChildhoodFriendAssault] = [Evelyn Marigold]

[AAAAAAAH!!! I don't want the semester to start!!!!][4]

AAAAAAAH!! Why am I in the same class as my childhood friend!!!

(892.151): But isn't being in the same class nice?

ChildhoodFriendAssault: Of course, it's fucking nice! But AAAAAAH!!!

(892.151): Oh man, another outburst. How long will this go on? Have you seen your childhood friend since that day?

ChildhoodFriendAssault: Shut uuuuuup!!!

She seems healthy, at least.

The gallery somewhat filled the void of not being able to see Evelyn.

[Author: JustSayNiceThings] = [Elfrida Carlerea]

[But isn't banning for spamming a bit extreme?][18]

There are times when spamming is justified, right? Why do these ignorant people prove their ignorance?

(74.817): True... We need to show why elves are so awful.

EightTimesaDay: Why not just fight in the comments? They don't ban for that.

JustSayNiceThings: If we fight in the comments, the post gets buried!

EightTimesaDay: Are you fighting to show off?

JustSayNiceThings: If we're not showing off, why fight?

Shes really not in her right mind.

I would have liked to ignore her, but that would surely have triggered an outburst.

EightTimesaDay: I've got a killer idea. I'll create an arena where we can fight.

JustSayNiceThings: What's this arena?

EightTimesaDay: I'll post an announcement with admin rights. Fight in the comments there, and it keeps the gallery clean without burying posts.

EightTimesaDay: Okay, I might add rules later, but for now, you can only post the same topic every two weeks, and the loser gets a two-week ban.

ChildhoodFriendAssault: Two weeks without the gallery? I'd kill myself.

(211.209): Real life-or-death arena fight.

EightTimesaDay: Also, if you fight outside the arena or if you don't accept defeat and spam, you'll get a 100-day ban instantly.

(511.462): This is actually good? It'll clean up the gallery nicely.

Tenant Farmer Fan: Let's start praising the admin now.

JustSayNiceThings: Stop sucking up.

Tenant Farmer Fan: Honestly, this is worth doing, lol.

Despite some negative comments, overwhelmingly positive reactions dominated.

Could I be a born administrator?

Having come up with the crazy idea of an arena so quickly, I thought back and realized it was genius.

Lost in admiration for my own managerial skills, I was suddenly

SacredPowerContainer: ...Master?

SacredPowerContainer: Aren't you giving any orders now?


I was shocked to see a comment notification from a nickname I could never forget.

What? How did she know that (89.74) was EightTimesaDay?

To my surprise, it was a reply to a comment written by (89.74), not by EightTimesaDay.

Ah Even when Im logged in, the notifications keep coming.

While checking, I glanced over the conversation I had with Yuris, and blood rushed to my groin again.

Its still so arousing even now

Contrary to my belief that it would all disappear like a dream overnight, Yuris had left all the pictures untouched.

SacredPowerContainer: Please give me orders... The bitch can't... live without... her master now.

My heart raced at the additional comment.

Thump Thump

Could it be Is she serious?


Its just a possibility, but

What if Yuris really saw me as her master?

As this thought briefly crossed my mind

Sextaterus has been updated!!

A new notification window popped up before my eyes.

Three days had passed since she became the masters bitch.

Yuris withered away, waiting for her master, who had disappeared without a word.

The first day without a new picture was bearable.

But from the second day, the flame inside her body grew rapidly now it was an almost unbearable heat.

Should I post a picture?

She considered it for a moment but then shook her head.

She didnt want to disappoint her master by posting without permission.

SacredPowerContainer: Please give me orders... The bitch can't... live without... her master now.

Eventually, Yuris resorted to begging for orders through comments.


Like a dog sitting at the door, waiting for its owner to return from work, Yuris stared intently at the comment section, but her lips twitched as the number of comments remained unchanged.

Did he really abandon me?

Perhaps the master had left the forum like UnderneathIsPinkToo?

As the negative thoughts she had tried to suppress resurfaced, Yuriss eyes began to moisten.

(89.74): Does the bitch have no manners, calling her master first?


At that moment, Yuris, seeing the reply, exclaimed in ecstasy.

If Yuris had a tail, it surely would have wagged frantically.

Just one comment was enough to dissolve her pain faster than when she had posted the pictures and the sadness and disappointment from the previous days without a response evaporated in an instant.

SacredPowerContainer: I'm sorry... I thought you had abandoned me... I'm so sorry...

(89.74): Abandon what? I was just testing how much you could endure... Such an impatient bitch.

In fact, as Ian had predicted, the first thing Yuris planned to do after finally emerging from the long waves of pleasure was to delete her posts and comments.

I should delete them

Though her mind knew it, she couldnt bring herself to do it.

Every time she revisited the comments, the pleasure she had experienced surged back.

The type of overwhelming pleasure one could never achieve with just a pillow.

Like a cracked glass beyond repair, the pleasure Ian had given her left a permanent scar on Yuris body that would never fade.

(89.74): But... since you're hurrying me, it seems the bitch is in heat.

Yuris lips dried out as she read her masters blunt and vulgar words.


SacredPowerContainer: Yes... the bitch... is in heat...

(89.74): So, what are you wearing right now?

Yuris glanced down upon seeing the message.

Concealed beneath her chest, she wore only an oversized T-shirt and underwear.

SacredPowerContainer: A T-shirt... and underwear...

(89.74): Strip off the T-shirt and upload a picture of the underwear.


Yuris promptly stood up, audibly responding to the command.

She felt fortunate for choosing to wear sheer underwear that was uncomfortable but suggestive instead of her usual comfortable ones.

I wonder if Master will like it

In front of the mirror, Yuris changed her stance multiple times as she snapped photos of her underwear.

Is this the best shot? Nothis one?.. That onemakes me look too fat.

Without realizing it, an erotic smile spread across Yuris face as she meticulously picked out the photo to share.

Yeah, this ones definitely the best

SacredPowerContainer: (Link) Here...

(Leaning slightly forward to enhance the size of her chest, breast pic.jpg)

Thump Thump

Will he say its sexyperverted? Or perhapsbeautiful?

What type of feedback would she receive?


As she envisioned her masters response, Yuris trembled and released a sensual moan.


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