I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 630: Studio Next Projects I

Chapter 630: Studio Next Projects I

Tokyo Animation Studios Headquarters, Elffire City.

07:59 AM, March 3rd.

Theo arrived at the studio after another productive morning where he worked out with the girls. He greeted everyone who he passed by with a gentle smile as he headed to the conference room where he would have the first meeting of the day.

The meeting was scheduled for 08:15, and Theo arrived when there was 5 minutes before the agreed time.

"Morning, morning, everyone." Theo greeted everyone with a smile as he took his seat next to Ryoko, who already was present.

"Good morning, boss!"

"Morning, boss!"

"We are so anxious to know our next project, boss."

"Are we starting the production of Naruto?"

Everyone greeted him before shooting him a bunch of questions about their next project. Now that the [SAO] anime entered the post-production phase, the animators couldn't wait to start working on their next project. Especially the people present in that conference room, as the meeting members weren't made of team leaders anymore, but they were the chiefs of their section departments.

Of course, not all the people who were promoted yesterday were needed for this meeting. Only the leaders of their own departments were called.

This made the conference room much less crowded, but this was the ideal scenario because now the studio had a proper chain of command and structure for production.

Theo chatted with everyone about random things until the clock hit 08:15 AM, and the last person entered the room hurriedly.

Seeing everyone present and seated, Ryoko raised her voice, "Now that everyone is here, we can start our meeting shall we?"

"I'm sure everyone's curious to know what will be our next project. So, I'll let Theo explain it to you." Ryoko smiled as she glanced at him.

"Thank you, Ryoko." Theo smiled, "Just like I said yesterday, the new structure of the studio will facilitate several things. But the most important thing is that now we can work on multiple projects at the same time without compromising the schedule of releases. In other words, we can be much more efficient now."

Everyone nodded as they agreed with him. With the formation of the specialized production departments, they indeed felt that they would be more efficient.

"That's why we will start two new projects today." Theo smiled happily, "The first one some of you already guessed about it."

The big screen behind him and Ryoko lit up as it showed the image of the Konoha Village with Naruto vandalizing the Hokage statue.

"Naruto." Theo simply said, "It is a famous manga being released by our partner company Fuji Co."

Everyone's eyes lit up as they heard that, most of them had heard that their studio was a partner of this publishing house, so they had expected to work on the adaptations from the works from this company sooner or later.

That's why most of them had bought and read most of their works. And they had to admit that Naruto was a peak-quality manga.

As Theo explained about the anime concept, Ryoko's assistant distributed among the meeting members some documents.

"This will be a shounen anime that we will be producing for years. Which means that it will be our first long project. The first thing I want from each one of your departments is a compromise with the quality of the animation no matter which episode you produce. This anime will have more than 500 episodes, and I want every one of these hundreds of episodes to achieve the highest quality possible." Theo said with a serious face.

"Don't worry, boss, if even a frame passes by with poor quality I'll redo everything myself." Gale said with a serious expression.

"The same applies to the art department, no design will be made poorly." Brianna afirmed.

The others also made similar promises and Theo nodded in appreciation.

One of the things that bothered him in his past life about Naruto was that the anime had some discrepancies, some episodes were beautifully made, but some others it seemed like the animation team didn't even bother working on it.

"If you open the document that Amber distributed, you'll find the characters' designs, world- building lore, power system, anime history, etc. I'll explain everything and then we'll talk..." Theo started his explanation about his ideas for the [Naruto] anime production.

For the next hour, Theo had a productive meeting with Ryoko and the rest where they discussed what they could do to produce a better animation.

"I have already produced the first episode storyboard, but Ryoko advised me to leave this project for the departments responsible for that as you guys would receive more experience. So, Mr. Nesbo and Ryoko will work on the storyboard for the first episode, and if I think you did a good job on it, you guys will be able to help me produce the storyboards for our projects." Theo said as he looked at Ryoko.

Ryoko just looked at him with a confident face while the rest of her department had uncertain faces. They had seen the high level of a storyboard that their boss produced, and they had to admit that their skill was far behind Theo's.

Ryoko was the Pre-Production Department head and Jo Nesbo was the Storyboarding Chief, Theo didn't have a doubt about Ryoko's skills, but this would be a huge project where she would need her department subordinates to help, and if their skill weren't up to par with hers, Theo doubt if they would be able to achieve the level of storyboard that he had already.

But he knew how extremely talented Ryoko was, so he wouldn't be surprised if she managed to pull it off. Plus if she managed to do it, Theo would be extremely happy as he wouldn't have to spend so much time producing storyboards for the next few years as he would have Ryoko and her department's help.

"Don't worry, Theo. Next week, we'll present you with an acceptable storyboard." Ryoko said

with shining eyes.

She was extremely excited that she would finally put into practice everything she learned in college. She had dreamed of this moment for years, and she couldn't wait to start working and brainstorming each scene of the episode.

They spent another 30 minutes talking about other details about the [Naruto] anime

production when Theo finally closed down the subject for the first project.

"In the next few days, Ryoko will have a meeting with you guys as she produces the

storyboard. But today, we finish talking about it." Theo said, "Now for our second project."

Everyone looked at him with expectation.

"We will produce our very first animation movie." Theo said with a brilliant smile.

The screen behind him lit up with the sentence 'Ghibli Movies...


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