I am the God of Technology

Chapter 369 Finale

Chapter 369 Finale

"Huh... she's super malicious and cruel," Luka couldn't help but comment as he saw Beatrice torment Lara.

Meanwhile, Etz Chaim's eyes were shining. "She's so cool! That's how you have to deal with someone like Lara!"

Luka's expression darkened as he could tell that Etz Chaim was subtly throwing shade at him for sparing Lara the first time. He shook his head and spoke candidly.

"No matter how much you dislike her, she still isn't going to die today."

Etz Chaim blew her top immediately. "What?! Why????"

"Because she will be an excellent tool to use against Deus. Now that Myra isn't here, I can do whatever I want to her," Luka narrowed his eyes and stated with an icy coldness that even chilled Etz Chaim.

Knowing how ruthless Luka could be, especially after becoming a God, Etz Chaim suddenly felt like pleading for Lara.

Meanwhile on the other side, Lara had lost her last bit of rationality due to Beatrice's provocation and attacked with her full power, holding nothing back. The area surrounding one light year around her shook from the greenish energy she was releasing that was tainted with flecks of black.

"Let's deal with her together," Dante said with a smile, waving his hand to unleash the full power of his Eternal Talent of technology.

"Yes, let's," Beatrice acknowledged as she took the lead, unleashing biggie's power as her fist magnified in size to encompass the entire area around Lara.

"DIEEEE!!" Lara screeched as she unleashed a beam of energy that collided with Beatrice's fists, actually knocking her back and causing her knuckles to bleed slightly.

Beatrice shrunk her hand and glanced at her damaged fist with a raised eyebrow. "Huh, she isn't as weak as I thought."

Dante meanwhile, converged his power. He didn't summon creations of technology to fight for him, opting to take to the battle himself. He manifested his power as a mecha suit that was similar to the Supreme Mecha he bestowed his subordinates, but was more than a trillion times more powerful.

He stretched his hand out, and from the purest and more powerful nanites backed by Eternal Energy, a weapon similar to his blood battle halberd formed. Dante casually flourished the weapon and reminisced on his path from Planet Etonia over 7 years ago to now.

With a casual movement, he appeared beside Lara, his halberd glowing with the familiar blood energy that was replicated by his mech suit. Along with it was a white light of his knight energy that was at max power, causing his strike to possess the force of more than a million tons.

The crazed Lara screamed and unleashed her energy crazily, causing orbs of greenish light to explode from her body in all directions. Each orb contained enough power to destroy a galaxy, and was not something that anyone could take head-on.

Dante weaved through the orbs using his suit's navigation system as well as his spirit sense from his Inferno Ascension technique which was also replicated by the mech. Like a bullet, he swung his halberd towards Lara's midsection, to which she responded by trying to grab it.

To everyone's shock, Lara actually managed to stop the blow with her bare hands, though they were coated in her energy. While her left hand held the halberd that was continually pushing its way closer, her right hand manifested her whip that she used to torture those she deemed beneath her.

She swung the whip in close proximity to Dante, aiming to cause him pain to soothe the anger in her heart. Before the whip could hit him, Beatrice appeared and struck out with her fist, colliding with the end of the weapon in a tumultuous clash.

Even though Beatrice blocked the blow, she was kicked backwards slightly. Her expression was no longer casual as she realized that Lara was not bluffing, even without the authorities she had extraordinary power as an Eternal.

Beatrice and Dante were extremely talented and blessed, but they were only entry-level Eternals. Even if Lara was rusty and unskilled with her own Eternal Talent since she always relied on her authorities to suppress others, it was still stronger than what they had.

Beatrice now understood why Dante summoned her here, and why Luka left them to fight. Lara was the perfect foe for them to hone their abilities and familiarize themselves with battles at the higher end of reality.

The trio clashed brutally in the middle of space, Dante unleashing blows from his halberd backed with his various powers and technology, occasionally even casting magic from the Magus side.

