I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 475 Turtle Minister?

Somewhere amidst the Eathrun Ocean near the Kokoro Islands, a group of humans could be seen swimming among a group of giant turtles.

These turtles had this name because of their peculiar size, some of them could reach almost 4 meters!

In other words, their size could reach double the size of a human!

They were so big that they were named Giant Turtles.

Theo and the others looked like little fish when they swam alongside them.

But even though they were gigantic, they were extremely docile.

Their strong and impenetrable prevented any predators from attacking them, so they could live without worries. The only worry was for their cubs, as they were fragile. But as soon as they reached adulthood, their strong shells would form and protect them.

The group of turtles that Theo and the others were swimming with was composed of around 30 turtles. The biggest one reached 4 meters, and the smallest one had a 1-meter shell.

Matue had given them turtle food for them to try to communicate with the turtles, he assured them that they could do it without any worries as turtles never attacked humans.

That's why we could see Theo and the others trying to attract the turtles with food. Their slow underwater movement made it difficult, but the turtles also moved slowly. Therefore they could accompany the turtles on their journey.

Theo approached a 3.5-meter turtle and tried to give it food and to his surprise, he saw the turtle turning its enormous head to him. It looked at him for a few seconds before slowly swimming towards him.

Imagine seeing a giant creature double your size swimming toward you, that's what Theo saw as the giant turtle approached him.

Some people would fear it, but Theo did not detect any hostility from the turtle, so he just stayed there and waited for the giant creature.

Soon after, Theo was able to have a closer look at the giant turtle, and while he fed it the food he had with him, he was able to observe how calm the creature was. After confirming that Theo was not a threat, the turtle let him feed it and even pet its enormous head.

Theo was completely fascinated by the creature.

He genuinely felt like he was meeting a creature from a myth.

In his both lifetimes, he never met such a gigantic creature, it was so big that it had almost the size of a normal car!

After Theo gave the creature food, the turtle seemed to take a decision. 

It gently rubbed its enormous head on his hand to signal to him, at first he didn't understand what it wanted, but soon after he understood and his eyes shone when he understood. 

Theo followed the turtle's instructions and swam to the top of the turtle's shell.

The turtle had allowed him to have a ride on its shell!

Theo sat down on the shell's top and held himself in some shell protrusions.

After the turtle saw that he had settled himself, she slowly started to swim again.

Theo felt such a unique feeling as he rode the giant turtle.

He didn't think he would ever take such a magical ride like the one he was having with this giant turtle.

He was feeling like he was riding the turtle minister of the dragon sea palace!

He was riding a mythical creature!

Even though he couldn't laugh out loud under the water, his face still showed the fun he was having.

When the others saw what Theo was doing, they fumed with jealousy once again!

How could Theo make friends with the sea creatures anywhere he went?

First, were the jellyfish, and now the giant turtles?I think you should take a look at

They wanted to ride the turtles as well!

Therefore, they doubled their efforts to befriend the turtles.

It took them a while, but after much difficulty, they all managed to receive the approval of a turtle to ride on their shells.

They also were able to feel the unique feeling that Theo was feeling as they rode the turtles.

If they weren't under the water, their laughter would be loud and filled with happiness.

They were turtle riders!

They had never thought that someday they could call themselves that.

Even though they still tried to take pictures with their phones, they didn't try too hard as now they knew that the instructor with the professional camera could take much better pictures than them.

Just like that, they had the time of their lives as they rode the giant sea creatures.

But everything had its end, and the time for them to leave arrived when they saw the instructors giving the signal to leave.

Everyone was a little bummed that they had to leave their companies behind.

Theo and the others left the top of the turtle shells and patted the turtles' giant heads as they bade farewell to the gentle creatures that gave them the opportunity to experience something incredible.

They would never forget these gentle creatures.

Just like that, the turtles continued on their path while Theo and the others started their difficult ascension to the water's surface.

Because they were following the turtles' path as they moved through the ocean, when they emerged from the water, they were a distance away from the yacht.

But Matue already expected that.

That's why two speedboats were waiting for them when they emerged from the water.

The two speedboats would take them back to the yacht.

After the instructors helped everyone embark on the speedboats, the speedboats sailed speedily toward the yacht that seemed far away.

Aurora was with a blanket covering her figure as she commented, "Wow, I didn't even notice that we moved so far away from the boat."

"Yeah, it must have happened when we were riding the turtles as I don't think I could swim so far with my feet." June giggled.

"Oh my god! Do you guys realize that we rode those giant creatures?" Ayia exclaimed with an excited voice.

"I still feel like it was all a dream." Kaori giggled.

"When I saw Theo riding one of them, I knew I had to ride one of them as well. But I never thought it would be so magical." Sam giggled.

"Where's Theo by the way?" Aurora asked as he looked at the group on their speedboat.

"He must be on the other speedboat." Ayia replied as she turned her head toward the other speedboat sailing alongside them.

Just like that, the two speedboats didn't take long to take them back to the yacht.

Just like expected, when everyone was back together, they couldn't stop discussing excitedly what just happened.

But there was still one last stop on their sea itinerary.

What would they see next?


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