I Am The Young Master

Chapter 27 - Prohibition

Chapter 27: Prohibition

——(POV Li Long a.k.a the Demon, moments ago)——

It was on the fifth day of Huang's training that I felt the change in him. I immediately stopped my attack and he on other hand sat cross-legged on the floor.

He was about to breakthrough and it was a big breakthrough into the Meridian Formation realm. If he can be successful in his breakthrough I can say with certainty that he would be one of the pillars of the whole world in the years to come.

With this, he would be one of the best of the best in the current generation and he could gain the best advantage against others. Meridian Formation realm needs resources that Li family and the heavenly sword sect can make available for him easily and the other variables are in his own hand to tune.

He was trying to condense his first meridian but the process was not going smoothly. The reason for this was that he was in the middle of an intense training session and he didn't have a stable Qi so this was to be expected.

I tried to make it easier for him by applying an isolation formation and a Qi gathering formation so that he would be able to go on unhindered and also be able to recover his Qi in the fastest time.

These formations and more are some of the facilities that we have ready in this training courtyard. It is just so that in these unexpected situations like this I can execute the best solutions on the go.

Minutes passed but Huang wasn't able to condense his meridian. This was making it so that, it was more probable for him to fail this time.

I have to be ready in case that he fails, he had never failed until now so it can be a big heart demon for him.

As I was thinking of ways to tackle this issue, there were new developments in Huang's breakthrough to the meridian formation realm.

He was channeling his Qi that was destabilizing his Meridian form toward his palms and this was he how was stabilizing his meridian.

'Simply genius.' I thought.

Here I was thinking of him failing and he found a way to guide himself toward success.

After a few more moments he succeeds in breaking through to the next big realm. Right after he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Old man, I think I deserve a vacation." Huang told me with a smile.

I was stupefied. How lazy can a person be?

"You know that this is only the second realm in Qi cultivation and you dare to ask for vacation already?" I asked him with judgmental eyes.

"What is wrong with you old man? Do I not need time to stabilize my realm? Do you want me to have a shitty foundation or something" Huang answered back without missing a bit.

I just looked at him for a few seconds. I know he is trying to run away from the training but his words also hold some truths.

I was unwilling but I couldn't come up with a good enough reason to hold him back.

"*sigh* Fine you can go. I suggest that you would go and check on the inner competitions for the eternal wail trial and see your opponents beforehand." I told him. Well if he does as I told him he wouldn't at least waste his time.

"That is a good idea! Okay, I will do so tomorrow." Huang told me and got up to go out of the courtyard.

It seems that he is elated to be able to go out of this place.

Shaking my head, I too went to check on the interrogation process.

——(POV Li Huang a.k.a The one who lived)——

Now I can say with all my heart that I am truly delighted by my sudden breakthrough. Last time my breakthrough was the cause of many pains and sufferings but now, it was the salvation.

Although I won't deny that grandpa Long methods work, I also have to add that this shit is not something that you would want to experience in long term.

'I can't wait for grandpa Long to go back to his deep sleep…' I thought to myself and smiled just thinking about it.

This is the afternoon of the fifth day of training and there are still two days left until the trip to the [Eternal Wail Chasm].

On these two days, we would have two rounds of competitions and the final 100 competitors would be selected.

The first day of competition is not something that I would be willing to waste time watching. I'm not looking down on them but in reality, those competitions would not add anything to me and I rather meditate to make my realm stable so that I would be in top form for the [Eternal Wail Trial].

Going toward my courtyard I smiled and nodded to some core disciples and elders on the way. As I got to my room, I took a shower and after eating I sat down and circulated my Qi to stabilize my realm.

Now that I am in the meridian formation realm I have to think about my internal formation. It is necessary to find one or more formations that I can implement into my body and with the Li family and the sect at my disposal, I think I have almost the best internal formations in my hands.

Well, this is a problem that I have to think about for the long term and I can start doing it after the [Eternal Wail Trial] when I have no big plans on the way.

As I was immersed in meditation, the night passed and it was already morning. Getting up from my sitting position I stretched my limbs.

Putting on my robes, I went and started my daily routine. After two hours of training, I went back to my room to take a bath.

Thinking about how easy this training was for me I couldn't stop myself from laughing. In my past life when I had limited time and had to watch some courses, I would put the video on 3x and after a few seconds that my mind would struggle to figure out the words I would slow it down to 2.5x and my mind would adapt easily to this new and slower speed.

On the other hand, if I had put the speed on 2.5x from the start, my mind wouldn't adapt this easily to the high speed of speech.

This is just like me right now. Grandpa Long's training was so intense that now that I am doing my version of the training, my body can easily adapt to it and it seems to me that this training is very basic.

The point that you can get from this is that our mind is always bitching about the situation so give it a harder push at the beginning so that it would accept the hard situation easier.

Before i forget about it, I also contacted uncle Aram to send someone to give me the information about the MC dude.

After my breakfast, I went to see Yuan Jia and Hu Anjing after all this time. I hope they are at the usual place so that I wouldn't have to look for them around the sect.

Getting to the location I knocked and entered.

"It's me." I told no one in particular.

There was a sound of fighting coming from the inside. I went towards the source of the sounds.

It was coming from the training grounds so I walked leisurely. As I entered, I could see Yuan Jia and Hu Anjing sparing with each other.

They were so immersed in their fight that they didn't see me coming in. I didn't want to distract them so I hid my presence or more realistically minimized it.

The fighting still of Yuan Jia is more direct and refined, on the other hand Hu Anjing's attacks are more unrestrained and toward the vitals, it could be a habit from the time that she was an assassin.

Their fight had some similitude to a fight between a Phoenix and a Lioness.

After some time their spar comes to an end and I spoke to them.

"That was a good warm-up." I teased them. as I was training with the devil himself, this is really a warm-up in my eyes.

Yuan Jia only smiled at me. She knows that I was just nagging about the harshness of my own training so she didn't take it to heart.

Hu Anjing on other hand was different.

"Junior Uncle, do you want me to warm you up too?" she told me while she was cracking her knuckles.

I was stunned.

'how did I forget that Hu Anjing would always have something to answer...' I thought.

Yuan Jia started laughing at my reaction.

"No thank you. Right now I am in my prohibition period." I flatly rejected her. Seriously I need a break from spars and whatnot.


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