Beatrice used a mixture of biggie's enlargening to enhance her physical attack while using Dao's counter ability to return the powerful attacks from Lara back to its caster.

Lara meanwhile was using her full power in each attack to deal with the two, her abilities strained to the limit as she struggled to deal with two authentic Eternals who trained to get their power rather than be given it by virtue of their creation/status.

"This fight is over," Luka commented casually with his arms folded.

Etz Chaim had a shocked look. "Those two are so strong! I don't think I could hold them off myself…"

Luka smiled and patted Etz's head gently. "You're not built to fight, but to nourish. But yes, those two are shockingly powerful, mostly due to their tacit understanding and synchronization. Lara never stood a chance with her mediocre control over her Eternal Talent."

In the battlefield, Lara was coughing blood endlessly as she clutched her abdomen, a severe gash that revealed her organs from Dante's halberd bleeding profusely. Meanwhile, she had just barely blocked another full-powered blow from Beatrice when Dante appeared behind her and left a huge wound across her back, causing her to scream.

The redness in Lara's eyes disappeared as her rationality came back and with it, the fear and realization that she was going to die. She turned to run once more but was blocked in the front by Dante and then turned around only to see Beatrice grinning as her way behind was also sealed.

"No… No, you can't kill me! You can't kill me!" Lara squealed with panic.

"T-That's right, Myra! Myra wouldn't allow this! I raised her, she wouldn't allow this!" Lara spoke rapidly as her breathing became labored due to her wounds.

Luka spoke coldly as he approached the battlefield with Etz in tow. "Don't worry about Myra. She isn't here to protect you this time, Lara. Your fate is sealed."

"Luka Sanguis! You can't let them harm me! Myra will never forgive you!" Lara cried out as she saw Dante raise his arms to deal the final blow.

"Myra is my soulmate and you are just her creation. You really think I would come this far if Myra didn't tacitly agree?" Luka revealed with a shake of his head.

This revelation hit Lara harder than any physical attack or verbal assault she had received today. Her entire body seemed to shrivel and become pale as her eyes became hollow.

"No… no, this can't be… Myra, my precious Myra… she wouldn't abandon me… she wouldn't…" Lara muttered weakly, lost in a trance.

Luka shook his head. "She's finished. You can do with her what you wish."

Dante nodded. "There is no escaping death for her. Not just for the actions she had done, but for the danger she possesses. Sealing her again would be a waste, she would eventually try something later on."

"However, ever since I chatted with her clones on that livestream, I've been harboring an idea. Lara doesn't need to be sealed because there is a better way to occupy her until her time comes."

Luka was intrigued by this. "Oh? What do you have in mind?"

Dante waved a hand, and for the first time since Lara was released, used his authority to act on her. Lara broke out of her trance when she felt death come upon her, and this novel experience caused her to panic.

"Nooo! I don't want to die, I don't want to die!!!"

Her pleas fell on deaf ears as Dante crushed her body and extinguished her life using the authority he had. He then dragged over two things, one of which was Lara's soul, which was a greenish-black color, and another which was the purple remnant of his authority.

After absorbing the remainder of his authority and perfecting it, Dante smiled and held Lara's soul up.

"I was thinking, why not give her the chance she never got? Just as Forest Fairies like Valeria and Keira were reincarnated into mortal lives and lost their memories, so too shall I specially reincarnate Lara into a loving family."

"This might sound corny, but I believe in the power of love. The blackness that has appeared in Lara's soul can be washed away with enough of it," Dante concluded.

Luka nodded deeply. "Feel free, this idea is far better than the one I had."

Dante released some energy which covered Lara's soul causing it to float up and then shoot towards the depths of the void, heading towards the Centralis Universe to be reborn.

The four people of Luka, Etz Chaim, Dante, and Beatrice watched the soul go, wondering what fate had in store for this troubled being…


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