I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

After the Academy Battle.

Following Anella's tip, Eltman Eltwin directly confronted a Stella Dome official named 'Kabaren'.

Of course, it wasn't a peaceful approach.

"....... Ugh."

Thud! Thwack!

Blood stained the floor.

Flesh scattered on the ground had cooled, and the blood had long since coagulated.

Yet Kabaren didn't die.

Because he was a Dark Mage…

Eltman looked at him with cold eyes.

To him, killing a Dark Mage was akin to a human swatting a mosquito, so there was no sense of guilt.

"More vermin were hiding in Stella Dome than I thought, huh?"

"Tsk, plea... Please, spare...!"


"Don't speak without permission."


As Eltman gently squeezed his fist, Kabaren's body twisted unnaturally. His eyes bulged as if about to pop out, and he whimpered instead of screaming.

*'This is troublesome...'*

The skill of the Dark Mage was evolving at an abnormal rate.

Mage could no longer detect Dark Mages hidden in society, leading them to rapidly establish themselves in the magical realm.

It was truly remarkable.

The descendants who couldn't resist the impulse of pleasure and desire; they caused terror dozens of times a day.

They were now seamlessly integrating into society as soon as the technology to conceal their identities was developed.

*'Anyway, it was Anella…’*

He was truly grateful to that small exchange student girl.

Thanks to her tip, several Dark Mages hidden in Stella, including Kabaren, could be rooted out.


*'That girl is also suspicious.'*

There was no evidence, but the suspicion was strong.

However, without evidence, there was no way to interrogate.

Unless he directly killed her, there was no way to reveal the fact that she was Dark Mage, so he decided to leave her alone for the time being.

Seeing that Anella seemed to have a favorable impression of Baek Yu-Seol, she wouldn't cause any major trouble for now.


As Eltman made a grasping motion, the space squeezed until Kabaren's body disappeared without a trace.

Silently, Eltman turned and left the place.

Now that he had dealt with the Dark Mage who planned this incident, it was time to handle the aftermath of the Academy Battle.


After the Academy Battle ended, there was one more person who received attention along with Baek Yu-Seol.

"Denmark. Can we interview your feelings at that time?"

"Hey, looks like you've been working on those muscles, huh? How much can you bench press?"

"No, forget about that, can you answer the interview questions?"

Stella second-year class S, Denmark.

After the match ended, he became the talk of the town along with Baek Yu-Seol for holding down Dark Mage for a while, preventing further casualties.

The hospital room of Denmark, who was admitted to a single room, was crowded with a huge number of reporters, and although he seemed quite annoyed, he entertained them.

Just before the interview, the homeroom teacher of Class S said in his ears.

'Awareness of magic warriors is crucial!’

"What kind of protein do you use?"

Of course, due to nonsensical answers, the journalists who came for coverage were on the verge of exploding with frustration.

After the interview, Denmark’s partner, Ben from the second year Class S, came over.

"Hey. Looking good?"


Even though nurses had advised to rest for a while, Ben looked at Denmark with amazement as he was exercising barefoot on the floor.

As he roughly took out protein and a spoon from his pocket and tossed them, he reflexively caught them without looking back and tore open the packaging to put it in his mouth.

"Hospitals are too stifling."

"Who got hurt?"

"Exercise like this can heal anything. No need for surgery or medication. Doctors suffer mentally because their bodies are weak."

"... That's nonsense."

Feeling somewhat relieved, Denmark stretched his shoulder muscles and rotated his arms.

It seemed like this cramped space was getting to him.

Ben silently watched him.

He was clearly a muscle-headed fool, whose brain was also full of muscle. He didn't hesitate to do or say things that others might consider foolish, but... if he could confidently stand up to Dark Mage in crucial situations without showing his back, wouldn't that already make him a great magic warrior?

That was the thought which crossed his mind.

*'What am I thinking....'*

Indulging in emotions didn't suit his personality.

"By the way, who's the kid outside?"


"The one who's been hesitating outside the room to come in since earlier."

The signs of popularity grew stronger.

The sound of someone hesitantly shuffling their feet could be heard all the way here.

"Who? Another journalist? Annoying..."

Scratching the back of his head, Denmark leaned out of the hospital room.

But there was no one outside, and only a small girl stood there hesitantly.

"What are you doing here?"

"Huh? Uh? Um... That... Uh...."

When Denmark spoke to her, the girl’s pupils shook as if she was in panic, then she quickly bowed deeply and stammered.

