I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 19 Seducing Miranda ? [1]


How am I supposed to get affection points from that stoic girl…

No, first how am I supposed to follow them?

[<Just tell her that you want her.>]

'Edward said something similar in the game and she beat him to the verge of death.'

[<That's in the game! Not anymore then.>]

Oh, right, I already told Cleenah about us being in a game-world and I was amazed at how she didn't care at all. Well, there was also the possibility that she didn't believe me and discarded my words as nonsense.

'It's the same thing. The Miranda of now, hates Edward.'

Memories of Miranda's interactions in the academy with Edward flooded my mind and it didn't encourage me at all to speak to her. The only good note was that I was currently masked so she wouldn't recognize me.

[<Go! Such a spineless man!>]

'Shut up! I'm going!'

I cursed Cleenah and walked toward them.


My heart thumped heavily inside my chest.

If she discovered that it was Edward beneath the mask, I didn't want to imagine what she would do. Because I couldn't defend myself against her!

She was a top genius of the academy and could beat me up easily!


I coughed and caught the attention of the people sitting around a campfire.

The angry teenager who was probably Miranda's friend stood up and glared at me.

I haven't even started and that b*tch is already angry!

I ignored the guy and turned toward Miranda.

Pretty sure that angry guy was now angrier than before as I could feel his murderous intent. What the hell? Was he angry because I ignored him?

"Is there a problem?"

Miranda asked with a neutral tone.


It sure brings back memories of the game.

She was speaking like that as well when I was trying to seduce her with the [Protagonist].

I repeat, but Miranda Stormdila is the [Hidden Heroine] of the First Game. If I hadn't played the game, I wouldn't have known that.

In the game, her route is extremely difficult to even open.

You had to choose a specific choice and visit specific places before witnessing by accident Miranda ready to send Edward to the coma. Miranda was a sophomore, so it was difficult to get any interaction with the protagonist, who was a First Year.

Anyway, even by unlocking her route, you have only five percent chance of making her fall for you. How many times have I simped with the protagonist to make her just see me as a man…

[<Have you finished remembering useless things? She's waiting.>]

It's not useless, useless Goddess.

I picked my words carefully and spoke.

"As I said, I landed here by accident. May I know which floor it is?"

"The twenty-fifth."

Miranda answered and continued to stare at me with her piercing tangerine eyes.


She was really beautiful…rivalling Aurora easily.

[<Not bad but I'm bette->]

"I see. Thank you."

I said and lowered my head in 'thoughts'.

As expected, Miranda understood that something bothered me so she spoke again.



I 'stuttered', feeling 'conflicted'.

"May I accompany you?"


The angry teenager stood up from the wooden bench and glared at me again.

I held back the urge to punch the hell out of him and continued.

"As you have seen me register for the guild, I'm a novice and I'm just starting. I was fighting weak monsters from the third floor when I was teleported here…"

The group composed of four teenagers and bodyguards fell silent. They were all waiting for Miranda's answer.

"Hey, Myra, I feel sorry for him."

Thank you girl whose name I don't know.

I smirked inwardly.

Though she whispered, I managed to hear it. It must be because of my Falkrona Bloodline.


Miranda nodded.

"But we will priorize our group before you. If that's okay with you, we will accept."

"Of course, Milady."

I lowered my head shamelessly and smiled broadly beneath my mask.

"How about you remove that cringe mask first then?"

My smile vanished.

It was again that irritating voice!

What the hell have I done to you, fucker?!

My face, which was lowered with my bow, started to sweat.

"Hey, Dylan, you are too harsh on him."

His friend, who was definitely more disciplined, defended me.

"Shut up Theo. He could be a kidnapper. Did you forget that fatty Edward disappeared? We should be careful."

Who's the fatty?!


Here we go again…


I have to find a way to close the mouth of that bastard forever.

"It's okay, Dylan."


I knew it.

You are a good girl.

I shouldn't have insulted you back the-

"He's too weak to attempt something on us."

Miranda crushed my thoughts and walked off.


"Aahahaha! I see! You are right!"

Dylan burst out in a loud laugh and followed Miranda.

The girl and the other guy gave me an apologetic gaze before joining their mates.

'Cleenah, don't dare to laug-'

[<Presumptuous! My chosen one is not weak!>]


Can't believe she was angry for my sake.

But I was the one choosing you though?

Yeah, she was rather offended by Miranda's words than angry for my sake.

'The reason I'm still weak is you. You are still as useless as you were two weeks ago.'

I said as a matter of fact.

[<I was the one keeping you alive!>]

Damn, she's right.

'You are useless.'

I shook my head and ran away from the discussion since I had to find a way to get affection points from Miranda.

I quickly made a plan.

I looked at the group of four eating as if I was starving.

Please, someone, notice me.

"Do you want to eat something?"

The girl, from what I overheard, called Lea, asked me suddenly.


She was without doubt the kindest of the bunch, followed by the calm teenager next to her.

Usually, I would refuse as I wouldn't want to intrude myself in a stranger group, I mean who would? Bur right now, I had to, to win the challenge.

"If I may?"

I swept my gaze at the remaining members. The guy called Theo nodded with a smile, the angry bastard, Dylan gritted his teeth and Miranda just nodded.

I sighed in relief and took the bowl and spoon Lea handed to me. Filling my bowl with porridge, I sat a little away but still close to Miranda.

I took a spoonful of the porridge and ate it.


It was delicious.

How much time has it been since I ate true food?

It was truthfully better than living by absorbing Cleenah's energy.

Now, let's not forget what I have to do.

"Um. It's been buzzing through my mind for a while but…"

I spoke and attracted the attention of all of them.

"I feel like I have seen you somewhere?"

I said, looking at Miranda.


Playing ignorant first, is a good start.

"You don't know her? She's the lovely daughter of a Monarch, Miranda Stormdila."

Lea said with a teasing grin.


Miranda was embarrassed at Lea's exaggerated tone.


So that girl can be embarrassed at this stage of the game?

In the game, it was only after simping over multiple times with the protagonist that I could see some of her cute reactions. I was simping so much to get her that I got the rare title 'Simp Master'.

"A Mo-Monarch?!"

I 'stood up' utterly 'shocked'.

Ladies and gentleman, please give me an Oscar. Even I, was surprised by my acting skills. They all fell for it.

[<Mediocre performance.>]

[Not bad.]

My expression twitched at Cleenah's and Jarvis' words.

Were those guys really on my side?

"Yeah, you mustn't be from the capital city of Falkrona if you don't know her?"

Theo asked.

He was right. There existed no human living in the Falkrona capital city who wouldn't know Miranda Stormdila. She was as famous as Edward Falkrona, the son of the Duke. Incidentally, even people from the outside knew her. In the Celesta Kingdom, there were giant screens showing news of the world everywhere and Miranda was one of the people shown most on the news with the other [Main Characters]. Even Edward was shown plenty of times, but it wasn't for anything good, just about scandals…

"Ah, yes. I'm from a town a little far from there which is not as developed as Falkrona City."

I threw a random lie as justification and turned toward Miranda.

"My apologies, Lady Stormdila, for my rudeness."

She was a high-ranking noble, so commoners had the unspoken rule of speaking with respect to nobles like her.

"No. There is nothing to apologize for. I'm not a star."

You are though.

"So you all must be high-ranking nobles?"

"Yeah! So don't dare to talk to us informally!"

Dylan raised his tone threateningly at my question.

"Dylan, he just asked a question."

Miranda sighed.


Dylan threw me another glare before sitting back.

'Jarvis, remind me to beat the hell out of him one day.'

[Copy that.]



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