I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 495 Back Home!

Sakura Abode Country Airspace.

An aircraft of Aiwenor Airlines traveled at high speed toward its final destination after a long travel from the Kokoro Islands.

Elffire City was its final destination, and a blue-haired girl was one of its passengers.

After Ryoko sent a message in the group chat saying that they had arrived in Sakura City, she closed her cabin door once again. She figured she could sleep a little longer until they arrived in Elffire City.

She knew she would get super busy as soon as she arrived in Elffire City, so she figured she could rest a little before that.

That's why Ryoko was sleeping as the plane neared Elffire City.

It was only 40 minutes before they landed in Elffire City that Ryoko woke up once again.

'What a great nap!' She thought to herself as she stretched her body.

"Hmm, I'm a little hungry." She thought out loud as she tried to remember the last time she ate.

It was then that she remembered that the last time she are was at the pier dinner back at the hotel.

"I should order something to eat before we land." Ryoko commented as she called the flight attendant.

It didn't take long for her to order a full meal with the flight attendant.

When the food arrived, Ryoko was impressed once again by the efficiency and great service in first class. 

After eating the amazing food that Theo, Ayia, and the others used to cook, Ryoko acquired a refined taste for food. That meant she was a little picky about food after getting spoiled by Theo and the others.

But even her knew picky taste couldn't find anything wrong with the delicious food that was served to her. 

She was a total noob about analyzing food, but she still could understand that the food served in first class was excellent.

Ryoko enjoyed the delicious dishes and satisfied her hungry stomach.

It didn't take long for the plane to arrive in Elffire City after she finished eating her lunch.

Through the window, Ryoko managed to observe the city from the sky.

'Finally home!' She thought happily.

Even though she had only lived in Elffire City for less than 4 months, Ryoko already considered the city her home.

It was here that her life was able to go against all odds.

It was here that she met the family she was so eager to find.

It was here that her dreams became reality!

Therefore, Ryoko couldn't be more happy to have arrived back at her home.

She observed the plane nearing the ground bit by bit, and a few minutes later, she felt the plane touching the ground.

She was back on land!

As the plane slowly moved toward the gate, Ryoko heard the captain speaking once again, "Ladies and gentlemen, Aiwenor Airlines welcomes you to Elffire City, the capital of the Bluecorn State. The local time is 12:33 PM. We wish you all a great stay. Thank you for flying with Aiwenor Airlines."

Ryoko let out a bright smile when she heard that.

Soon after, the plane arrived at the gate and the passengers were allowed to disembark.

30 minutes later, after going through all procedures, Ryoko exited the disembarking section of the airport carrying her luggage in a cart.

She didn't waste any time before hailing a cab to take her to her apartment.

As the cab drove her away from the airport she called Kaori to tell her that she arrived.

"Hey, Ka-chan! I've arrived in Elffire City."

"No, I'm okay. Everything went well with the rest of the flight."

"Yeah, I had lunch on the flight."

"Now I'm heading to my apartment."I think you should take a look at

"Okay, you take care of yourself as well."



Ryoko hung up the call before taking a selfie and sending it to the group chat.

She knew they were sleeping, but she still wanted to tell them that she arrived back home safely.

Elffire City was a big city and the moment that Ryoko tried to go to her apartment, it was also one of the times of the day when the traffic was most intense.

That's why it took almost 30 minutes for Ryoko to arrive back at her apartment building.

But at the end of it, she arrived back at her apartment safely.

When she entered the apartment carrying her bags, she heaved a sigh of relief.

"Finally back home!" Ryoko exclaimed with a smile as she observed the apartment she had been living in for a couple of months.

"I wanna take a shower and change clothes!" She exclaimed suddenly as she immediately headed to her bathroom.

The last time she showered was before the pier dinner, so she was craving to wash her body off.

After a long steamy shower, Ryoko exited the bathroom wearing only a towel around her torso.

Her short blue hair and fresh skin made a stunning sight.

She was too beautiful.

But she didn't care about her appearance as she dried her body and chose some clothes to use at work.

After getting used to the hot and fresh weather of the Kokoro Islands, Ryoko was feeling a little bothered by the wintry cold weather of Elffire City.

It seemed like she had to get used to the cold weather once again.

That's why she chose a thick coat to wear for work.

30 minutes later, she exited her apartment wearing wintry clothes and carrying her handbag.

'Thank goddess the studio is close to my apartment.' Ryoko thought as she used the elevator to head toward the building garage.

10 minutes later, Ryoko arrived at the studio in her car.

She checked in with security before parking her car in the parking lot.

As soon as she entered the building, she thanked once again Theo's foresight to install an expensive heating system in the studio.

Although it was freezing cold outside, inside the studio was fresh and not cold at all.

Ryoko didn't even falter her steps as she immediately headed to her office.

It was there that she did most of her work.

A few minutes later, Ryoko was greeted by Amber.

"Welcome back, Miss Ryoko!" Amber said as she gave a little bow.

"Thank you, Amber!" Ryoko replied with a gentle smile.

Ryoko entered her office and took her seat behind the table and looked at Amber.

"How's the production since the meeting in the morning?" Ryoko asked.

"We faced some problems..." Amber started to list all the problems and issues that happened in the last few hours.

Ryoko listened to everything calmly before giving orders on how to proceed and how to solve the problems.

Ryoko was in charge of production while Theo was on vacation, and she planned to take care of everything perfectly!

She wanted to show Theo wonderful work when he came back!


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