"Um, um. Do you… Do you remember... me from the survival game...?"



Denmark’s offhand remark unintentionally hurt the girl's feelings, but with closed eyes, she continued.

"Back then, you saved me..."

"Oh. That was you?"

With an indifferent tone, Denmark rubbed his ear, but it seemed significant to the girl.

"I, I'm Ban Yurin... Here! Please take this!"

With a deeply blushing face, she pushed a gift box with a pink envelope into Denmark’s chest, then turned around and hurriedly left.

"What's this?"

Denmark couldn't quite understand the girl's actions, but Ben, who watched from behind, slapped his back.

"Spring is coming."

"It's already summer."

"This frustrating guy. So are you in love?"

"My girlfriends are dumbbells and protein. I have two of them."


Watching Denmark getting more frustrated than expected, Ben felt simply absurd.

"Live your life like that forever..."

After saying that, he suddenly felt scared, thinking he might actually live like that.


The day Orenha regained consciousness was about a week after the incident occurred.

Asari Flower Hospital, cradle of the Heavenly Spirit Tree.

Overflowing with the energy of the Heavenly Spirit Tree, akin to a drug, it was off-limits to ordinary elves. It was reserved only for high elves who could control the energy themselves due to the addictive nature.

"What did you say just now?"

Upon awakening after a week, Orenha trembled at the words of the high elf doctor.

"What did I...?"

"... I removed all mana from your body. It was an unavoidable choice to save the advisor, so please..."

"Who gave you the right! Who gave you the right to take my mana!!"

Orenha jumped up and grabbed the doctor's collar.

However, due to not moving for a week, his muscles spasmed and he lost strength.

The doctor lowered his head with a sympathetic expression.

There was practically nothing he could do for the patient, which filled him with guilt.

"Was it you? You? I'll kill you... How dare you take my mana...!"



The mages who lost their mana typically exhibited similar behaviors.

Some raged and expressed their anger, while others fell in despair and fainted.

And if not, there were often cases of extreme choices.

They directly chose to end their life on the spot.

For a mage, magic was essentially their life.

Although Orenha learned magic for the sake of Florin, it had already become a part of him.

*‘My limbs, or eyes, nose, and mouth.’*

*‘But upon waking up, they were gone, cut off in one piece.’*

*‘Now all I have left is my brain.’*

*‘I can't move my arms, walk, look ahead, smell, or taste.’*

*‘I can't do anything.’*

A mage who had lost all mana felt exactly like that.

"Who, who would dare..."

"I'm sorry, Orenha."


At that moment, a voice was heard.

Looking at the door of the room... there stood Florin, dressed in black from head to toe.

Immediately, Orenha’s mood soared.

It was none other than Florin herself who had come.

The person who had just been devoured by rage was nowhere to be seen, and he welcomed Florin with a face full of ecstasy.

"Ah... Your Majesty, please come in."

Seeing him like that, Florin couldn't help but feel sorry.

It was already severe.

He was enchanted by the allure of love.

The anger aroused by losing mana vanished in an instant.

Indeed... Was this the right solution?

If she didn’t reciprocate those feelings in the future, he would eventually fall into love sickness and die.

But it was already too late to ponder.

Orenha lost all mana.

*‘He loved me, but... I can't return his mana or his love.’*

Florin closed her eyes tightly and struggled to utter each word.

"Orenha, my advisor."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"... I'm truly sorry about your condition."

"No, Your Majesty. It’s not your fault, right? Even if I become crippled, I have confidence to serve you for a lifetime!"

Seeing his confident stance, Florin’s heart sank even more.

But she had to brace herself to say it.

That was the proper thing to do.

"No, it's my fault."


Florin’s demeanor felt strange.

Orenha, who had always watched over her, sensed something was amiss by then.

And the shocking words that came out of her mouth.

"I'm the one who ordered you to cripple you."

… What did she just say?

Seeing Orenha’s bewildered expression, her sad expression deepened even more.

At times like this, she thought it was fortunate that she was wearing a mask.

Her ability to control her expression was at the level of a child.

"Orenha... As you know, I'm cursed terribly. Ordinary people who see my face die shortly after, and high-level mages lose their sanity and go berserk."

"That... I know, but..."

"When you encountered me... It triggered a Mana Eruption. I had no choice but to make a decision. I wanted you to live."


Orenha bit his lip tightly.

His despairing expression was filled with a sense of loss.

"Even so... It’s okay."

He raised his trembling head with a lot of struggle and met Florin’s gaze.

