I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 505 10 Seconds

Chapter 505  10 Seconds

When a master in martial arts fought, they usually described their state as a hyperstate of concentration where they can see things as if time was in slow-motion.

But that was an exaggerated description, no human mortal was capable of distorting the mighty power of time.

The hyperstate that they assumed during a fight for death was the result of their powerful bodies and enhanced senses.

Theo was a grandmaster in several fighting styles while Ayia and Shizuka were soon-to-be grandmasters, so their hyperstate was even more exaggerated.

Their bodies that went through years of training had superhuman senses capable of accessing the ultra hyperstate.

This meant that even after the lights went out and the darkness covered the room, the three of them could sense each movement of their enemies.

A master in martial arts couldn't enter the hyperstate at will, but a grandmaster could. And that was one of the conditions for someone to break through to the grandmaster realm.

Ayia and Shizuka were only soon-to-be grandmasters, but this meant that they only had the potential to break through, it didn't mean they could do it.

This also meant that they couldn't enter the hyperstate at will.

But at that moment, as they were about to spring into action, their unyielding will to save their friend moved their trained bodies into the hyperstate.

The two girls immediately noticed, but they were so focused on the task that they only nodded inward that they fight better.

Although they lacked any reaction, but as they entered the hyperstate on the will, the two girls only needed to train for a few months before entering the hyperstate without any problems. This meant that at the moment that they were about to save their friend, the two girls brokethrough to the grandmaster stage!

The events described in the following paragraphs occurred in less than 10 seconds.

But in the hyperstate, the three grandmasters saw everything in slow-motion.

Just like Aurora said, 5 seconds later the lights went out in the entire building.

The three of them knew that they had to act as soon as the lights went out, and they did exactly that.

They couldn't leave enough time for the enemies to react, they had to be so fast that they couldn't just any reaction to their attack.

They were still undressing Gwen when they saw the lights being turned off.

"What happened?"

"Did someone press the light switch?"

"Turn on the lights now!" They heard their boss's angry voice.

But as they said these three sentences, Theo and the girls already acted!

They silently entered the room and silently knocked out three guys.

Theo, Ayia, and Shizuka each took one guy, but they knew that their silent strike wouldn't be able to persist.

That's why Theo was heading toward where he sensed where the boss was.

As the one holding the gun, the boss was their most dangerous enemy, because if the boss could start shooting even if he couldn't see anything.

Theo silently walked toward the boss before attacking to knock out him. He used more force than before, so the boss managed to let out a short shout of surprise before being knocked out.


"What was that?"

"I think that was the boss!"

"I think there is someone here!"

"Guys, take your knives out!"

The last opponents seemed to be aware of their presence, but they had no chance against three grandmasters.

Even though they held knives, they were in a dark place where they couldn't see anything, plus they were against three monsters.

Theo didn't even have to move against the two of them before Ayia and Shizuka disarmed them and knocked them out.

The girls were so fast in their actions that the two men didn't understand what was happening before they felt their consciousness fading away.

Even though the three of them didn't sense any more enemies, they still didn't relax as they started searching the whole room for any hidden enemies.

They only were able to relax when they didn't find anyone.

"Thank goddess!" Ayia heaved a sigh of relief as she lifted Gwen's body from the bed and place it away from the enemies' bodies.

She didn't want Gwen's unconscious body to be next to the filthy bodies of their enemies.

"Is she okay?" Theo asked.

Ayia checked Gwen's vital before saying with a relieved voice, "Yeah, she just passed out."

The three of them were relieved when they heard that, they didn't say it out loud, but they were also relieved that Gwen was unconscious through the whole ordeal, otherwise, she might be traumatized for life.

"What are gonna do with these scum?" Shizuka said with a disgusted voice as she kicked one of them.

The three of them wanted to destroy them piece by piece, but they knew they couldn't do it as they were not in their home country.

"Let's beat the hell out of them and tie them up." Theo suggested.

The girls nodded with gleaming eyes as they wanted to inflict pain on them.

Just like that for the next 5 minutes, the three of them beat every part of their enemies' bodies. They even broke a few bones with their precise punches.

They broke only the bones that would inflict the most pain when they woke up, but even though they would go through a hell of pain, they would not die.

After tying them all, Shizuka picked up Gwen's unconscious body and carried it outside.

The two had already dressed Gwen, so as they closed the door behind them.

They seemed just a normal group of people taking care of their drunk and unconscious friend.

The two rooms that they broke into didn't show any abnormalities, so Theo didn't think anyone would notice what happened inside Room 515 any time soon.

"Aurora, you can turn on the lights again?" Theo said to her after giving her a call.

"Yes!" Aurora was happy when she heard that.

She knew that if her brother was saying that was because their rescue operation was successful.

A few seconds later, they saw the hallway lights being turned once again.

"Were there any issues over there?" Theo asked.

"Hmm, some small fries came, but I took care of it." Aurora replied with a giggle as she looked around her.

5 adult males were sprawled and unconscious on the floor around Aurora.

It was obvious that the hotel would send some people here to see why the lights were off, so Aurora could only knock them out.

"Meet us at the side entrance of the hotel." Theo said as he lead the girls down the stairs.

They wouldn't take the elevator as taking the stairs would be convenient for their discreet exit.

"Okay, see you there!" Aurora replied before hanging up the call.

A few minutes later, Theo exited the building with three girls following him out of it.

"Big brother!" Aurora hugged him when she saw him.

Theo let out a wide smile as she hugged him.

He looked at Aurora and then at Ayia and Shizuka and said, "We did it!"

They all started laughing like there was no tomorrow at that moment.

They did it!

They saved their friend!


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