I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 622: A New Phase In The Anime Production

Chapter 622: A New Phase In The Anime Production

Conference Room A4, Tokyo Animation Studios, Elffire City..

08:15 AM, Tuesday, March 2nd.

After the morning workout, Sam and Sayuri left to visit the construction site of the future large factory of the Fuji Co. Theo headed to the animation studio where an important meeting waited for him.

Each team leader and supervisor gathered in the conference room on that Tuesday morning. Usually, they would only gather for a meeting on Fridays or Saturdays to check the progress of each team, but contrary to the usual, they were meeting on a Tuesday morning.

But everything has its reason.

After more than 3 months of production, the [SAO] Anime was about to enter a new phase of production.

"Without wasting any time, shall we start this meeting?" Ryoko said with a smile when everyone arrived.

Everyone nodded as they paid attention to their boss.

"I'm sure most of you already know why we are gathered here this morning." Ryoko smiled, "After 3 months of production, I'm glad to announce that the Animation Department finished drawing their last projects yesterday! This means that we officially entered a new phase of production! We did it, guys!"



"Mom, I did it!"

"I'm so happy!"


Everyone started clapping and yelling loudly in excitement and happiness to be part of this process.

For the majority of them, it was their first time being so involved in an anime production. Theo clapped with everyone as a brilliant smile formed on his face.

He couldn't believe that the animation studio that he founded arrived at this point.

In one month, he would release his first anime to the world!

His eyes shone with a mix of pride and happiness.

Ryoko smiled when everyone finally stopped clapping, "I would like to especially praise the work from the Animation Department. They did not hesitate to work overtime and on the weekends to be able to finish so fast."


Everyone clapped as they looked at the team leaders from the Keyframe and In-Between Animators, Animation Supervisors, and others.

550 animators worked day and night to deliver in 3 months which other studios would take more than a year to finish.

"Now that this phase of the production is finished, we can focus on Voice Acting and Recording Process and Editing and Post-Production." Ryoko announced calmly, "But as some of you already guessed, we won't need the whole studio to work on these."

Everyone nodded in understanding as they already imagined that.

For example, the Animation Department wasn't much needed in the phases. This meant that around 500 animators would be idle if Ryoko and Theo didn't do anything.

"Which brings us to the reason why we are all gathered here today." Ryoko said, "The studio will go over a massive structure reformulation. The teams will be dissolved, and each production department will get its due position. In other words, we'll finally introduce the position each one of you will work permanently from now on." She dropped the bomb with a calm smile.

Everyone was taken aback by this news, but soon after, their eyes shone in apprehension and excitement for what was about to come.

"In the last 3 months, Theo and I have closely watching each team to decide the ones who deserved a promotion and better position in the department. This means that even people who are not here can get high positions in their respective departments." Ryoko announced. They could barely hold themselves back in excitement when they heard that. They remembered all the hard work that they had done in the past 3 months, and they all thought that they deserved a promotion or a good position in their departments.

"Last week, Theo and I concluded the department structure and division." Ryoko looked at their nervous faces before saying, "That's why I want everyone to gather their teams in the auditorium so that we can announce the new structure of the studio."

Everyone heaved a sigh of disappointment that they wouldn't be able to know the results at that moment.

"See you in the auditorium, guys." Ryoko laughed as she left the room with her assistant and Theo.

Without any hesitation, everyone quickly left the conference room and headed to their own team's workspace to tell the news to their team members.

Theo and Ryoko leisurely walked towards the auditorium as if nothing much was happening.

"That was mean." Theo laughed.

"Well, just a little prank." Ryoko giggled.

"But now that we restructure the studio, this means that we have to hire more people if we want to be able to work in different productions at the same time." Theo commented.

"Don't worry about it." Ryoko replied, "After I hired a Human Resources Team, we are ready to start hiring at any time."

"Great!" Theo smiled, "How about we open 200 new jobs?"

"Hmm, we have to discuss their specific positions later. After knowing that, I can effectively announce these job positions to attract candidates."

"Let's talk about it later then." Theo nodded in approval.

Just like that, the two of them chatted happily until they arrived at the auditorium where they waited for everyone to arrive.

And little by little, the place was filled with the whole production crew that the studio hired. Even the new Sound Studio and Music Studio employees arrived as well.

In summary, the whole studio gathered to know who would be promoted to what.

Suddenly, Ryoko and Theo climbed to the stage with a mic in their hands.

"Good morning, everyone!" Ryoko said with a smile.

"Good morning, boss!" They shouted back.

"I know everyone can barely hold themselves, so I won't waste your time." Ryoko gave a

mischievous smile, "Here it is the new permanent structure of the studio!"

As soon as she said that, the giant screen behind her lit up showing a list of names.

[Animation Department]

Department Head: Gail Hart

Department Vice-Head: Mino Kou


In-Between Animation Chief: Jin Soshu




Keyframe Animation Chief: Zofia Webb

Chief Animation Supervisor: Mitsue Koi

That's right!

Gail managed to secure the job of leading the whole Animation Department! This meant that

he would lead more than 500 people!

This was an enormous responsibility. However, after observing Gail for the past 3 months, Theo and Ryoko found that Gail was extremely knowledgeable in every aspect of animation no matter if it was in-between, keyframe, or even special effects animation. Even though Gail worked for 20 years as an In-Between Animator, Theo and Ryoko saw how much effort he put into perfecting his skills and knowledge about all the aspects of animation. Plus, they also observed how skillful he was in leading his team to be the best In-Between Team, so Gail's promotion to Animation Department Head was dutifully fair and rational.

Plus, Zofia and Mitsue who studied with Ryoko back at the university also managed to get important promotions, but Ryoko wasn't biased at all in these decisions, the two girls did an amazing job in the past three months that earned these promotions. But who else would earn himself/herself a promotion?


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