I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 559: Aether Inspectors

Chapter 559: Aether Inspectors

To understand what was happening that Sunday night at 'The Spark' Restaurant, we have to go back to a few months ago when everyone threw a surprise birthday party for Theo.

During a certain moment that night, they discussed the possibility of the 'Saint Peter's Restaurant receiving an Aether Star.

When Aurora heard Theo and the others discussing the Aether Magazine, she decided to apply her brother's restaurant for an inspection to get a star as well. She couldn't think of any place that deserved such recognition other than Theo's restaurant, so she couldn't let their rival get a start while they stayed without anyone.

That was how an application for an inspector to check Theo's restaurant arrived at the Aether Magazine, but the deadline for an inspector to check the place was 12 months, so these things took time. Plus, the process of getting a star wasn't that simple.

Aether inspectors follow strict guidelines.

First of all, is their Anonymity, Aether inspectors work undercover and remain anonymous during their visits to restaurants. They do not disclose their identity or purpose, even to the restaurant staff. This ensures that the inspectors receive the same dining experience as any other customer.

They also have to follow Evaluation Criteria, Aether inspectors follow a set of standardized criteria when evaluating restaurants. These criteria include the quality of ingredients, culinary techniques, creativity, consistency, and flavors of the dishes. Factors like ambiance, service, and value for money are also taken into account.

Another important factor is that it is made Multiple Visits to the restaurant, Inspectors typically visit a restaurant multiple times before assigning a rating. This helps them assess the consistency of the restaurant's performance over time, ensuring that it meets the expected standards consistently.

Working as a team, the inspectors update their selection and make each of their decisions in a collegial manner, based on their respective visits to each of the restaurants over the year. Again, the aim is to ensure that their recommendations are as objective and up-to-date as possible.

The complete Focus was on Food, the primary focus of Aether inspectors is the food itself. They pay close attention to the taste, presentation, and overall quality of the dishes. The inspectors are trained professionals with a deep knowledge of various cuisines and culinary techniques.

Each inspector possesses Independent Decision-Making skills, Aether inspectors work independently and make their own judgments based on their experiences and the established criteria. Their evaluations are not influenced by external factors such as advertising, reputation, or popularity.

And lastly is Confidentiality, Aether inspectors are bound by strict confidentiality agreements. They are not allowed to discuss their work, disclose their identity, or reveal any details about their evaluations. This ensures the integrity and impartiality of the Aether Guide's ratings.

After this explanation, we can see that the process for a restaurant to earn an Aether Star wasn't simple at all.

No one could say for sure that their restaurant would be able to pass these criteria.

Anne Holt and Arthur Zorzi were both Aether Inspectors.

Anne was a senior inspector that has been working on evaluating restaurants for over 15 years already. And Arthur was a junior inspector that just started 6 months ago.

The two of them arrived at Elffire City on the morning of January 23rd, Saturday. They had two missions on coming to Elffire City, they would evaluate two restaurants.

'The Pork House's restaurant' had an evaluation of One Aether Star in the last edition of the Aether Magazine last year. Every restaurant that had an Aether Star received visits from inspectors during the year to inspect if they were able to maintain their excellency. If they performed badly, the restaurant would lose its star. But if they performed even better, there was a chance to increase the stars of the restaurant.

While 'Saint Peter's Restaurant' was aspiring to earn a star for itself. The restaurant had been visited by inspectors over the last year, and this visit was the last visit before the collegial gathered to decide whether the 'Saint Peter's Restaurant' deserved to receive an Aether Star. The two of them stayed over in a hotel and rested until the time to head for the restaurant arrived.

"Sempai, there's anything different from other inspections when compared to the final inspection?" Arthur asked Anne as they rode a taxi to the restaurant.

"Not at all. Remember that we'll be judging if the place was able to maintain its level of excellency over a time period. We have..." Anne instructed Arthur patiently.

Junior inspectors usually shadowed experienced inspectors so that they would acquire enough experience.

Even though Arthur had only been working as a Junior Inspector, he already learned to have deep respect for his senpais. That's why he paid extra attention to Anne's suggestion.

Each inspector passed through intense training, so when the two of them arrived at the

restaurant they behave just like any other normal person would.

They had to keep their identities hidden from the restaurant staff, so they chatted about the common things as they evaluated the restaurant inside their minds.

They spent two hours in the restaurant, and during the whole time, no one from the restaurant staff figured out their identities.

Anne was extremely experienced in these situations, so even though Arthur was a newbie, her experience and skills threw it off all the suspicions.

They kept their act even after leaving the restaurant, and it was only when they arrived back at the hotel that they started exchanging views.

The two of them first noted down their own views and evaluation of the restaurant, and it was only after they wrote everything they wanted that started exchanging views and notes. "Senpai, I don't know about you, but I felt like the main course lacked something like spices. It wasn't the best in my opinion." Arthur commented.

"I agree. It lacked a punch to make the meal memorable. If they added a tad bit of pepper and cumin, the dish would get much better." Anne agreed, "Plus, they didn't prepare well the..."

In such a way, the two of them exchanged views and just like any other Aether Inspector, the two of them evaluated everything with strict criteria.

Their observing eyes were able to capture even the smallest mistakes. And their discerning palate was able to taste every nuance of the dishes served to them.

At the end of it, the two of them observed that they didn't reach a good evaluation of the


They still had to see the evaluation from the other inspectors, but the two of them didn't think that 'Saint Peter's Restaurant' would be able to receive an Aether Star this year.

From this situation, we can see how difficult was for a restaurant to receive an Aether Star. Only the best restaurants would be able to achieve something like that!


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