I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 628: Fake Money

Chapter 628: Fake Money

Student Council Room, Yukihime High School, Elffire City..

The Elected Student Council wasn't behind in work as well. On the contrary, they were even busier than the rest as they had to organize the massive festival.

The six members of the student council had been working day and night to organize this festival.

"President, the flyers are being distributed to the school neighborhood as we speak." Ohori replied to Vivian as the student council had a small meeting that Tuesday afternoon

"Great job, Ohori!" Vivian said with a smile.

"Yeah, the flyers are great, Ohori."

"The little snow princess mascot is so cute!"


The other council members all complimented Ohori's work producing the promoting flyers.

"Thank you, girls." Ohori replied with a simple smile, "But I didn't do it alone, the people from the marketing team helped me a lot."

"Talking about teams, I think I have an idea on how to guarantee that no club cheats for more sales." Brenda suddenly said.

Everyone suddenly looked at her with shining eyes. In the last few meetings they discussed this topic at length because they realized that if the public directly paid the money to each club, it would be extremely easy for the students to insert money that didn't come from sales.

"The solution is extremely simple. We just have to create our own festival currency. In other words, no stall will accept real money, and the public will buy this currency directly from us. At the end of the festival, the stalls that have most of this fake money will be the winners." Brenda explained her idea.

"Indeed, it is a simple solution. But at the same time, there is a problem about it." Aurora commented.

"What about it?" Umaru asked.

"The money." Carolla suddenly replied, "We'll have to spend a lot of money to print or buy this fake currency."

As the student council treasurer, Carolla was the person responsible for controlling and supervising the budget.

"That's true. According to the predictions of the public we had, there will be thousands of people coming. This means we'll have to print or buy tens of thousands of fake banknotes." Vivian commented, "Carolla, how much left do we have from the budget that the school gave us for the festival?"

Carolla didn't reply immediately as she leafed through the latest budget reports she had, "Hmm, I think we have less than 20% left. But we have to save at least 10% for emergencies, so I'd say we have less than 10% of the budget to spend on this project." She replied as she read the report.

"How did we spend so much money?" Umaru asked in surprise.

"The venue building, advertisement, and club funding cost a lot of money." Aurora commented as she shook her head.

As they wanted a pretty festival, they spent a lot on decorations for the festival. And even though they were using the marketing team from Aurora's big brother's company, they were still paying these marketing designers and advertisers.

Plus, it was decided from the beginning that each club would receive an equal fixed amount of money to use for the festival competition. This was a convenient and smart decision from them, as the money that the clubs made through the festival would be divided between the clubs and the student council. The student council predicted that they would receive more than 4 times the money they invested, and it was with this money that the student council would pay the prizes for the Top 10 clubs. All in all, with this system even the clubs that didn't make it to the Top 10 would still receive a decent amount of profit. So, no one would be left at a loss.

That's why the student council had to make the system foolproof from cheating, because if someone cheated the whole system would collapse.

"That's true." Ohori commented.

"What do we do now?" Umaru asked.

"I don't know, but Brenda's idea is the best we have so far." Vivian commented.

The six girls became silent as they tried to think of a solution for their limited budget. That's because if they had enough money, they would pay to print this fake money without problems whatsoever.

"Is there no possibility for the school to give us more money?" Ohori asked suddenly.

But Carolla promptly shook her head as she said, "They gave us already so much money, plus they even gave us a whole freaking new building. I really doubt that they will give us anything more."

It was then that the girls realized how much the school had invested in this project already.

"Carolla is right." Vivian said with a firm voice, "We can't always rely upon the school to solve our problems. We have to prove to them that their investment was right. Otherwise, if we fail in this, we can forget about this festival becoming a tradition in this school."

"We have to be so successful in this project that the school will have no other option than to continue with the Club Festival." Aurora declared with a serious expression.

"Let's brainstorm ideas then, girls." Carolla smiled, "All of us are so smart, I can't believe we can't think of a single idea to decrease the production cost of this fake money." "How about instead of physical paper money, we produce an online currency?" Umaru suggested.

"That's a good idea, but we have less than 10 days until the festival. We would never be able to build the online software to sustain so many transactions. Plus, there's the problem of system compatibility of the telephone's system, and many other problems. If we had like 4 months until the festival, we could produce that, but there's too little time." Ohori replied with a knowing look.

Although she looked like a cute idol, Ohori was also a big computer nerd, so she knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Ohori is right." Brenda simply agreed.

"Ah, that's a bummer." Umaru commented.

"If we don't care about the banknote designs. I bet we can buy it cheaply online." Carolla


"That's a solution." Vivian agreed.

"No, girls! We have to have our own design in the banknotes! This will be our visual identity!

If we want to achieve tremendous success, we have to design the banknotes ourselves."

Aurora argued.

"I agree with you, Aurora-chan." Carolla said, "But how can we do that?"

"Hey, Aurora." Umaru suddenly called, "Doesn't Theo have a Publishing Company?"

"Yeah, he does. Why?" Aurora asked.

"Why don't we ask for him to print our banknotes in the company's printing factory?" Umaru


Everyone suddenly looked at Aurora with apprehensive expressions.

"I don't know, girls. Theo told me that the printing factory is already working day and night to print the company's titles. I don't know if they have any printing capacity left to us. And I don't wanna mess with my brother's company." Aurora replied with an uncertain expression. The girls became deflated as they heard Aurora's answer, but they could understand her reasoning. The printing factory was already so busy, and they only messed with their work.

It was then that Vivian said, "Does the Publishing Company have any old printing machines that they don't use?"

Aurora received a jolt as soon as she heard that, "They have!" She exclaimed loudly.

The girls became excited once again as they heard that.

"Theo told me that they have old printing machines that are collecting dust in the company's headquarters. I'm sure they won't bother if we use them!"



"Aurora to the rescue!"


The girls all shouted and laughed in happiness that they found the solution to their biggest


Just like that, the girls continued their meeting as they discussed possible designs for the

festival banknotes.


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