I am the Queen

Chapter 179 - Side Story 1 & 6

Side Story 1: Life of a Servant

"Hi, my name is––"


"What's that? You didn't catch it? it's––"


So I'm currently on a sidewalk. That explains a lot of honking and the rush morning noises of people going to work.

I'm actually on my way to a book shop to get my preordered sparkle magazine. Don't get me wrong, I'm not into girly magazines and get excited about it. I usually went to book stores to buy porn––ahem, gaming materials.

Anyway, I had to get it before the other does, so I could brag that I'm the very first supporter of our Queen. I even bought five copies in case I lost one, or it got crumpled or torn because of my excitement of seeing our Queen on a magazine for the first time.

That magazine was really expensive, and I had to use my entire month's allowance just to acquire five copies. And now I'm settling for instant noodles. But it was all worth it! Anything for our Queen! No amount of money could compare with our Queen.

So, I'm finally here in the book shop, and there was a very long line at the entrance. My smile dropped when I noticed that most people in line were my fellow servants.

What damn luck!

I guessed it was not only me who thought of preordering the magazine.

We exchanged a few brotherly codes. A few nods here and there. A few small talk. Afterwhich we pretended that we didn't know each other.

Don't get me wrong, we were all close and treated each other like real brothers. But when it came to our Queen, everyone was a competition.

The line went faster than I imagined, and before I knew it, it was my turn. Excitement cruised through my veins, and I couldn't move as I laid eyes on our Queen printed on a magazine.

I knew she was beautiful, but boy . . . she was beyond beautiful that even all my virtual girlfriends combined couldn't even hope to compare to the beauty that she was.

Though her pose was a bit stiff and her neck's angle was weird, and the smile on her face was forced –– she looked amazing!

In my hand was no longer just a magazine –– it's a treasure! An heirloom! Worthy to passed to my descendant! If I'll have any.

Though . . . there was a lot of eyesore beside our Queen. I was thinking of cutting them out of the picture. Better yet, why not make a collage?

That's a very good idea!

Now I just needed thousands of this magazine to make a life-size collage of our Queen. It would probably take my entire tuition and a one or two-year time to make, but I bet the final product would be beyond my imagination!

Heh! Let see who'd get the best servant award now!


Chapter 6

Sisley's House

Jen looked over at the two-story house in the middle-class neighborhood. She looked beyond the window of the balcony, hoping to spot that familiar dimpled smile.

. . .

. . .

Minutes passed, and still no sign of her best friend nor any indication that there was life inside the house. Didn't she receive her text?

Of course, she didn't like the hundreds of calls and messages she made.

Jen sighed and rang the doorbell, wishing Sisley would answer. But it was Mrs. Lacroft who welcomed her. Sisley, who she hadn't seen for a week, was still depressed. With her reputation in shambles and Daniel's breakup, Jen couldn't exactly blame her. After all, when a woman stole a man, she's a bitch. But when a man cheated, it's only natural.

Jen forced a smile. "Hi, Auntie. Is Sisley there?"

Mrs. Lacroft smiled that only appeared forced. Jen knew Mrs. Lacroft to be a jolly person, to be so lifeless now . . . she guessed Sisley's condition was much worse than she expected.

"She's in her room. Come in. Come in," Mrs. Lacroft said.

Jen stepped inside the gate only to stop when Max came out. The both of them were shocked for a moment before Max broke the silence.

"I'll be going ahead, Auntie. Call me if you need anything," Max said.

Mrs. Lacroft beamed. "Thank you, Max."

"Anytime." Max then faced Jen. "She won't speak to me. But maybe you could . . ."

Max trailed off. He took in some air and sighed under his breath. "Maybe you could at least convince her to go back to school."

Jen flipped her hair and glared at Max beneath her lashes. "Of course she wouldn't see you," she sneered, "you're friends with that asshole prince after all."

"Daniel and I." Max paused for a second and said in a tone that was like a whisper, ". . . aren't friends anymore."

Jen scoffed. "You think that would solve anything?"

Jen rolled her eyes at Max's silence and bumped his shoulder as she passed him. "It's better that you don't visit her or show your face. You reminded her of Daniel."

Hands inside his pocket and shoulders slumped, Max watched as the two women went inside the house.

He then looked over at the sky and remembered his fight with Daniel. In just a day, he lost his friend and the girl he likes.

"How's Sisley?" Jen started, an attempt to get out of the awkward silence. Mrs. Lacroft was a chatty person. She always had a topic to talk about, and her favorite topic was her only baby girl.

"She's . . ." Mrs. Lacroft sighed. "Look for yourself."

Mrs. Lacroft gestured at Sisley's door before she pressed Jen's shoulder. "I hope you can at least get her to eat."

Mrs. Lacroft then went downstairs to give them privacy.

Jen's eyes stayed on the door for some time before she took sharp intakes of air and knocked on the door.

"Sisley? It's Jen."

. . .

When no one answered, Jen, continued, "I'm coming in." She then opened the door.

Jen stumbled to a dark room where the only light was the sipping sun on the curtain windows. A small figure was curled beside the bed.

Jen sank without a second thought beside the weeping figure.

"Hey . . . Are you okay?" Jen asked and wanted to hit herself right away.

Of course, she was not okay!

Sisley raised her head, face ghostly white under the dim lights. She wiped her tears, but new ones burst from her eyes. Her body wracked with sobs, and Jen feared she would pass out.

Jen pulled Sisley to her chest, where she stayed until her crying subsided.

When her crying stop, Sisley didn't know what to feel anymore. She wanted to cry, but nothing was there. Only emptiness. She couldn't feel anything. Even if she was surprised by kittens, she so desired in the pet shop, she still wouldn't feel a thing.

How could that be? She needed emotions to feel. To be alive.

"W-why?" Sisley croaked. "Why did he break up with me?"

"I-I don't understand . . . ," she continued, weak in both body and spirit. "We are okay and suddenly . . . he was my ex? We are in love. How can it just disappear?"

Sisley looked Jen in the eyes, swollen and desperate for answers. "What did I do wrong?"

The pain and anguish in Sisley's eyes were too much for Jen. She blinked away her tears. She couldn't cry now. She had to be strong –– for the both of them.

"The only thing wrong you did is loving him too much."

Jen looked at Sisley firmly and pulled her into her shoulder.

"It's not your lost. Don't ever think that it is. It's that asshole's Prince's lost. He just let go the greatest blessing that ever happened to him."

Jen held Sisley close and forced a smile. "Don't ever let some man make you feel that you are not love. Not wanted. Remember that so many love you. Your mother. Your father. Your brothers . . . me."

She then caressed Sisley's hair as she murmured, "That man is just a passing character in your life. Not worthy of your tears. You'll see . . . you'll be on your feet like always. Smiling and living your life like you did before you've even met him. You're strong, Sisley. More than you'll ever know."

Sisley sniffed. The muscles on her chin trembled. Jen was right. She would be on her feet and faced a new day with a smile.

If only Daniel didn't happen. She became his girlfriend. A dream became a reality. He loved her. Cared for her. He made her want a future with him and made her think of marriage and children.

And suddenly, it was gone. No longer happening, and she was supposed to accept that? Was she supposed to be okay with that?

Her eyes blurred with tears, and the floor stained with her grief. Her body buckled and trembled. She couldn't stop. She couldn't stop crying as her dreams shattered.

No one could understand her pain. The loss she had to bear.

Not her parents.

Not her brothers.

And certainly not Jen.



Hey Guys,

Some of you wondering why I combined chapters. It's because the word count must reach 1K plus in order for it to be publish. XD


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.