I Am This Murim’s Crazy Bitch

Chapter 28: The Waves in Front of the Yangtze River Goes Blah Blah Blah (2)

Chapter 28: The Waves in Front of the Yangtze River Goes Blah Blah Blah (2)

The Waves in Front of the Yangtze River Goes Blah Blah Blah (2)   

Zigui was a port. More specifically, a port city.

Though one might question what port city existed on a river, the cargo volume of the Yangtze River accounted for a third of the entire Central Plains.

However, just because cities were along the Yangtze did not mean they all thrived on commerce.

Zigui was exactly as so.

Zigui had rather unsatisfactory roads extending overland and, more importantly, was closer to Yichang.

And Yichang had a major road leading out to Chongqing.

Thus, it was inevitable that where roads and water met, great development occurred.

But Zigui, neighboring the giant natural barriers of the Wu Gorges, had no reason for merchants to visit.

This Wu Gorge was considered the most beautiful among the three gorges along the Yangtze.

Thus, Zigui, situated at the entrance to this gorge, was popular with tourists.

In other words, Qing sitting stubbornly in the inn, waiting to see if any escort group would pass by, would not bear any fruit.

In fact, if one wanted to join a trading company, simply visiting the local branch of the escort group would suffice.

At Qings level, the escort group would be beside themselves, practically crawling to welcome such a talent.

No joke, even if she told them to carry her on their backs throughout the entire journey, they would do so in a heartbeat.    

However, she would have to put up with monikers like Bizarre Female Back-Climber.

For reference, the meaning of that was a weird woman who climbed on top of ones back.

Yet, Qing was unaware of such facts.

She was utterly clueless.

In the first place, she never bothered to learn.

After all, even if she used what she knew well, she wouldnt really seek out what she didnt know.

Anyway, in Qings heart, the inn was kind of a place of meeting.

It was utterly ridiculous, but in a way, not entirely wrong.

It was right when Qing was propping up her chin at the inn, watching tourists pass by.

A young man appeared, suddenly flashing his white teeth.

He had a very healthy set, indeed.

Oh my, a flower without an owner seems to have bloomed here.

Qing looked around.

The inn was rather quiet and those present were of ordinary or lesser appearance.

Tourists, being fundamentally wealthy, dined in restaurants, drank tea in teahouses, and liquor in bars.

An inn like this, serving everything, was for wanderers like Qing or somewhat destitute tourists.

She didnt see anything that could be a proper flower.

Though there was no way, Qing pointed at herself just in case.

When she did so, the young man smiled with his eyes.

What, me? Actually? Why?

Qing was a bit surprised.

I am named Cha Namjeong. Might the beautiful Damsel grace me by revealing her name, as precious as jade?

Qing scrutinized Cha Namjeong.

Not for any other reason. Just that

  -598, this motherfucker, whats wrong with the state of his Karma?

Come to think of it, she had endured for quite a long time.

Without any proper countermeasures, she could only bear the bombardment of nuclear noogies with tears. Those moments of humiliation and contempt.

  But, huh. Would you look at that? Theres a bastard to kill here, huh?

Thoughts of murder flared up for the first time in a while.

Qing smirked; a chilling smile spread through her face.

Im Ximen Qing.

Ah! Damsel Ximen! By the way, it appears your companions are quite indifferent.


Otherwise, how could they possibly leave a beauty like you all alone?

I have no companions.

Ahhh. As expected, thats how it was. To be frank, I knew at first glance. No companions would leave behind a Fairy that had descended upon this world.

Look at this little fucker yapping.

  Whats your name? Did you come here alone?1a common pickup line in Korean clubs (dont ask me i dont know shit.)

Ohh, did this bastard frequent clubs a bit?

Whats next then? Is it, Want to go out for a drink?, or something?


Haha, actually, I have been summoned by the Emperor and must travel to Beijing. Once I receive documents for official matters, Ill be busy, so I thought to catch a breath of fresh air before then.


Qing was nonchalant.

  So, isnt that just a long-winded way of saying he became a civil servant?

Unexpectedly, for once, Qings sentiment matched the universal view.

The martial artists of the current era tended to undervalue official positions.

It was all thanks to the great Celestial Martial Emperor.

Actually, my father serves as the Regional Inspector2this is the Ming Dynasty. Basically, the Censorate was like the Inquisition. As in, they could do whatever the fuck all they wanted. And a Regional Inspector was an Investigating Censor assigned to a province. Had the same rank as a Governor. Basically, they are high-ranking and had almost full autonomous power. so this daddy is pretty high up. but not the highest (obviously). This matter too was facilitated by my fathers influence.

The fuck is with this guy.

  How is he bragging so shamelessly about securing a government position through nepotism?

  Is this the spirit Ive only heard of in passing? The one thats been passed down through Chinas long history?

Shockingly, Qing was right on the money!

This was the very essence of the thousands of years of Chinese history, guanxi!3a term used in Chinese culture to describe an individuals social network of mutually beneficial personal and business relationships

A fathers connection would become the sons.

Even if it wasnt something to boast about openly, it remained a source of envy and pride for everyone.

On that note, I was thinking of setting out on a wasen4meaning traditional Japanese boat. A general term for any wooden boat of Japanese style. and enjoying a boat ride tonight. If the Damsel does not mind, would you care to join me?

A boat ride

Ah, it is not the small boat the Damsel is imagining. I wish to enjoy the gourmet food and fine liquor on a ship as grand as a palace while taking in the beauty of the Yangtze River. If you could spare a little of your time, it would be a grace of a lifetime for me.

In the end, an offer to have a drink came up. Were there actually clubs in the Central Plains?

But it was gourmet food and liquor. And a high chance of blood.

