I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 491 Ryoko And Kaori Kidnapped?

Emel, Kokoro Islands.

The car that drove Ryoko and Kaori to the airport had already entered the capital city, they were only a few minutes away from the airport.

Ryoko had just told her tragic story during her work in the animation studio at Sakura City, and Kaori comforted her while she tried to control her fury.

"Anyways, after that bastard badmouthed me around the industry, everyone thought it was my fault, so no other studio believed me, this left me without any jobs and prospects. I was already at my wit's end when I saw a new manga that was recently released. I saw that the publishing company was in another city, so I figured that I could search for a job there." At that moment Ryoko gave a silly smile, "When I saw that, I made the craziest decision of my life. I decided to sell all of my things, pack the rest of everything I had, and head toward Elffire City. I didn't even know if I would be able to land a job there. But at that moment, I just wanted to leave Sakura City. So, I didn't even think about it, and one day later I left for Elffire City."

Ryoko let out a bright smile as she said, "And thank goddess, I made that decision. When I met Theo and Sayuri for the first time, I had little hope they would believe in my story. But the two of them believed me without any proof! They were so kind to me. Theo even challenged me to complete a task for him, and if I managed to do it I would get a job in the studio that he was opening. 2 sleepless weeks later, I managed to finish the task he assigned me. Theo said that he was impressed with my work and offered me the position of Head Director. And the rest is history." She finished with a proud look on her face.

"You're crazy, Ryoko!" Kaori exclaimed in wonder, "You left your hometown and headed toward the unknown without any certainties."

"I really admire your braveness." Kaori said with an appreciative voice.

Ryoko couldn't help but blush as she heard Kaori's compliment. Thinking about it now, she understood why Kaori was so impressed.

"I think my reasoning at that time was if I couldn't work in the anime industry, at least I could work in the manga industry. The two industries are complementary after all." Ryoko laughed.

Just like that, the two girls gossiped until they arrived in front of one of the airport doors.

"Misses, we have arrived." The driver announced as the girls felt the car stopping.

The girls were so involved in their conversation that they didn't even notice where they were, so they were taking by surprise when they heard the driver's words.

"Indeed, it seems like we have arrived." Kaori commented as she looked through the windows.

"Let's get out." Ryoko said as she opened the car door.

Shortly after, the girls left the car, and the driver took their bags out of the luggage compartment.

He offered to carry their bags until the dispatch counters, but the girls politely declined his offer and only asked him to put their bags in one of the airport carts.

A few minutes later, the girls were greeted by the air company stewardess. They showed their tickets and passport before they dispatched their heavy luggage.

The Cielo International Airport of Emel was the biggest airport of the Kokoro Islands, which meant that it was the most modern airport in the country.

Consequently, the airport provided a state-of-the-art lounge for its first-class passengers.

After the girls dispatched their bags, they entered the first-class lounge to wait for the time to embark on the plane.

They had just eaten a hearty meal at the hotel, so they were not hungry. Therefore, they walked toward the gate that had their flight number and sat down in one of the comfy seats nearby to wait for the boarding time to start.

"We should warn the guys that we have arrived at the airport." Ryoko commented as they took their seats.

"Yes, let's do it." Kaori as she picked up their phones.

Instead of calling, they sent messages in the group chat that everyone was in. 

@Ryoko: We've arrived, guys!

@Kaori: Yes, we are waiting by the gate for the boarding to start.

...I think you should take a look at

@Aurora: Thank goddess!

@Gwen: You guys took so long to arrive!

@Ayia: Nee-chan, I miss you already!

@Sam: Wait a minute, how do we know that who is talking with us are Ryoko and Kaori?

@Lauren: Now that Sam's talking about it. It's perfectly possible for a kidnapper to take their phones and text a message to us.

@Umaru: OMG! Are we talking with the kidnappers?

@Aurora: Please, Kidnapper-ku, leave my sisters alone!

@June: #RealeaseTheGirls #Kaori #Ryoko #IWillCatchTheKidnapper


The others started claiming that they hunt down the kidnappers and the others started claiming that they would pay the ransom.

Ryoko and Kaori looked at this mess with dumbfounded faces. They didn't know if they should laugh or cry about their exaggerated reactions.

They looked at each other and smiled wryly, but deep down, they felt a warmth cozying their hearts. They could feel everyone's worry about their well-being.

The two girls could only take a picture together and send it to them to placate their crazy messages.

The two girls continued chatting with the others through the group chat until they heard the boarding time had started.

The two of them figured that their seats at first class would be comfier to stay at, so they picked up their handbags and headed to the gate.

The stewardess checked their boarding pass and passport before allowing them to enter the gate, and soon after, they were greeted by the first-class flight attendant as they boarded the plane.

They soon found their seats that were placed together.

"Let's take a picture to send them." Ryoko suggested.

Kaori nodded and the two of them took a picture and sent it in the group chat.

When they did that, the two girls received dozens of messages wishing them a safe flight.

Ryoko and Kaori had smiles on their faces when they saw that.

Although their vacation was short, in the last three days, they experienced so many unbelievable and magical things.

They shared so many wonderful moments with their friends that they would never forget what they lived.

They made memories they knew that would never fade.

A few minutes later, when the aircraft took flight and flew away from the Kokoro Islands, they knew that a part of themselves would always live in these islands where they adventured.

The memories would never fade.


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