I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 588: Ramen and Conversation After School

Chapter 588: Ramen and Conversation After School

"...that's why we decided to have Vivian run for President, with me as her Vice President. After we gave in our application, we spent..." Aurora excitedly explained to her brother how her day went by.

While Theo listened with rapt attention as he drove through the streets of Elffire City. But as it was the rush hour, he was facing a little bit of traffic.

"Well, If you are sure about your decision, I support your decision to run the campaign to become the Vice President." Theo smiled as he looked at the road in front of him.

"Thank you, big brother." Aurora replied with a happy smile.

"Did you girls were able to brainstorm any good idea to attract votes?" Theo asked.

"We did manage to think of a few propositions." Aurora replied, "We figured that we manage the money well, we can offer much better options of destination for the yearly school trip. Also when we were passing by the Club Buildings, we thought of an amazing idea. What if we create a Summer Fair? In this event, every club will have a stall where they can sell anything they want. Food, merchandise, experience, or any other thing. The only demand is that each club has to personally make the products that they sell. We didn't think much of the details yet, but we thought it was such a good idea as with this event we can make the students even more invested. Plus, the students would be able to make good money from their own efforts. Which would be a new thing for most of the students who come from rich families." Aurora explained without stopping.

Theo listened with a proud expression, "What a great idea, Aurora! I can already imagine the school filled with visitors trying each stall's product. I'm sure this event will be a huge success with the students and the public." He said with an impressed expression on his face.

"Really? You really think so, big brother?" Aurora asked excitedly.

Aurora had Theo's opinion as one of the most important things of her life. She knew that he was extremely intelligent and had an astute intellect to see good opportunities. So, if he thought it was a good idea, this meant that this event might really become a success.

"Of course! This event has so much potential to become a recurrent event in Yukihime High School! You girls can even reward the top 10 stalls with the most sales during the event, this way you girls can inspire even more motivation from the students. This way you girls can awaken their competitive spirit. There is one thing that teenagers desire: to win and attract attention. With this reward system, your student council will be able to satisfy these two conditions easily. When the students hear that they can earn awesome rewards in addition to becoming famous around the school, I'm sure that everyone will go crazy to perform better than they can ever do." Theo chuckled.

Aurora's eyes shone with enthusiasm as she heard Theo's suggestion, she had to admit that this reward system was a brilliant idea.

"Big Brother! You're a genius! When I tell the girls about this, they will go crazy! But what about..." Aurora replied excitedly.

In such a way, Theo and Aurora spent the rest of the drive talking about what they could do to improve their election campaign ideas.

20 minutes later, Theo suddenly parked his car on a familiar street.

When Aurora saw where they were, she was a little lost. She thought that they were heading home, so she didn't know why they stopped there.

"I thought it would be good if we stopped here to have a ramen. It has been so long since we haven't ramen here." Theo chuckled when he saw her confused face.

It was only then that Aurora noticed that they were in front of the Kiki's Ramen Restaurant!

Her eyes shone as she excitedly said, "Ramen! You read my mind, big brother! I was craving the ramen from here for a while now."

The last time they had come to this restaurant, they had such a good time that they couldn't forget the taste of the food.

They exited their car and soon arrived in front of the small restaurant.

The night had already descended upon Elffire City, although it was only past 5 PM.

The cute red sign of the restaurant illuminated the sidewalk.

As soon as they entered the place, they felt much better as the weather outside was freezing cold.

"Irasshaimase!" A woman said in Yamatese language when Theo and Aurora entered the restaurant.

Some people may remember, but for those who don't, shortly, 'irasshaimase' means 'welcome, please come in' in English.

(When I put + behind the line it means that they are talking in Japanese/Yamatese)

+"Thank you!" Theo and Aurora both replied in perfect Yamatese.

Some people may not remember, but it was kind of an unspoken rule of ramen restaurants, everyone had to talk in Yamatese.

So, it was not only Theo and Aurora who were talking in Yamatese in the restaurant, the other customers were also talking in Yamatese.

This unspoken rule was known and exercised all around the country, even in cities that had English as their first language.

For example, Elffire City had English as the main language, but inside Kiki's Ramen Restaurant, everyone only talked in Yamatese.

So, Theo and Aurora obviously only talked in Yamatese as soon as they entered the restaurant.

They soon got a seat at the counter before making their order.

+"I would like a Shoyu Ramen with Extra Chashu and soft-boiled Tamago." Theo asked with a


+"For me, I want a Miso Ramen with Extra Chashu and Menma." Aurora chimed in.

The two of them ordered the same ramen they had the last time.

The ramen's taste was so excellent the last time, that they had to taste it one more time.

Although the restaurant wasn't crowded with clients, there were still a lot of people inside enjoying their ramen.

Theo and Aurora talked in Yamatese about their day as they waited for their dishes.

+"I watched the first anime episode today. And god, there were so many mistakes!" Theo exclaimed.

+"Really? Like what?" Aurora asked.

After working in the animation studio for 2 weeks, Aurora had a good notion about anime production, so she was curious to know what happened with Theo during his day.

The siblings were so focused on their conversation that they forgot about their surroundings.

Even the arrival of their ramen didn't stop their discussion.

But even then, they still perfectly blended with the restaurant as they were just another couple enjoying their ramen accompanied by a good conversation.


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