I am the Queen

Chapter 176 - 3

It was near four in the afternoon when everyone finished cleaning and setting everything. Under the warmth brought by the sun and summer wind, everyone set up tables and chairs near the lake. They were all dying to dip into the crystal water to remove the sweat and specks of dust on their skin.

Lilybella enjoyed herself in the lake while the boys were busy grilling and setting up the tent for the bonfire in the evening. Evangeline and Satele were lying on the laid-out quilt, enjoying the sun and breeze.

At the side, Asher and Satele were making eye contact, and Eric was peeking at Evangeline from time to time while Daniel was irritated with all the love in the air.

Satele took a mouthful of air and exhaled it in the form of a cough to get Evangeline's attention. She didn't want to, but Asher was pestering her with his eyes. And she did already make a promise that she would apologize to Evangeline.

"Miss Heart," she started, "about my behavior before. I wanted to . . . apologies." The word made her skin crawl, and she immediately added, "But I want to explain why I acted that way. Both you and I agree that you––"

"Excuse me," Evangeline cut in, removing her sunglasses and faced Satele, "Have I given any indication that I care?"

Satele caught her tongue before she scoffed. "I'm just trying to apologize and explain my side of the story." 

Evangeline raised a hand. "Stop. Both you and I know that you're not really sorry. So stop the good girl act," she sneered and went back to facing the sun with her glasses on.

"Oh, and why put on a bra if there's nothing in there," Evangeline added in a bored tone.

". . ." Satele peaked at her chest enclosed by the school's one-piece swimsuit and could only huff an unbelievable laugh. "You know what, your attitude reminded me why I don't like you in the first place. You're terrible."

Evangeline smirked. "I know I am a terrible person, and I accepted that a long time ago, and that makes me better than you, who acts like you're right all the time."

"You might be better than me, but that doesn't give you the right to say it to me when you haven't seen life from my side."

"Just stop," Evangeline said, tone flat, "You and I both know that we don't like each other. So why don't we ignore each other's presence. Saves us both this boring conversation."

Evangeline then made herself comfortable on the linens and closed her eyes.

On the other hand, Satele was fuming again. She breathed another big sigh as he glared at Asher. She slumped on her quilt and pretended that Evangeline was invincible.

But their peace was soon disturbed with Lilybella rushing in Evangeline's direction. She bent over and shouted in Evangeline's face with her more than excited tone.

"Teacher! Teacher! Let's enjoy the lake! Come on!"

Evangeline opened her eyes, and the amazing racks, swaying back and forth, enclosed in a pink frilly one-piece, obstructed her view.

"Go away. Your breasts are poking my eyes," Evangeline grumbled and swayed her arms, dismissing Lilybella. She had no energy to argue with her at the moment.

Lilybella just grabbed Evangeline's hand and pulled her up. "Come on, Teacher! The water felt so nice! And Lilybella wanted to go exploring the lake with you and Satele on that bamboo raft."

Evangeline sighed, letting Lilybella pulled her along. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea. She could push the two women in the lake, and they would be out from her sight.

"I won't go," Satele said with ironed voice and face, "no matter what you say, I won't. Take the Prince if you want."

Evangeline smiled, intending for it to be sweet, but it only appeared bland. "A shame, and here I thought I could finally get rid of the two annoying women in my life."

Lilybella opened her mouth, but Daniel was quick with his toes.

"I'll go with you."

Evangeline's eyebrow raised. "I thought you hate being around us?"

Daniel ignored Evangeline's sarcasm and placed his hands inside his pockets. "I want to take a dip in the lake, so might as well."

"Are you sure you just don't want to push us in the lake instead?" Evangeline countered.

Daniel shrugged. "Who knows."

He then moved towards the raft before Evangeline could say anything. Lilybella's discontent evaporated as she forgot about Satele and hopped to where Daniel was.

Evangeline went to Eric and asked him, "Do you want to come?"

Eric stopped grilling their food and looked over at her. He then smiled and said, "Nah. You enjoy yourself. I'll take a nap after I'm done here."

