I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 540 Getting Ready For The Concert

Chapter 540 Getting Ready For The Concert

Ayia and Shizuka's Manor, College Town, Sakura City.

08:58 PM, Monday, January 11th.

Theo looked at his reflection in the mirror with judging eyes.

He took only one hour to get ready for the concert, and he would have taken less time if he didn't have to search for an outfit in his super-packed luggage.

Because he bought too many things on his travels, his bag could barely close due to the amount of things inside. Which made it difficult for him to find some clothes appropriate for his outing later.

But after a lengthy search, he was able to find a nice outfit for him to wear.

Black boots, black jeans pants, a green long-sleeved shirt, and a?dark blue jeans jacket.

Theo looked extremely handsome in these clothes, especially after he tied his long silver hair in a ponytail.

"Nice." He nodded in satisfaction.

He really didn't care how he looked, but he was happy with the clothes he chose.

They were comfortable to wear, and he predicted that they wouldn't get on his way to enjoy the concert.

After he got ready, Theo didn't leave his room. He knew that the girls still were busy getting ready for at least another hour, so he jumped on the bed to relax for a while.

Without much to do, he picked up his phone to browse through social media.

"Oh, I received an e-mail from Aurora's school." Theo muttered as he opened the e-mail curiously.

Theo read the e-mail with rapt attention.

"It seems that there will be a Parent-Teacher Meeting the week before the classes start for the new year." He muttered again.

As Aurora's guardian, it was his responsibility to take care of these things. And he was glad to do it as Aurora was his baby.

Theo read the rest of the e-mail that specified some other details about Aurora's education at Yukihime High School.

His eidetic memory quickly took hold of every piece of information, he didn't want to forget even the little details. He took Aurora's education very seriously.

"I guess I'll have to free my agenda that day for this meeting." Theo commented out loud.

As soon as we went back to Elffire City, his schedule would get extremely busy.

He had to direct the anime production, produce the anime soundtrack, experiment and practice his cooking, and many other tasks.

Long story short, he would be busy every day for the next few weeks. That's why he said he had to free his agenda that day.

The good thing was that although he had a bunch of things to do, Theo was confident in handling every one of them.

After the amazing vacation he had, Theo couldn't be more excited to get back to work.

Although he loved his free vacation time, he still loved his work.

After all, he had the work of his dreams!

He could cook delicious food every day with his friends. He could produce the animes he loved. He could produce the songs he loved.

His work life couldn't be better.

That's why he couldn't wait to get back to work.

But before that, he had one last vacation activity.

Cara Izuhara's Concert!

Theo spend some time in his room relaxing before he stood up half an hour later.

There were only 30 minutes before they had to leave, and he wanted to know if the girls were close to getting ready.

He placed his phone inside his pocket and swiftly exited his room.

He still remembered which room was Ayia's, so he knocked on the door knowing that the girls were inside.

He heard the shouts and giggles coming from inside.

"Girls! I'm ready! I'll be waiting downstairs!" He shouted.

There was silence for a few seconds before Theo heard a shout from Aurora, "Theo! We will finish getting ready in a few minutes!"

"Okay!" Theo replied before leaving soon after.

In the living room downstairs, he met Kin and Max who were waiting for the girls as well.

The three of them started talking to each other as they waited.

While the boys waited downstairs, the girls ran against the time to get ready in time upstairs.

Ayia's room was gigantic, so there was no problem for the 16 girls to get ready inside it.

Aurora, Ayia, Shizuka, Kaori, Sam, Sayuri, June, Ryoko, Rio, Kumiko, Shoko, Lauren, Gwen, Vivian, Carolla, and Umaru.

This group of girls became even more friends in the last few days. They even founded a sisterhood among themselves.

In other words, they really cared for each other.

"Girls, you aren't lying when you said that you liked my outfit, right?" Ayia asked as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"You look stunning, Ayia!"

"Stop overthinking about it."

"I bet she's like that because she wants to impress her boyfriend."

The girls started giggling hard when they heard that and Ayia's cheeks blushed a little.

"Look at her cheeks!"

"I think we nailed the reason for her worry."


Ayia could only defend herself as she shouted, "I just want to look pretty, okay?"

But it was at that moment that Ayia heard someone asking, "Boyfriend?" Kaori asked.

It was only then that Ayia remembered that her sister didn't know yet that she and Theo were dating.

'Shoot.' She cursed inside her head.

She cursed herself for forgetting to warn the other girls to not mention her relationship with Theo in front of Kaori.

She wanted to Kaori about it tomorrow before she left the city, that way Kaori wouldn't have much time to react to the news. But with this new development, Kaori would have plenty of time to talk with Theo.

Ayia could only bite the bullet and come clean with her sister now that the secret was out.

"Yeah, Theo asked me to be his girlfriend when we were at the Kokoro Islands, and I said yes." Ayia said with a wide smile as she looked at her sister with confidence.

Although she looked extremely confident outside, she was super nervous about Kaori's reaction to the news of her relationship.

She knew that Kaori was super protective of her, and she appreciated it, but Ayia hoped that her sister would approve of her relationship with him.

"Really? Dating?" Kaori asked with a thoughtful expression.

"You and Theo are dating?" Ryoko asked, "Congratulations, Ayia! I always knew you two looked perfect for each other." Ryoko said with a wide smile.

Kaori and Ryoko, who left the vacation early, were the only ones who weren't aware of their relationship.

"Thank you, Ryoko!" Ayia replied with a smile, "I really appreciate it."

"Tell her how Theo asked you to date him, Ayia!"

"Yeah, it was so romantic!"


The girls started to discuss excitedly Theo's proposal, and Ayia could only concede and tell them again the story.

But although she was telling the story again, she still looked at Kaori sometime to access her sister's reaction.

Would Kaori freak out or support their relationship?


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