"Even if I lack such power, I believe I can assist Your Majesty in governing."

It was a determined expression, but sadly, it was impossible.

His confident demeanor was fleeting.

The moment Florin concealed her appearance, the hysteria dormant within him would erupt once more.

The despair and anger of a mage who had lost his mana couldn’t easily subside.

Florin knew this well so she could no longer keep him as her advisor.

Simply letting him rest for the remainder of his life seemed the most comfortable option for him.


"Just a moment, Your Majesty. I'm still..."

"That's enough... Please retire."


As the words he feared spilled forth, Orenha’s pupils lost their focus.

"You could live in the finest mansions with countless servants at your disposal. If there's anything you want or need, just say the word. I'll do anything for your request."

Orenha fell silent, and Florin waited for him.

She couldn't dare to fathom his feelings, as he struggled to choose his words even while sorting through his tangled thoughts.

And then, after a while…

He spoke.

"... I don't need anything."

"Money, honor, power, even magic—none of it matters!"

Orenha's eyes shone with intensity as he shouted at Florin.

"I... I don't care about anything as long as I have Your Majesty! Please… Don’t cast me aside..."

Though her heart wavered at his fervent plea, Florin resolved not to succumb and firmly shook her head.

What he desired wasn't just to be by her side, but to have her heart.

But that... was simply impossible.

Despite spending a long time together, Orenha was just a friend; she couldn't return the feelings of love.

Keeping Orenha by her side would only cause him anguish.

The feeling of love nurtured by the hope blossomed like a flower, but it eventually falls.

"... I'm sorry. Orenha, I can't give you my heart."

And so, Florin drew a firm line.

Orenha's body went completely limp, and he collapsed to the ground.

Florin, who saw through his inner feelings, drew the line. Even the last remaining hope vanished.

That was it.

"Please... Just rest."

Florin couldn't bring herself to face Orenha, who was drowned in despair, so she hurriedly left the hospital.



Having rushed to the garden, Florin leaned against a tree to catch her breath.

Sweat dotted her forehead and cheeks, but she couldn't take off her mask in case someone saw.


"Did everything go well?"

At that moment, Baek Yu-Seol, who had been trudging through the thickets nearby, appeared.

Florin calmed her startled heart for a moment and breathed a sigh of relief.

"You scared me..."

Glancing around, he casually nodded.

"No one's here, so you can take off your mask if you want."

"... Yes. The fairies told me."

Being able to hear the voices of spirits and fairies, she had long since realized there was no one around.

"But still, taking off the mask..."

It was still frightening.

Because of her careless actions, she had once again lost a connection.


Baek Yu-Seol didn't say anything more.

Right now, Florin was burdened with guilt about Orenha.

But that wouldn't last long.

It wouldn't be long before Orenha, having lost all his mana, would reveal his true nature by causing a riot in the hospital.

Florin would discover his vile and filthy inner self. She would suffer many wounds, but her guilt would fade away.

It was not so bad.

From the start, Orenha was too dangerous to keep by Florin’s side.

"So, did everything go well?"

"... More or less."

Florin fidgeted with her dress hem as she spoke.

It was Baek Yu-Seol who had advised her to draw the line with Orenha precisely.

"Don't feel guilty. Even though you told him not to come, he stubbornly crawled in and exposed himself to the curse... Well, it's his fault, isn't it?"

Baek Yu-Seol didn't possess the dazzling eloquence that captivated people of all ages and genders.

He couldn't offer warm sentiments with a single word, nor could he genuinely empathize.

So, he offered practical advice.

*'Anyway, it's that bastard’s fault. Hopefully, so many words would alleviate her guilt as much as possible.'*

"I'm glad things worked out more or less."


"It would be nice if there were no more incidents like this in the future, wouldn't it?"

As Baek Yu-Seol spoke, Florin raised her head to look at him.

Though he was a young and naive boy who hadn't lived half the days she had, for some reason, she couldn't shake the feeling that he was smarter and wiser than her and even more mature.

In reality, he had achieved much more than her.

Despite facing the same curse, he overcame it and confidently entered an academy where the world's greatest geniuses gathered. In fact, he managed to do it with the worst talent.

From birth, she was blessed by the High Elves and possessed the potential to become a great mage.

While she was highly esteemed, she couldn't overcome just one curse and hid away in a corner...

It felt like Baek Yu-Seol was so far above and beyond reach.

So, she wanted to hold onto him even more and ask.

How could that be possible?

How could she, too, one day remove her mask and confidently reveal herself to the world?",


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