I Attained Invincibility In The Real World

Chapter 423: 265: Confrontation and Bold Action_3

Chapter 423: 265: Confrontation and Bold Action_3

Translator: 549690339

A sharp rupture reverberates through the forest.


A hemisphere rises abruptly in the woods.

White light illuminates the night sky.

The earth trembles.

Dust swirls.

Just like a nuclear bomb explosion.

The aftershock quickly spreads, destroying everything in its path.

Even within the territory of the Yihe Gate, the shockwave still doesn’t dissipate.

Amid the dust and smoke,

A large pit starkly emerges.

Xiang Li’s eyebrows are skewed, his skull misshaped.

Just the impact of hitting the ground couldn’t possibly cause such damage to him.

The only wound on Xiang Li’s body,

Was brutally squeezed out by Li Wuji’s bare hands.

He doesn’t know how Li Wuji can have such great strength.

Now the situation doesn’t give him much time to think.

At this moment, he just opened his eyes.

In his hazy vision clouded by the blood mist, a strange sight quickly approaches.

Li Wuji clearly isn’t planning on giving Xiang Li any chance to catch his breath.


Xiang Li roars.

The roar reverberates through the forest.

He quickly stimulates the red light within his body.

At this moment,

Xiang Li isn’t concerned about whether the full explosion of nuclear cells will impact the surrounding environment.

His pride,

Doesn’t let him fall into a passive beating situation.

In an instant, his arm is pulled out of the ground and swings towards the sight in front of him.

Another loud roar follows.

Under the pouring of the great strength, the ground sinks again.

In the center,

Xiang Li’s face is ferocious, his arm firmly blocking Li Wuji’s attack.

Bulging green tendons stand out on his skin, as if they may explode at any moment.

Despite this,

Facing Li Wuji’s terrifying power,

He still struggles to resist.

His arm makes faint cracking sounds.

It’s the sound of his bones fracturing.

It’s also the mourning cry of his arm being overloaded.

Booming, booming, booming.

Xiang Li’s body continues to sink into the ground.


With a snap,

His arm completely fractures.

Next second,

Li Wuji’s fist arrives.

Yihe Gate.

The ruins of the courtyard.

Shen Ziming holds Sun Yihe’s skull, and heads to the mountain peak.

Following Sun Yihe’s will,

Directly bury him beneath an old tree.

This is the last task Sun Yihe asked him to do.

Even in death,

As the former Sect Leader of the Yihe Gate,

Sun Yihe did not want his disciples to see his tragic death.

Shen Ziming watches the end of the line of sight, the white light that occasionally explodes.

The result of that battle,

Will affect the fate of everyone present.

If Li Wuji loses,

He fears he won’t have time to bury Sun Yihe.

So he takes Sun Yihe’s skull here during the great war.


Shen Ziming looks around.

The present mountain peak, due to the previous battle, had already collapsed a corner.

The courtyard is no longer existent.

How to bury Sun Yihe?


“It seems…we have to make do.”

Shen Ziming mutters softly.

His eyes are bloodshot.

He’s clearly still suffering from grief.

According to memory.

Shen Ziming found a spot not far from where the old tree in the courtyard once stood and started to dig a hole to bury Sun Yihe.

“Elder Sun he…”

At that moment.

A voice chimed in next to Shen Ziming’s ear.

He turned to look.

It was Feng, covered in dust.

Although she had been blown off by a punch from Xiang Li, she did not suffer severe injuries.

Added to her special cultivation techniques, other than appearing somewhat disheveled, her overall aura was still at its peak.

Shen Ziming was not surprised.

Previously, Li Wuji had already introduced Feng to the other disciples.

“Miss Feng, the Chairman he…”

Shen Ziming nodded.

Then he looked at the battlefield in the distance.

He wanted to ask how likely Li Wuji was to win.

But when the words were on the tip of his tongue, he felt it would be disrespectful.


Feng already understood what he meant.

“The Chairman mentioned this when he talked with Elder Sun before.”

“The original plan was for Elder Sun to delay as long as possible so that the Chairman could keep gathering strength.”

“The longer the Chairman gathers strength, the stronger the explosion of power will be, and the longer it will last.”

“Xiang Li, shouldn’t be much of a problem.”

“But the key is…”


A dread played across Feng’s face.

Shen Ziming was not clear about the truth behind the Martial Arts Association and the Holy Sect.

Without Li Wuji’s consent, she dared not lightly disclose such secrets to others.

In the end,

Both Sun Yihe and Li Wuji were not concerned about Xiang Li.

But the Respected Elder behind Xiang Li.

And Li Wuji’s body that had been taken over by the Respected Elder.

Both possessed power, whether of the soul or physical form, that could crush anyone in contemporary martial arts in China.

Only Li Wuji might have a chance of resistance.


Although she did not know where Li Wuji’s power was coming from.

What Feng knew was that Li Wuji’s state wouldn’t last long.

If he gets delayed by Xiang Li for too long… the situation could turn extremely grim.

At this point,

Though Feng did not explicitly say it,

Her gloomy expression had already said it all.

Shen Ziming’s mood involuntarily darkened.

He thought of Chen Sheng out of nowhere.

The monstrous talent that he possessed.

Given enough time for Chen Sheng to grow,

He might become the strongest among humans one day.

Even the Respected Elder and the likes of Xiang Li would have difficulty resisting him.

It’s just a pity,

Chen Sheng’s time for martial arts training, was too short.

“Chen Sheng, you have to be alright,”

Shen Ziming murmured to himself.

In the blink of an eye,

He had finished digging the hole.

No matter what fate had in store for him,

Shen Ziming was mentally prepared.

He just hoped that Chen Sheng could survive this crisis and continue to live.

“You… know Chen Sheng?”

It was the second time Feng had heard Chen Sheng’s name.

She was curious about the person both Li Wuji and Sun Yihe valued a lot, and even sent the Vermilion Bird and her brother to protect.


“Do you have any news of him?”

“He… is alright, isn’t he?”

Feng shook her head.

“I am not sure.”

“But the chairman has sent two masters to protect him, and my brother is also there, so there shouldn’t be much of a problem.”

“It’s just a shame, if my brother were here…..”

Mentioning her brother,

Feng, who always had a cold demeanor, could not help but sigh.

In her opinion,

Her own brother, though less powerful than Xiang Li and Sun Yihe, was definitely not too far behind.

If he had not been dispatched to protect that Chen Sheng,

With the presence of the Vermilion Bird and her brother, they might have been able to delay Xiang Li for long enough for Li Wuji to gather his strength.

But now, it was too late for any of that.

Thinking of this,

Despite having never met him, Feng couldn’t help but feel a twinge of resentment toward Chen Sheng.


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