I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 597: January's Monthly Report: Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 597: January's Monthly Report: Umbrella Corporation

"What a great job, girls! I'm glad it is the two of you who are taking care of this project." Theo said with a wide smile.

"Do you girls already know how much investment the project needs this month?" He asked after thinking for a while.

"Because we are in the middle of buying the land and other pre-construction steps, we'll need around 30 million dollars to arrange everything this month." Sam promptly replied, "It's a lower number than we thought because we weren't aware of all the steps of the construction. Now we know that the heavy investment will come when we sign the contract with the construction company, the permit approval process, and when the construction starts. In other words, we'll have to put heavy money into the project only in March and April."

"This means that the Fuji Jump Co. January's profits already cover this month's investment." Theo commented with a low voice.

"Exactly." Sam said in agreement.

'It seems I won't have to spend Moonlight's money on this project this month.' Theo thought. Just like that, they spent the next 45 minutes discussing a few other important things.

A few other details about the large factory project, the implementation of their own weekly manga magazine, their visit to the next Primrose Manga Con, and other things.

When they finally finished discussing everything they felt was necessary, Sayuri bid farewell to Theo and Sam before leaving the conference room.

She was going back to the publishing house as she had a few things to do there.

"It seems it's your turn now, Sam." Theo chuckled when it was only them in the room.

"It seems so." Sam giggled before standing up from her seat.

After Haruto's turn to present BlueCloud's monthly report and Sayuri's turn to present Fuji Jump Co. monthly report, it was finally Sam's turn to present the monthly report of the Umbrella Corporation.

With Sam's assistant's help, they turned the screen that showed a slide show.

"As you can see here, currently there are three companies under the Umbrella Corporation. BlueCloud, Fuji Jump, and Tokyo Studios." Sam started her report.

"Only the BlueCloud and Fuji Jump are capable of generating revenue at the moment. However, the Tokyo Studios are still operating, which means that the report that Ryoko sends only states the expenses we have to pay to maintain the studio in operation. Plus, we have the costs related to the Umbrella Corporation operations."

Theo nodded in understanding as he heard that.

The Tokyo Studios would only start generating profit after they released their first anime and with their streaming platform debut.

"I'll start with the Tokyo Studios management report." Sam said as the screen beside her showed a chart, "After getting more experience, Ryoko was able to organize a good report. I was especially impressed as she improved her managing skills at breakneck speed. Especially for someone who had no experience in business management before."

Theo was happy when he heard that, but he wasn't surprised as he knew how much effort Ryoko put into her job.

Sam started to describe the types of costs that the studio had during January, "...plus, Ryoko hired an entire orchestra in January. This means more than 50 new employees receive a high salary. Especially the maestro who receives a sky-high paycheck. Plus, with the cold weather, the energy bill still is sky-high as the studio has to maintain its heating system turned on 24/7."

"All in all, the operation cost that was 4.1 million dollars in December, it increased to 5.1 million dollars in January. And it would be almost 6 million dollars if we don't receive rent money from the employees that live at the company dormitories." Sam finished this part of her report.

"About the BlueCloud Coffee Shop management..." Sam continued reporting the operations management during January of all the companies under the Umbrella Corporation.

After going over the BlueCloud, she went over the Fuji Jump Co, and finally, she started explaining the Umbrella Corporation operation.

"...with the start of so many projects. I had no choice, but to expand my employees as I saw that with the team we had, the Umbrella Corporation wouldn't be able to take care of so many things. That's why the operation cost of the Umbrella Corporation increased to 5 million dollars in January." Sam said as she looked at Theo with an apprehensive look.

"A fair number." Theo commented when he heard that.

Inwardly, Sam heaved a sigh of relief when she saw that Theo didn't question such an increase.

She really had no choice to do that to be honest as Theo asked too many things from her, and her previous team wasn't sufficient to take care of everything.

"Currently, the Tokyo Studios and Umbrella Corporation are the only companies that have no revenue to sustain themselves. So, you'll have to pay for their operation. The total amount is 10.1 million dollars." Sam explained as a new graphic appeared behind her on the screen.

Theo nodded in understanding when he heard the number.

10 million dollars to maintain the operation of such important companies was a fair number for him.

"Start of the year is the time that the companies pay the tax money to the federal government. As we only operated for less than 6 months last year, we won't have to pay a lot of money. Here we can the percentage..." Sam proceeded to explain all the taxes they would have to pay. "In total, counting all the companies under the Umbrella Corporation, we'll have to pay around 9.4 million dollars." She finished her report after a long explanation.

"I thought it would be a bigger number." Theo commented when heard Sam.

"We managed to decrease the final number with a few actions like..." Sam spent a while explaining how they managed to decrease the final tax money they had to pay.

"This means that so far, I'll have to send around 49.5 million to the company. 30 million for the large factory project, 10.1 million for the company operation cost, and 9.4 million for tax money." Theo commented when she finished her explanation.

"Exactly." Sam replied with a nod.

"What about the gaming company and charity organization projects?" Theo asked with a curious look.

He couldn't wait to start working on bringing games from his past life over this world, so he couldn't wait to know how the project was going.

Plus, Theo also was excited to finally start contributing his money to people in need. He had money that he could ever need, so he was looking forward to helping others. "Although I had less than the 3 weeks to start these projects, I managed to register a good advance. Especially on the charity organization project." Sam replied with a bright smile. "Does that mean that we are ready to start the charity organization operations?" Theo asked with an excited voice and shining eyes.


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