I am the Queen

Chapter 193 - 20

Burberry Hospital

Evangeline woke up disoriented. The first thing she did was move, but her limbs were so heavy, and any slight movement brought a jolt of pain to her spine. Pain.

"Agh . . . ," she groaned. Her face was swelling, and she could even see purples in her line of sight.

"Don't move. It's best if you rest for a while."

Evangeline paused, then her eyes focused on Eric, sitting on a chair beside her bed. The blank look on his face, in contrast with the concern in his voice that he failed to hide, put a tear in her eyes.

"Eric . . . ," she croaked. Her voice was weak as her dry lips hurt whenever she moved her mouth.

"The doctor said you still need three days' rest. Fortunately, there were no fractured bones, only cuts and bruises."

The transition in his voice from warm to deadpan unnerve her.

"Eric . . . about the Paris thing," Evangeline forced out the words even though she was having difficulty. "I––"

"I don't want to talk about it."

The anger in his voice stunned her in silence.

Eric looked away. "At least not now while I'm still angry and you're still recovering."

". . ." Evangeline didn't know why but she felt like crying. Accident really softened everyone.

"I'm sorry," she said after the long silence.

". . ."

Eric released a sigh and looked at Evangeline in the eyes. "Rest first."

Evangeline shook her head. If she could move, she would grab Eric's hand because she felt like he would leave at any moment. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just thought that . . ."

She then released a heavy breath. "I just thought that you wouldn't get mad if I just tell you later."

"I am mad that you didn't discuss it with me first. But I am more angry that you seemed alright that you're going to leave."

Evangeline's words got stuck in her throat upon the pain in Eric's eyes. She opened her mouth to explain, but he already stood to his feet.

"Forget it. We'll talk when I'm in the right state of mind and that you're no longer breathing heavily from just speaking a few words."

He then turned and walked towards the door. He stopped but didn't look back.

"I'm still angry at you because you're so nonchalant about it while me, on the other hand . . ."

Eric's fist was shaking as he dropped a small smile at Evangeline. One that almost sent Evangeline in tears.

"Just the thought of you going so far away . . . is driving me insane."

". . . Eric . . . ," Evangeline whispered, but he was gone before she could finish her words.

"You could always come with me . . ."

Evangeline breathed and forced herself to move. She would not let Eric go like this. She was afraid. When would be the next time that they would meet?

The world spin for a moment as she forced herself to sit on the bed. Not even two seconds she slumped on the mattress, feeling so tired.

Darn it!

The world was spinning, and she was about to pass out when the door opened, and the last thing she saw was Asher rushing towards her.


Inside Rose café's private room, Angel's favorite hangout place. She was stirring her tea in a daze while Aldrick was having a one-sided conversation with himself.

Ever since her encounter with Evangeline in FROZEN's office days ago, she felt unmotivated and under the weather. It even affected her job, and Aldrick noticed this too. That's why he asked the management to give her a month's break — much to Angel's annoyance.

This irritated her because the man was already deciding for her. Like now, he was making plans that she didn't even know.

"The trip to Maldives is two days from now. I'm sure you'll love it. You always say that you wanted to go there. I heard this time of year the water is so clear that you can see the corals and fishes," Aldrick narrated.

Then he looked at Angel, who was still unresponsive. He wet his lips and continued with a smile on his face. "It's a good start to learn scuba diving. You always said that you wanted to learn it, right?"

Angel sighed and faced Aldrick with a scowl on her face. "You go. I don't want to."

Aldrick smile wavered at the hostility in Angel's voice. "I already book the ticket. It's a waste if we don't go. Who knows when the next opportunity is."

Angel stared at Aldrick's face for a moment. Her feelings were bursting, and the guy's persistence was the last draw.

"Aldrick. You and I are not dating. Don't you get it?"

Aldrick was confused. "What do you mean? I thought that we have mutual feelings for each other. When I said I love you and you replied in same."

Angel laughed with scorn. "You really are pathetic! So desperate to replace the love you once lost. Love me? How could you love me? A girl who is just using you?"

"W-what do you . . ."

"Oh, come on! Don't pretend that you don't know. Or are you just really blind? Consumed by desperation to forget?"

"Angel, you're just angry at the moment. I'm sorry if I didn't consult you about the trip. I thought that––"

"Stop fooling yourself!" Angel screamed. "I'm just using you! Just like you're using me to forget that girl!"

"I'm not using you," Aldrick defended. Then his voice turned soft as his expression. "I really love you."

Angel snickered, and the glint in her eyes made Aldrick uncomfortable.

"Then let me tell you a story," she said as she reclined in her chair, folding her arms under her breasts. "Five years ago, a girl full of ambition is just starting her story in the entertainment industry. She was new, and to rise to fame quickly, she needed to cling to someone. Then came this guy. Young and famous. So youthful. So full of dreams. So juvenile and naïve. He was perfect except that he has a girlfriend."

"Angel . . ." Aldrick face was losing his color. Fast.

"So the girl needed a plan to break them apart. She had her chance one night at a party. It wasn't easy and needed a lot of money, but she got her way. She drugged the man. Took him to a hotel. Took some naked picture with a bunch of girls."

"Angel, stop."

Angel didn't hear Aldrick's plea as she continued with a smile though her eyes were turning red. The only betrayal to what she felt.

"She blackmailed the girlfriend, and they broke up. After all, those pictures could do damage, especially to a guy in the entertainment industry. So she, like any martyr girlfriend, chose to break up with him to protect his stupid dreams. The girl then got what she wanted. A vulnerable, pathetic little man who was so desperate to forget the love he lost. What could be the better opportunity than that, right?"


Aldrick yelled. His face was white in contrast with his bloodshot eyes. He was breathing so fast he felt like he would pass out.

Angel smirk amidst the pool of waters in her eyes. "So tell me . . . do you love me now?"

". . ."

Aldrick looked at the unfamiliar woman in front of him. He refused to look away even if his lips trembled and his shoulder heaved with emotion. His hands clenched into shaking fists in a desperate battle against his grief. Then a lone tear traced down his cheek. His face buckled, and tears rolled, washing a path to his chin. Tears blurred his vision, and loud heaving sobs torn through his lips, but he still refused to look away.

Not until the realization sunk in that it was all Angel's fault that he lost what future he had with Satele. He lost a love that he could no longer get back. His gaze fell to the ground, and acid laid waste in his throat. If he didn't get away from this place, he would really die!

Staggering, he ran out of the café, leaving Angel on her seat.


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