I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 478 Helicopter Ride

Thousands of feet above the sea, three sleek black helicopters flew carrying a group of friends toward their next adventure.

Their destination was the tallest peak among the islands of the Kokoro Islands, Mauna Kea Summit.

The plan was to watch the sun setting up there.

Theo and the others split up into three groups and boarded the three helicopters that would take them there.

In the helicopter that Theo was in, he admired the amazing view from outside as they flew.

It was then that he heard Aurora's excited voice, "Let's take a picture, big brother!"

Theo looked at her and smiled, "Of course!"

The siblings started to take a bunch of selfies together as they were super excited to experience their first helicopter ride.

The others also started taking pictures as well, for most of them it was also their first time riding in a helicopter.

It was only after they took a bunch of pictures that they calmed themselves.

"I wonder if these helicopters are capable of taking us that high on the mountain." Sam commented as she observed the enormous mountain in the distance.

"I think normal helicopters are not capable, but this helicopter seems more advanced than the ones I saw before, so I'm not so sure." Sayuri said with a thoughtful expression.

"I hope it is as you say. I'm too tired after so much swimming." Aurora exclaimed tiredly.

"Me too!"

"My legs are killing me."

"I already can see that I'll be able to sleep like a baby tonight."

"What are we going to do in the mountain? I already forgot." 

Theo smiled as he replied, "We're going to watch the sunset and enjoy the banquet that Nanth prepared for us." 

"That sounds awesome." Shoko commented.

"Watching the sunset from such a height must be a magical experience." Sam said with sparkling eyes.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, it must be cold up there and we are not wearing any winter clothes." Sayuri commented suddenly.

It was only then that they realized what Sayuri said was true, it was common sense that with the increase of altitude the more cold it could get.

The girls were already freaking out at the thought of experiencing the cold weather when Theo's calm voice sounded, "You girls don't need to worry. Nanth took care of that for us. Just like when there were coats for us when we left the sea after our dive, there will be coats up there to keep us warm. Plus, it seems they lit up a bonfire to make things even more warm for us."

The girls heaved a sigh of relief when they heard that.

"Thank goddess." Aurora exclaimed with a relieved smile.

"It seems like we don't have to worry about anything." Sam smiled happily.

Just like that, Theo and the girls enjoyed their first helicopter ride while admiring the amazing views of the Kokoro Islands.

Meanwhile, in another helicopter, it wasn't the first time that the Yamada sisters rode in a helicopter. But that was not a surprise as their family was too rich.

But although it wasn't their first time in a helicopter, it was their first time flying above the amazing sights of the Kokoro Islands, so they were still excited about it.I think you should take a look at

Ryoko, Kumiko, and Gwen shared the helicopter with them, and the six girls took a bunch of pictures as they flew thousands of feet above the ground.

It was only after they took a bunch of pictures that they relaxed a little.

"Ryoko, I heard you're leaving tomorrow night?" Kaori asked as she looked curiously at the blue-haired girl.

"Yeah, we're in an important part of the production, so I have to be there to oversee things while Theo is away." Ryoko replied with a smile.

"Production?" Kaori asked curiously.

It was then that Ayia's excited voice replied, "Ka-chan, I forgot to tell you that Theo owns an Animation Studio. He's producing his first anime." 

Ryoko nodded and smiled, "Yeah, and Theo trusted me enough to appoint me as the Head Director of the studio. So, even though Theo said that I could spend this week on vacation. I feel that I need to be there to oversee the production." 

Kaori was taken by surprise by what she heard, she knew that Theo owned a restaurant where her sisters worked at. But she had no idea that he also owned an animation studio.

These two things had no relation to each other whatsoever!

"I admire your work ethic, Ryoko. I'm leaving tomorrow night as well to go back to work." Kaori replied with a smile.

"Really? Then we can go together!" Ryoko said with an excited smile.

She wasn't keen on traveling alone, but with Kaori, she would feel much safer.

"Yeah, we can go together." Kaori replied with a bright smile.

She liked Ryoko's personality, so she indeed felt happy to travel with her new friend.

"But an animation studio? I thought that Theo was only a chef. Isn't that too risky?" Kaori said with a confused face.

Because Ayia and Shizuka didn't feel that was necessary, they hadn't told Kaori about the other areas that Theo involved himself with aside from the restaurant.

"Oh, you don't know." Ryoko said with a look of realization.

The other girls had the same look, which made Kaori even more confused.

But Ryoko did not keep the suspense for long before she continued, "Theo also owns a successful publishing house, his mangas and novels are best-sellers all over the country. That's why he opened the animation studio, he said he wanted to produce his mangas the way he wanted. And with the success of the mangas and novels, it is almost certain that the animes will be successful." 

"Yeah, Theo sends us the new editions of the mangas every month, and I can say for certain that they are awesome!" Ayia exclaimed happily.

"We can barely wait for the next edition." Kumiko commented with a giggle.

Kaori had a bewildered expression on her face as she listened to what the girls said.

From what she heard from her parents and grandpa, she knew that Theo's restaurant served high-quality food as very few restaurants were able to make those three people admire their restaurants. And when Kaori asked what they thought of the food served there, they said it was one of the best experiences in a restaurant of their lives.

With those words, Kaori could infer that Theo's attainment as a cook was extremely high.

But now she was hearing that was also successful in an area completely different from what she imagined.

She couldn't understand what was happening, but she could see that Theo was not as simple as she thought.

'What other secrets did he have?' Kaori thought as her eyes shone mysteriously.


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