I am the Queen

Chapter 181 - 7 & Side Story 4

Chapter 7

BlackPine Country

At Cole's giant-size family dining table, Marcos Cole conversed with his old-time friend, Henry Celestine. Alex Cole was eating as his eyes observed his sons and future daughter-in-law. Alvaro was silent with a gentleman's face, as usual, and Maxine looked downcast. While Alexis was fidgeting with his red wig.

"So with all the preparations, I believe we could push the wedding by next year? After all, my granddaughter only deserves the best. We want to plan things carefully," Henry said and squeezed Maxine's shoulder.

Maxine let out a timid smile before she went back to being meek.

"Of course, we also want the grandest wedding. We're talking about my firstborn grandson, after all. My heir to the clan," Marcos said with a laugh.

Álvaro's hold on his spoon tightened, and his smile was no longer on his face.

Alex caught his oldest son's slight changed of expression and said, "Father, if we wanted a grand wedding, I think half a year wouldn't cut it." He then looked at Alvaro and Maxine, "We should let them talk first and let them decide the date of the marriage."

. . .

. . .

It was silent for a while. Then the silence turned brutal that even the oblivious Alexis felt its heaviness. He stopped fidgeting with his red wig and shivered under the oppressing pressure each, and everyone gave off.

"We've prolonged the wedding long enough," Marcos said with finality.

Henry laughed, lightening the mood. "That's right. Me and Marcos really wanted to hold our great-grandchildren before we passed in this life. Besides, we've been planning this wedding even before you kids were born. I think that's enough planning already."

Maxine's head lowered until her chin was almost on her chest while Álvaro's lips twitched.

"Maxine and I would like to discuss it first if you don't mind," Alvaro said. The tone of his voice put even Marcos Cole in silence.

. . .

. . .

"I think it's only fair," Henry said after another round of silence. He knew not to push Alvaro Cole when the young man was clearly in no mood anymore to play the perfect gentleman.

"It's settled then. Once you discuss things over, I expect a wedding this year or next year at most," Marcos said, looking at Alvaro as he spoke.

Álvaro grimaced and Maxine repressed a smile.

Inside Alvaro's study.

"I thought you already talk to your grandfather about canceling the engagement?" Alvaro asked the moment he and Maxine were alone in his study.

Maxine huffed a dry laughed. "And why would I do that? I thought you'd be the one to break the news?"

Maxine looked at Alvaro in the eyes and smirked. "What? Afraid of your grandfather?"

Álvaro ignored Maxine's sarcasm and said, "a little nudge on your grandfather and things might have been easy."

Maxine chuckled. "And what made you think that I would make things easy? After what you did?"

Álvaro looked at Maxine for a moment. Then his face turned serious as his voice. "Do you really want to enter into a loveless marriage?"

Maxine returned Alvaro's stare, and the edge of her lips rose in mockery. "Just to see you suffer? Yes."

". . ."

For a whole minute, it was just silence. A vicious silence. Maxine thought she won, but her smile fell right off her face when Alvaro spoke.

"Are you sure? Do you really want a life where your husband loves another woman? Fucking another woman every night and day? Do you really want to sleep in an empty bed? Live in an empty house? Because that will happen. Once you marry me, you'll seal yourself in that reality."

". . ." Maxine's face paled. Her hands clenched as she bit her lips.

Álvaro sneered. "That's what I think. So you better cooperate."

He then turned and went out but stopped and said, "I heard that guy. What's his name? Henry? From the climb? He has been visiting you often, isn't he? Instead of wasting your time and effort on a guy that doesn't love you, why not give your attention to a guy who really does?"

And the door closed, leaving Maxine with the chaos of her emotions.

"You're too cruel and selfish," Maxine murmured and wiped her tears. "And yet, here I am just the same for thinking to marry you so we could suffer together."


Side Story 4:

Rozarria Rozienheim

Rozarria always wondered what it felt like seeing Allan again. Living in the same country, they were bound to meet even just once.

She always avoided public places. Always had her secretary check if there was any Allan Soverich in where she was going. But lately, she just didn't care.

And now, standing in front of her was her ex, the man who was the relentless subject of her dreams and nightmares just weeks ago.

He was still the same only mature looking, which added to his charms. There was something about guys with glasses with a kind smile and mature look.

She thought she would be angry at him for betraying her and breaking their lover's vow. Or happy and sad for seeing each other after years. But she didn't expect she would feel relieved and thankful that she didn't end up with him.

"It's been a while," she said with a smile that was rarely on her face.

Allan took a moment to recover from his shock. He scratched the back of his head, eye shifting between the floor and her.

He was still the same, Rozarria thought. His mannerism whenever the situation was awkward. A gesture she used to love.

Allan coughed between his fist and smiled. Though the corner of his lips were skewed. "Yes, it has been what? Years? How are you, Roz?"

His voice was still the same. Pleasant, clear, and it was definitely one of the reasons why she loved him. But now, Rozarria just thought why her heart was not racing yet.

"I've been busy," she replied.

"Yeah.  I mean, I was shocked that you now own a multibillion company."

"It's not been easy."

"Yeah. I could only imagine."

. . .

. . .

A heavy silence descended, and Rozarria thought it was time to say goodbye. For good.

"It's nice seeing you again, Allan. Truly. But I have a meeting to attend. So I'm sorry that I have to cut short our reunion."

Allan cleared his throat. He opened and closed his mouth several times before he said, "It was nice seeing you too, Roz. Maybe we could catch up some other time?"

Rozarria only nodded and walked past him. She didn't go too far when Allan called her.

"Roz . . ."

Rozarria stop. Turning, she smiled. Gone was the bright smile on her face that she usually wore whenever they were together. Her smile now was so distant.

Allan's lips pressed together before he uttered a low, "I'm sorry it didn't work out between us."

Rozarria huffed a small laugh. "Don't be. It's for the best."

Then she went inside her car and drove out of the parking lot.

Looking at Allan's silhouette getting smaller, Rozarria thought that fate worked in mysterious ways. She constantly thought of him in the past, but they never did have an encounter, even just for a second. But now that he was out of her mind, they met in an unexpected place.

Maybe it was a sign that it was already okay for her to meet him. All thanks to this one man who filled the holes in her heart when Allan left.

She met Alvaro in unforeseen circumstances. They came from countries that were miles apart—separated by sea and air. But they still met. It seemed like it was predestined by fate. When was it that she fell for him and she didn't even notice? She forced to distance herself from him because she knew his motives, but she always returned to him. She sought him, and she couldn't even hide it.

Her fingers rubbed the ring that glowed against her skin, and a smile so natural bloomed on her face.

She couldn't wait to meet Alvaro again.


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