"Suit yourself." Evangeline popped her shoulders. "But don't blame me if something happens."

The smile on Eric's face fell. "You're kidding, right?"

"Who knows?" Evangeline then went to the harbor before she stopped when Eric called her name.

"Please tell me that you'll be good."

Evangeline just grinned. "Oh, Eric. I thought you know by now that I've always been a bad, bad girl." She then winked and went on the raft with Daniel and Lilybella.

Eric could only shake his head with a helpless smile.

Lilybella and Evangeline enjoyed the warm breeze and sun on the rafter, while Daniel was lost in thought as he rowed in no particular direction.

"Why so depressed, Daniel?" Evangeline asked, disturbing the silence.

"I could ask you the same," Daniel countered, not looking at Evangeline, eyes never strayed forward.

"I already told you, depression isn't in my vocabulary. But I am under the weather these past days because of the summer heat and the nearing of final exams."

Daniel chuckled without humor. "And since when did you care about exams?"

Evangeline extended her hands backward, supporting her weight against the raft as she looked over at Daniel from her sitting position. "You're right. I don't. I'm more depressed that I didn't get to see your face when you broke up with Sisley. Heard you even fought with your friends? That explains the bruise on your face, and why you're here, I presume?"

Daniel faced Evangeline with a pensive expression. "How did you know that?"

He then realized that Evangeline was just playing him when a sly smile spread across her face. He sighed and ignored her, looking at the horizon.

"It's not that hard to guess. I mean, I can't blame you. Your reputation is in shambles—pressure from your family. Isolation from your friends and now, your only respite, your innocent, nice, lovable ex-girlfriend is probably crying all her guts out because of the break-up. No wonder she was absent for a week. And no wonder your face looks constipated all the time."

Evangeline laughed, and Daniel's mood plummeted.

"Cheer up, Daniel," Evangeline added, "Lucky for you, I know a sure way that could help you forget all your worries."

Daniel rolled his eyes but answered anyway, "Ahuh. And what's that?"

Instead of answering, Evangeline called Lilybella, which made Daniel look their way with an ever-arching eyebrow.

"You called, teacher?" Lilybella asked and sat beside Evangeline with a face that repelled all the negativity in the world.

"Rejoice!" Evangeline beamed. "You and Daniel are about to get close."

"Eh? Really?" Lilybella's eyes shone in eagerness.

"Yes, all you have to do is raised your arms."

Lilybella tilted her head but still raised her arms. "Like this?"

The moment she did, Evangeline pulled down Lilybella's swimsuit, and her enormous breasts jiggled in display for Daniel's early Christmas.

"Kyaa!" Lilybella screamed.

"W-what are you doing?!" Daniel shouted, didn't know where to put his eyes. But his mind kept replaying those round bountiful flesh with a very pinkish cute tip.

Lilybella covered her breasts and stood to her feet, running away from Evangeline, shouting, "Teacher! You pervert!"

"Nonsense," Evangeline hollered back as Lilybella fixed her bathing suit. "Now that Daniel saw your breasts, he doesn't have any choice but to marry you."

She then looked at Daniel and smiled, sweeter than sugar. "isn't that right, Daniel?"

Lilybella entirely forgot about her breasts laid in the open at the thought of marriage. "It's that true, your Highness?"

Daniel recovered his wits and snapped, "What the hell are you two saying? I didn't even see anything."

Evangeline's brows rose so high. "Is that you subtly asking to take another look?"

"W-what?! No!" Daniel said, almost popping out of his skin. He then rowed the boat in an attempt to deflect the topic.

"You know what. Let's just go back to shore before I murder you two. Being alone with you is clearly a bad idea from the start. I was an idiot to even ride this raft with you onboard."

"Egh . . . but your Highness. Lilybella can't be wed to anyone now that you took her purity. You must take responsibility."

"Shut up or I'll really push you in the lake," Daniel threatened.

The journey back onshore proved to be a mental challenge for Daniel as Lilybella didn't stop her idea of getting married while Evangeline enjoyed the show.


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