If she refused, wouldnt it be akin to losing half of her lifes purpose?

Qing was completely taken in.

If so, it is me who must ask you for such a favor.

Oh, oh! Damsel! Thank you!

Its nothing.

Then I will send someone to fetch you at the appointed time. Should I send them to this inn?

Qing nodded.

Yes. That sounds perfect.    



Cha Namjeongs life was way too easy.

He was the oh so precious, only son of Cha Sundan, the Regional Inspector of Hubei.

A Regional Inspector was a high-ranking official belonging to the Surveillance Office of the Censorate, directly under the Emperors command.

They held immense power, capable of independently inspecting officials of the county magistrate level, making their authority tremendous.

Moreover, he was the only son of the prestigious Cha Family.

Hence, Cha Namjeong could have everything he wanted just by pointing and asking.

It was the absolute worst way to raise a child.

Cha Namjeong could have anything.

So, he wanted something he couldnt have.

What could that possibly be?

Thats right! To forcibly take a woman who does not consent!

That was the conclusion Cha Namjeong drew.

And he committed his long-awaited first act of insurrection, which was immediately discovered.

After all, how well could a youth plan his first crime?

His father, Cha Sundan, simply said one thing.

  Hes a man. It happens.

It was the moment that quite a unique form of a notorious rapist was born.

Cha Sundan actually felt a bit mortified.

Forcing himself onto a woman was something a man would naturally experience at least once, wasnt it?

So, he had let it go the first time, but it seemed the Heavens were truly indifferent to his expectations.

After all, Cha Namjeong had reached a level that was somewhat acceptable even for Cha Sundan, who loved his son so dearly.

He went into a fervent state of denial, using his authority and connections to place his son in the military, hoping that roughing it out might improve him and also curb his vile hobbies..

But regardless of such hopes, all of his crimes gradually became bolder.

Cha Namjeong, too, was similar to his fathers thoughts at first. He started with easy targets, those who werent even worth mentioning.

But then, he moved onto married women from commoner villages, then moved onto Russian women, and eventually to beautiful women.

And now, he had even reached the level where he preyed on a beautiful female martial artist.

Qing was not particularly unlucky to be caught in his vile acts.

It wasnt the influence of the Heavenly Slaughtering Star or some fate forced upon her.

The reason Qing was up to be the next candidate was just because she was somewhat suitable to be.

Despite being neatly dressed, wearing old clothes and sitting in an inn in a city meant for sightseeing was no different from declaring poverty.

After all, how skilled could a poor swordsman possibly be?

Moreover, her face was pretty enough to be considered beautiful.

Keke, did you see her reaction? She pretended to resist but came over as soon as I mentioned Fathers name. Shall we bet on what kind of reaction she will have?

Cha Namjeong gossiped with his guards on top of the wasen.    

I bet one nyang5silver sycee. basically a coin of silver :)) that the girl will cry and collapse in a heap. She looked soft, after all.

Ill bet on that too.

Tch. That kind of bitch is no fun, though. It would be more interesting if she curses and creates a scene.

Their conversation was absolutely outrageous.

But still, she claims to be a martial artist, does she not? Female brats who pretend to be martial warriors are usually as tough as men, Young Master.

Thats right, isnt it?

Cha Namjeong snickered, puffing up his lower garment.

It was about time for the servant he sent to fetch her to return.

Cha Namjeong licked his lips.

All while utterly unaware of what he was inviting.

It was time to be crushed by the disaster he had called upon himself.    



Oooh, its a boat.

Qing exclaimed in admiration.

It wasnt as grand as a palace, as Cha Namjeong had claimed.

Still, it was about the size of a 20-person fishing boat. 

It was a certain ship of misfortune one inevitably boarded at least once during a life as a production worker.

But to be fair, it wasnt that bad, even though she was dragged along by her superiors in her previous life.

In fact, Qing only considered the civilization of the Central Plains to be somewhat above that of primitive people.

Thus, even a boat of this size seemed remarkable to her.

It was like a baby who was praised as a genius for sounding any babble.

  Wow, theres a boat! Wow, a three-story building! Wow, there are carriages!

  Ancient China is amazing!

Were the type of thoughts she always had.

A certain debauchee of the Central Plains came out to meet Qing.

Damsel Ximen, thank you for coming.

Its nothing. Im here to freeload, after all.

Haha. Well then. Come. Let me show you around my pride, the Soyang.

Ooh. Are you the shipowner?

Haha, I hardly ever take the ship out, so its a bit much to call myself a shipowner. Nevertheless, an owner is still an owner.

Right as she boarded the deck

  Oh my world! What a sight to behold!

Qing witnessed a beautiful scene, unrivaled or ever seen before in her life.

A table of drinks and snacks, filled with all kinds of delicacies, was spread out in a shape, extennnnnnnsively laid out.

  If it was this much hospitality, it could even redeem his Evil Karma of -601 a slight bi-

  The fuck is up with this motherfucker.

  He managed to increase Evil Karma in that short amount of time?

  • 1

    a common pickup line in Korean clubs (dont ask me i dont know shit.)

  • 2

    this is the Ming Dynasty. Basically, the Censorate was like the Inquisition. As in, they could do whatever the fuck all they wanted. And a Regional Inspector was an Investigating Censor assigned to a province. Had the same rank as a Governor. Basically, they are high-ranking and had almost full autonomous power. so this daddy is pretty high up. but not the highest (obviously)

  • 3

    a term used in Chinese culture to describe an individuals social network of mutually beneficial personal and business relationships

  • 4

    meaning traditional Japanese boat. A general term for any wooden boat of Japanese style.

  • 5

    silver sycee. basically a coin of silver :))



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